Danny Crane pleads guilty

| November 21, 2012

We first met Danny Crane in July when he was on the run. He had pretended to to be the Marine who stood guard at the door of Cody Green who was dying of cancer. Then he was arrested for bilking the Veterans’ Affairs in August.

Today comes the news from Tammy that he pleaded guilty in court and admitted to his stolen valor;

Danny Crane bragged that he was the “most decorated veteran in Florida.”


The 32-year-old Riverview man pleaded guilty to federal charges of theft of government money and making a false statement, which carry up to 10 years and five years in prison, respectively.

Not only did Crane bilk the VA of more than $7,000 in medical treatment, he persuaded the organization Vacations for Veterans to give him a free trip to Hawaii.

Crane told the organization he had stage-four prostate cancer and had nine to 12 months to live. Again, not true.


“There are a whole lot of veterans in this county and this American Legion here that are happy to see that happen,” said Roger Dunn, past commander of American Legion Post 148 in Riverview, where Crane tried to ingratiate himself three years ago.

“We feel justice is being served,” said Dunn, a Vietnam-era veteran who called Crane’s actions “offensive to veterans that have been injured in combat.”

So he can sit his lyin’ ass in jail and think about the veterans who he has ripped off – money that will never be returned.

AverageNCO who also sends the link, asks why the DVA didn’t catch him while he was applying for benefits he didn’t earn instead of waiting for us regular GIs to bust him. It’s beginning to look like the DVA is only interested in giving benefits to people who didn’t earn them instead of the rest of us.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Green Thumb

Maybe he hang out with BH Austin.

CI Roller Dude

We can hope that he get’s turned into a bitch in prison…..


Love it when a plan comes together.

Green Thumb

They can be cellmates and swap their stolen valor exploits as they are passed around the block…

Hopefully, “Ranger” Burrell will be in the next cell to give them pointers.

Two MOH and one DSC winners/recipients in the same block.

Can you imagine the awesomenesss!


“So he can sit his lyin’ ass in jail and think about the veterans who he has ripped off – money that will never be returned.”

He can, but I suspect he’ll spend his time decrying his innocence, and it wasn’t his fault, and who did he hurt anyway, and…ad nausea.


Over the last few days we’ve dealt with some real losers: The two FAT/Fake Marines, two phony SEALS that have been exposed on the evening news, and of course our friend Lindsey who simply has a sense of humor we can’t appreciate. They are all pathetic in their own ways……..but this guy is his own level of scum. This guy took his charade to an entirely different level. Defrauding the DVA, the Distinguished Flying Cross Society, and the poor folks who paid for this waste of DNA to take a Hawaiian vacation. This was not his first offense; he is a habitual fraud. So what if he pled guilty, he needs the book thrown at him.

Yat Yas 1833

I hope this puke gets all 15 years! He’s definitely earned them. Trying to make that poor little boy’s story about him. Ripping off organizations that are trying to help real vets. Ripping off the VA. YEP, he’s earned them.


Ya know, a carton of cigarettes a month to the right person in prison could make his life a living hell, or someone’s bitch. Just sayin’.


From what I could find out, there was a doctor at the local VA that “verified” Cranes injuries to be “war related” that was after Crane used his juiced up DD 214 as the proof of his service, unfortunately, the goofs who worked in the S-1 offices back when we were all in, the ones who lost leave forms, awards, NCOERs, are the one’s who get out of the army and go to work for the VA. My big wrap-up of this whole Crane affair is to get the name of the VA doctor who certified him to start with…


just received this from the jail housing Crane, if anyone know exactly how many years he got, I’d love to know: The inmate for whom you registered, DANNY CRANE with offender number 1513957, has been transferred from the PINELLAS COUNTY JAIL to another facility as of 12/1/2012.