Farewell, Guardian – We Hardley Knew Ye
Well, it appears the Navy has decided what it will do with the USS Guardian. The plan is for the ship to be cut into sections and lifted off the Tubbataha Reef in pieces.
After almost two weeks grounded, the ship is now so badly damaged that it apparently cannot be towed off the reef. Plus, sectioning the ship and removing each segment individually will cause less environmental damage to the protected reef areas.
Given the fact that the USS Guardian has a wood and fiberglass hull, I’d guess this is likely the end for her.
If this proves accurate, I really would not want to be part of the leadership of that ship’s crew, or to have been on watch at the time of this incident. Even though the charts in use were wrong, the Navy still takes great umbrage when someone causes the unnecessary loss of a ship.
Just ask the ex-commander of the USS San Francisco how that goes. The USS San Francisco, an attack sub, struck an uncharted undersea mountain several years ago; that sub wasn’t a permanent loss, either. But the CO’s career was – along with the careers of six other members of the crew.
Thanks to Mustang for the link.
Category: Politics
The San Fran wasn’t a permanent loss, but it was REAL damned close. Running into shit at a flank bell is never a good thing.
There’s a very good reason SF now has the nickname, “Frankenboat”.
Also, please remember that MM2(SS) Ashley was killed in the collision. It was a very bad day all around.
When we ran aground on JEFFERSON CITY in 1994, if our track had been about 400 yards to the north, we would have been in the same situation as SAN FRANCISCO.
Operating ships/submarines/aircraft at sea has always been and will always be dangerous. It requires the utmost vigilance and the highest quality personnel. Even then, bad things happen.
Agreed, bullnav. Thankfully we didn’t lose anyone in this incident.
NHSparky: yep. Given what was done to put her back in service, I kinda wonder if she’s ever called the “Sanfralulu” or the “Honafrisco”. (smile)
The San Francisco incident brought back memories from my time on the Tautog(SSN639). Chills. Read Blind Man’s Bluff.
Old news, but very solid article from cbsnews in 2009 about USS San Francisco accident.
Who’s To Blame For Sub Accident?
I wonder how much the total cost of lost ship and salage is going to cost us and where is the Navy getting the money, Tricare again???? Joe