NY State Police in Herkimer

| March 14, 2013


I ripped this photo off from the US Infantry Face Book page. Judging from the patch on one of the officers’ shoulder, this is New York State police on duty in Herkimer, NY in the stand off with Kurt Meyers.

I’m guessing that the one guy with the AR is going to discover that it’s hard to hit anything with his rifle what with the EOTech on backwards. Baldy should get his booger hook off of the bang switch. Only the midget is in real Hollywood uniform with the sunglasses and a wad of dip. Yeah, let’s give them some tanks and drones, too.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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A robot? Why in the blue-eyed world did they bring a robot into it? Was there a string of firecrackers set off some place?

I’d pound that thing into the ground for wasting my tax money if I lived up there. Then I’d blame it on the trash dumpster.

Wow. I keep wondering who is having these anxiety attacks and why they are in law enforcement — oops, I meant why they’re cops.


@51 LostOnThemInterwebs thanks for your response free of links, sarcasm, etc. However, I don’t know why you imply I stated he was an “expert” and that I said he “forgot” to remount his EOTECH. Re-read my post and you will see I never described him in such a way. I also never said anything about “mastery”. I said it was a blunder for him to remove his EOTECh after his last qual. With regards to the EOTECH, yeah he messed up and he won’t make that mistake again I am sure, but despite his mistake he still put the guy down and the people of his community are appreciative. And by the way, the armor came in after EOTECH guy put the bad guy down.

And finally, I never said anything about people not having the right to high capacity mags. My comment was that the NYS mag law does not apply to on duty LEO’s, which was in response to previous posts mistakingly stating the opposite.


@53 Is cool, sorry if I came as an idiot (I apparently tend to do so), honestly no sarcasm on this one, I TOTALLY jumped the gun and the idiot is me. Sorry… I hope he does learn from this, but let’s be honest … they even took a robot there they went honestly a bit … carried off and again I was just hitting the sarcasm probably way over the top.

The pictures show a bit of a different thing, the guy with the armor is right in front of a state trooper just looking, but I’ve made an ass of myself way too much today so I’ll pass and bow out… (God knows I’ve already alienated half of my friends trying to figure out exactly how a high capacity magazine ban will stop a shooting)

Everyone have a great sunday!


Even properly trained young ladies know to keep the booger hook off the bang switch.


Taken from the interview with the young lady in question (Morrigan Sanders) here:http://www.colddeadhands.us/Home/tabid/56/ctl/ArticleView/mid/515/articleId/33228/Interview-with-a-meme-icon–Morrigan-Sanders.aspx

Pete Skeete

Shit on the police beacuse everyone in the military is so squared away….and soldiers never kill the wrong people/miss their target/mess up their equipment. Give me a break. If you all are such hot shot soldiers, why don’t you become a cop?


These are our “militarized” police forces that DHS wants to enourage because “racist” rightwing Constitution-swearing military folk are icky.