McCain to Suspend Campaigning, Urges Obama to Join Him

| September 24, 2008

Well, I’ll give McCain credit, this took some serious eggs!

Ace has more details and updates.

He wants the debate on Friday delayed.

McCain says will suspend campaign to return to Washingon Thursday to help with bailout negotiations, asks that Friday debate with Obama be postponed so bailout negotiations can continue 2:51pm EDT
Thanks to DrewM and a host of morons.

Coming in through the comments: Obama is claiming it was his idea to suspend campaigning, but also that he’s not suspending campaigning.

I guess he was for the idea before he was against it.

Obama’s camp just announced that they want to do the debate.

This will consume the news cycle for a few days as both sides posture back and forth.

As for me, I could make an argument either way. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I really feel bad for Clay Aiken; you know his big announcement will be buried by this.

Category: Politics

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IMHO it would be instructive to see the debate occur but they should put foreign policy on the shelf and debate the economic situation.

Right now BOTH of them (but especially O’Bambi) are loaded to the ears with coaching and spin about foreign policy but throwing in the economy on short notice would give us a REAL chance to see them under pressure and speaking from what they know going in, not parroting their advisors.

I still expect O’Bambi to self destruct without a teleprompter.


COB6 Wrote: This might be the McCain rope-a-dope idea.


Hadn’t occuered to me COB. Like he may have sucked them into the “I don’t e-mail” and their responses. I LIKE IT !!!!


Shep Smith just suggested it to some professor from Northeastern Univ in Boston Name of Schroeder.


The kos kiddies are try to spin it that it was Barack’s idea, yeah, like he’s ever had an original thought he didn’t get from a teleprompter.

Clay Aiken is gay? SHUT.UP.


It would be good to see the debate be about economics. Not sure what good would come out of it, other than aren’t we all just itching to see them debate? Just to see the interaction?

And I would like to hear some intelligent remarks — from both sides, truly.

(And why, oh, why do we need Clay Aiken to make an “announcement” that he’s gay?)


So who is Clay Aiken? I do lead a sheltered life.

Otherwise I’m tickled that McCain got out in front of this. Sadly he may not take advantage and vote FOR the bailout. If not this could be his cause celebre.

Palin and reform… what a hammer he could swing!

509th Bob

Perhaps this post belongs in the Biden-Loves-Litigious-Lawyers-Who’ve-Ruined-America post, but, what the hell?

The businesses, and Government Sponsored Entities (like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae) that have driven us to the absolute brink of economic disaster, need to be absolutely held to derivative shareholder lawsuits. The corrupt leaders of these institutions have violated just about every precept of their supposedly “fiduciary” duties to their shareholders by paying enormous amounts of money to politicians. Their “bonuses” and exorbitant salaries are, or should be, violations of their legally-binding duty to steer their businesses (and GSEs) toward financially healthful practices. By violating their fiduciary responsibilities, their bank accounts, private holdings, salaries, and any derivative investments acquired by the proceeds of their illegally-acquired assets (a.k.a., money laundering) should be subject to seizure by either their shareholders, or the U.S. Government.

If the American Tax-Payers have to bail these institutions out, the people in charge of these institutions MUST be held accountable.