New Cheerleader vote scrounging

| February 25, 2013

A few weeks ago, we had Laughing Wolf encouraging us to vote for a daughter of an acquaintance as a Colts Cheerleader;

Kaiti C

Twist, one of our regulars here, wrote last night that his niece is also in the running, listed as Rachel F and he asked if we’d push for some votes for her.

Rachael F

Twist says that her brother is an active duty soldier and her cousin is a Marine, so she really supports the troops.

Laughing Wolf and I checked out the voting rules last night and you can vote for both each day – but only once a day for each. So you should go help those ladies out at the link above.

Category: Who knows

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Thank you for posting this Jonn.

2/17 Air Cav

All I can say is that there is no way you two share DNA with these ladies. Done and Done.


Apparently the attractiveness gene skips a generation. 🙂


That’s Rachael F. for those playing at home…


Done and done.


Rachael appreciates all of your help. Just wanted to let you all know that.


[…] grab your…mouse and go look at This Ain’t Hell and then go vote. Seriously, that last link, is bery, bery good, but check the TAH link to see how […]

2/17 Air Cav

Done and done.


[…] forget, check out This Ain’t Hell to see who to vote for and then check out the cheerleaders. I suggest you look very closely at all […]

Rachael F.

Hello everyone! This is Rachael F., from the bottom picture of the two ladies. I just wanted to thank you all so much for voting for me! I appreciate all you do and like my Uncle said, I understand a little more what you are going through since I have so many family members who help to protect our country; My Uncle, who you all know, my cousin who is a marine, and my brother who is a Green Beret. I just want you all to know I would represent the Colts Cheerleading Squad very well. I danced for 8 years, did gymnastics, and am currently a Purdue Cheerleader, but am resigning so I can pursue my love for dance and try out for the Colts Cheerleading Squad. I also have been continuing to make the Dean’s List here at Purdue. My Uncle has already talked to me about if I do make the squad, helping out with “Wish for Heroes”. I would love to be a part of this team and help support this charity! Once again, thank you so much for all you do and I hope that one day I am able to give back from all you have done for me, and help with this amazing charity!

-Rachael F.


The auditions are today, live streaming video at 10:30 (Indy time). The votes were reset and OUR two competitors are just a few votes out of the top 10.


There are new pictures posted of the audition. My niece is in the 7th row and is number 36. Please go and keep voting. My sister texted (is that even a word) this morning and I think she is chewing her fingernails off.

2/17 Air Cav

If these two aren’t in the top 10, launch an investigation. You’ll probably find that ACORN is behind a fix. Twist: I pity the poor SOB who doesn’t have her home by 11. Sounds like he’ll have a representative from every branch of service after him.


@13, my brother-in-law would beat us all to the punch