More of the Same – Some Guns Are Just Evil

| January 15, 2013

I’m jaded and frustrated about this whole gun thing. Folks use words that mean different things as if they are the same. Nobody seems interested in the basic debate premise, that would be an agreed upon definition of the starting point.

That said:  OWB sent this along from here in WV:

Saddens me…

Bumped from the comments – Exemplifies well the nearly bizarre nature of the process too much to miss.

Too many gun posts today, so I’ll just piggyback here. California’s Rep. Mike Thompson calls the “high capacity magazines” “assault magazines“. I guess the term worked so well to demonize the rifles, he wants to try it on magazines now. More emotion-inspiring bullshit.

Also bumped from the comments… a glimpse of reason:

I am trying to create a letter to send to my state and federal representatives. Here is a first draft, any comments?

Please oppose any legislation or regulations to confiscate firearms, ban firearms, register firearms, or anything that further complicates the existing regulatory environment with respect to firearms.

I am an Army veteran (1970 to 1976) who stood up for you, carried a weapon, and took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. No legitimate government would deprive me of the ability to defend myself, my family, and my country. Confiscation and bans tie my hands and reduce my ability; registration identifies law-abiding people for future confiscation and identifies weapons owners for criminal activity. These are not theoretical or rhetorical concerns, in my lifetime large modern countries have disarmed their populations. Millions died including nearly half a million from the US.

I will watch what you say and how you vote and act. If you betray my trust then you do not represent me, my family, or my country. We still have the ballot and I will donate $1,000 where I think that it will do the most good. Remember 1994.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Jonn Lilyea

Too many gun posts today, so I’ll just piggyback here. California’s Rep. Mike Thompson calls the “high capacity magazines” “assault magazines“. I guess the term worked so well to demonize the rifles, he wants to try it on magazines now. More emotion-inspiring bullshit.

2/17 Air Cav

Charleston isn’t really part of West Virginia, anyway. It’s very different from most of the rest of the Mountain State and, like most capital cities, it’s a bastion of liberalism. I lasted 4 mins listening to that mar-roon of a host.


@2 You should watch the whole thing. The host gets utterly beat down at the end.


Food for thought: I’ve looked all over the internets and found a various number of answers for “Average Police Response Time”. But, what I found was that most answers were 9 minutes. That is 9 minutes before the police respond. Some places said 25 minutes and the best agencies were 4 minutes, average. But, the average crime (burglary, rape, robbery, murder) took place in 90 seconds.


Under the new NY law, a 10 round magazine is legal, as long as it is loaded with no more than 7 rounds. If you load 8 rounds, then it is now considered to be a high capacity magazine and, therefore, illegal. I shit you not.


@ Zero. I know 🙁

I was a deputy for several years and sometimes was the only guy working in the county. 45 minutes running code. Home you are armed, because…I’m going to be a while.

Common Sense

That kind of self-defense is really beside the point. The only purpose for the 2nd Amendment is to protect the people from the GOVERNMENT. Protecting yourself from criminals, hunting, and target shooting are just side benefits.

Sadly, my beloved Colorado is now a blue state and is pondering additional gun laws itself. With Dems running the state, I have no doubt they will pass. Fortunately, Wyoming is only a couple of hours away, and no state income tax either.


@8, That is why I changed my residency to Alaska and plan on retiring there, besides the fact that I married an Alaskan. Try getting more gun laws passed there. I sometimes think that we are competing with Texas to be the redest State in the Union.


Isn’t there an image somewhere of an assault duck? I keep thinking of the Guard Duck in “Pearls Before Swine”. They now have a T-shirt:

You will all appreciate the particular weapon Guard Duck is handling.


The guest totally owned the host with the entire projection argument at the end. He owned him on that, exposing the irrational fear of the left and anti gun crowd.


I am trying to create a letter to send to my state and federal representatives. Here is a first draft, any comments?

Please oppose any legislation or regulations to confiscate firearms, ban firearms, register firearms, or anything that further complicates the existing regulatory environment with respect to firearms.

I am an Army veteran (1970 to 1976) who stood up for you, carried a weapon, and took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. No legitimate government would deprive me of the ability to defend myself, my family, and my country. Confiscation and bans tie my hands and reduce my ability; registration identifies law-abiding people for future confiscation and identifies weapons owners for criminal activity. These are not theoretical or rhetorical concerns, in my lifetime large modern countries have disarmed their populations. Millions died including nearly half a million from the US.

I will watch what you say and how you vote and act. If you betray my trust then you do not represent me, my family, or my country. We still have the ballot and I will donate $1,000 where I think that it will do the most good. Remember 1994.


Assault magazines. In the name makes no sense department, when the US sold M728 CEVs to Israel they were reported as bulldozers.


I sent a pic of a lovely little StG-44 clone to several liberal acquaintances, who all castigated me for sending them scary/inappropriate/evil gun pictures (jeez, are we also going to stop showing icebergs because the Titanic sank?) – the fun was in letting know the rifle in question is a .22 replica…..


Does assault weapons ban include the tank over at the VFW post?

And then there’s that guy who runs a military weapons museum out on the highway. I think he’s got one of those round-nose Sikorskies out there, along with a nice collection of tanks and carriage guns of various sorts that your kids can climb on.

I think an assault magazine would actually be something like “Soldier of Fortune”.

Just Plain Jason

I couldn’t watch the video, because I just can’t do it anymore. It is just so freaking stupid beyond belief at this point. I have a headache if I hear about another thing being labeled as an assault whatever… Remember the good ol days when everything was an AK-47 or a Glock? I was happy with reporters looking stupid that way. Now we have “RPGs” “Bushmasters” “Assault Magazines”… You know what I am about to break Kayfabe and post a pic of me with my “Hello Kitty Assault Toaster” just to make a point. I am tired of people telling us what “we have to do” to save ourselves from ourselves.

Jonn Lilyea

There are 13,500 search results for “assault magazines”, apparently more people have been using the term than I realized.

Winter Soldier

I had whiskey leaving my nose when at the interviewers response when the interviewee offered to set him 9mm on the table. “OMG! You have a gun!”

He will probably file for PTSD through the tv station.


So apparently this “Assault Slingshot” would be illegal in NYS… 8-rounds.


One of the saddest things about this particular video is that the host of the show is supposedly a conservative! (I have been assured of that by more than a couple real conservatives in WV.)

One take-away from this is that the left has once again successfully defined the limits of the discussion. It can only do that with the consent of the right. I would like to know why that is and can only think of a very few possibilities, none of them OK. (No, I do not think that the media is more than partially responsible – as this clown, a conservative media owner himself demonstrates. He blithely accepts the left’s definitions. Why?)

Just so everyone understands and does not miss what I said here – the interviewer is a conservative and the owner of the station on which this show aired. This fight might be a lot easier if those on the right showed just a little bit of understanding of the issue. Or maybe it’s just me.


@ #13 and anyone else who might be interested: Ruger has a letter on line which sounds pretty good or would be easy to modify.

Quote: Dear (Recipient),

I am a law-abiding citizen and responsible gun owner.

I am saddened by the tragic events in Newtown, Connecticut, but I believe that efforts to impose new restrictions on me and other lawful and responsible owners like me are misguided. Did you know that violent crime with firearms has declined since the Federal “assault weapons ban” expired in 2004?

Your focus should be on strengthening mental health care and improving the quality of data supporting NICs checks (National Instant Criminal Background Check System). Do NOT pass more gun laws; instead, work to enforce the more than 20,000 gun laws already on the books.

I am your constituent and I vote. Please represent me.

(Your Contact Information) /Quote

You can also send that same letter, if you prefer, via their website here:


This clown visibly pissed on himself upon finding out that his guest was armed at that very moment. That was awesome.

2/17 Air Cav

@3. Okay, I watched the rest and what a scream it was. Host Bray Cary was (how can I put this delicately?) dismembered. When he took his socks off that night, I just know his nuts fell out and rolled under his bed. Poor guy thought he could repeat the lefty drivel and get away with it. SMACK!

2/17 Air Cav

OWB. He is a conservative? He’s living and working in West Virginia? Something is amiss. He never announced that he was going to play the devil’s advocate and assume a postion on the issue not held by him. I don’t get it. He was talking about grenade launchers. Maybe he never, ever gets out of Charleston.


@20 – I want one!!!!! I do! I do! I do! So what I see happening is this: Post-ban kids grow up to hate and fear guns and people who use them. Then some whack jobs decide to engage in a surprise attack of some kind on the good ol’ USA. So then the call goes out to recruit, recruit, recruit, but the potential recruits don’t want to handle guns. They’d rather have someone else do it for them. Since no one will volunteer, the draft is reinstated and people who are drafted claim abstinence on the basis of C.O. and/or run away to Canadia. The Canadians in Canadia don’t want them and send them back home, but the runaways pile up at the US-Canadia border and refuse to toe the line. Meantime, the descendants of those who objected to being forced to give up their weapons refuse to fight, too, and tell the congress critters to “do it yourselves”. Congress critters don’t know how to fight and offer lots of money to the Refusiers. The money is refused by the Refusiers. They want gold instead. Subsequently, the Refusiers decide to keep the gold, secede, and form their own nation that congress critters are not allowed to enter. NYC goes down without a fight and becomes an amusement park. The South rises again, big time. DC gets busy and builds a wall around itself. Texas declares itself its own country and annexes New Mexico and Arizona. Callifornication has a massive quake and parts peel off into the Pacific, but the Pacific throws the parts back. DC runs out of food and offers cash to the Midwestern Kingdom, but no one wants cash because it’s only good for starting fires. The Northeast Kingdom also refuses cash. These two Kingdoms are very self-sufficient. No one, in fact, wants DC’s cash, so Ft. Knox is emptied, the Potomac basin floods in a very, very bad hurricane and excess runoff from the Blue Ridge, and the DCanites drown in self-pity and excessive rain because they forgot to put an exit in the DC wall… Read more »


AC: That’s what I am told. I am VERY sceptical, based only on this video. If it is true that this clown is a conservative, it is no wonder we have lost so many liberties in the past 50 years, with every indication that it is fixin’ to get much worse.

A bit of additional questioning from me to friends who know the man – he is one of two major media moguls in WV, both of whom are supposed to be conservative. If this is conservative, I don’t quite know what to call myself.

Oh, wait. I’m still OWB, and a patriot. (We don’t need no stinkin’ labels.)


I sent that link to Jonn yesterday as well. It was quite impressive how that host took a major beatdown.


The interviewer reminds me of a word I recently learned – Backpfeifengesicht (German): A face badly in need of a fist!

Just Plain Jason

This is hilarious…I am sorry I deprived myself earlier.


“Did we have some attacks by grenade launchers?”

Not in my neighborhood. Not in my state.

Sorry, I cannot stop laughing at the interviewer.


That station owners face sure did drop after hearing his guest was armed with a 9mm pistol, LMAO! I bet the man would have had a real cow had it been me he was interviewing and found out I carry a .45ACP, huh? This one is priceless, thanks OWB! Going to share it in a few places as well…


I watched this video in full, a couple of times. Initially, I wanted to pull my hair out, but then it seemed to me it seemed a bit scripted…rehearsed almost. It just seems like the host relented too easily and was a little too civil, and gun grabbers don’t relent so easily and aren’t as civil (at least not the ones around here). In any case, the guest made some good arguements.

I could be wrong, as I have been before.


We share police departments in our borough with adjacent, rural townships here in Pennsylvania. Response times are usually decent within the borough, but it gets worse in the townships because of the distance, and windy, twisty roads. And of course, on a busy night, that means these things get worse.

Now violent crime isn’t really a problem out here, usually, Amish Mafia notwithstanding, but what we do have are usually extremely volatile domestics, and they many times involve a firearm being brandished. And contrary to what the people advocating control would say, the arms are usually legally owned and the police usually get it all simmered down without shots fired.

There is so much we can do in our communities without having to resort to purposeless gun control legislation. Our Veterans Court in conjunction with the Probation Office is trying to start a “Line on the Left” program to at least address some of our veteran-involved incidents so we can get “mentors” out to them first. I wonder if we couldn’t do the same for non-prior service.

For all the socialist leanings and community organizing background, you get the sense that folks are only socialist in the sense of commitment from the government down, not laterally to neighbors. You wonder, how many of these problems could be staved off ahead of time just by shoring up communal commitments to being decent, watchful neighbors?

While Cuomo and his sad Republican tag-alongs are wrenching their shoulders out of socket patting themselves on the back for parsing terms for an assault weapon definition, whatever our feeling for guns, they’ve basically just wasted the time and tax money and the people of New York will be none the safer for it. There’s not one thing that will stop gun crime from Buffalo to Rochester short of increasing funding for narcotics and gang enforcement for their state and local PDs, and calling on citizens to better police themselves.

You guys are awesome. I love this site. It gets the juices flowing.


@26, You need to send that plot to S.M. Stirling. You would make bank from the royalties from the book.


Aww, thanks, Twist, but it’s one I wrote up a couple of days ago while watching the disgruntled nubbinses on the left shivering in fear over what a mean, mean, mean cruel world we live in. I’m working on my own books right now — Babes & Bullets is well…underway (I gotta use Navy stuff on this), but this storyline is in the works, too, as are 35 others. I simply do not have enough to do around here.

Joe Williams

Ex, I am disappointed in you. That you want the tank and the auto slingshot. I thought you would go for the tank and the auto crossbow( I keed) Joe


Joe, Ex-PH2: a repeating crossbow allegedly did exist in antiquity.


@38 – Hondo, Joe W. – the Chinese also invented a large multi-shot crossbow called a war wagon. It took several people to load it, several more to cock the bowstring – which was probably rope or leather – and several more to move the thing around.

But I’m impressed with the ingenuity shown by the guy in the video with the home-built multirock auto-fire slingshot. I see a future in slingshots. Tanks are good, too.