Another Humpday feel good story

| March 6, 2013

Michael Oliva walked into a bank in Trimble, MO thinking that his toy gun would score him some big bucks, instead, he was shot in the face by a bank employee who happened to have a concealed carry permit, according to the Washington Times;

Mr. Olivia pointed the “gun” at a bank employee and demanded she empty her teller drawer. Not knowing the gun was fake, she dropped to the floor and began crawling toward another bank employee shouting for help.

The suspect pointed the fake gun toward the employee on the floor when another employee heard the cries. He retrieved his Smith & Wesson .357 revolver and fired two rounds at Mr. Olivia, hitting him once in the jaw.

Oliva fled the scene trailing blood, jumped in his car and tried to flee, but he didn’t get far according to the Kansas City Star;

After police used spike strips to stop the vehicle, a wounded Oliva emerged from the Dodge Stratus. His dispirited words to officers, recorded in the court papers, summed up the afternoon: “You guys going to let me die?”

They shoulda.

Category: Crime, Feel Good Stories

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Darwin was right.


He’s lucky to still have a jaw.


Give it a couple of more days and the employee will be fired for his actions against vagina company policy.


@3 “vagina company policy”?????

Never heard that one before!



Police spike strips fail. However, large shards of jaw bone deflate tires and bring vehicle to hault!

“You guys going to let me die”, asked the suspect?

Police replied, “hell … based on the narley jaw bone wound and high volume of blood loss … it ain’t up to us.”


MCPO: I’m thinking it went more like this . . . .

Perp: “You guys going to let me die?

Cop#1: “Whatcha think, Joe?”
Cop#2: “Lotsa paperwork if he croaks after apprehension, Sam.”
Cop#1: “Yeah. Guess we better call him an ambulance. You call it in, I’ll take care of him.”

Cop#1 (to perp): “Turn around.” (cuffs him) “You have the right to remain silent. Anything . . . “

K.J. Hinton

Cop#1: “Yeah. Guess we better call him an ambulance.”
Cop#2: “OK, he’s an ambulance. Let’s let him bleed out.”


And cue the liberal “guns are evil/perp is the victim since he couldn’t have really hurt anyone” in 3….2….

Hack Stone

All of this could have been avoided if the bank teller had a Pop Tart shaped as a pistol instead of the real thing.

Roger in Republic

Remember the North Hollywood bank shootout about a dozen years back? One of the robbers tripped and shot himself under the chin. The other was shooting an AK at cops from about 20 feet away. A cop laying beside the car he was using for cover shot him in the lower legs with an AR-15. He basically sawed the perp’s legs in two. Once the fight was over the crook was cuffed and left sitting against a car. There were so many citizens and cops wounded that the cops waited to treat the robber until all of his victims had been removed from the scene. He bleed out and was “Dead Right There”. It works for me.

Hack Stone

I remember the Holywood Shootout. Way back in the day, Rolling Stone magazine had a big spread on the two bank robbers. The girlfriend of one of the bank robbers was bitching because they did not render him immediate medical assistance. Too bad, so sad. One of the cable news channels occasionally rebroadcasts a one hour segment on that. Very intense episode.