Happy Birthday, Dog-faced Soldiers

| November 21, 2012

The 3rd Infantry Division was born 95 years ago today at Camp Greene, NC, eight months later it earned it’s nickname “The Rock of the Marne” when they faced the Kaiser’s troops who were pursuing retreating French troops at the Marne River and held the line, saving Paris so Parisians can continue to be snotty prigs.

I spent six years in the Marne Division with the 2/15th Infantry on Wildflecken and the 1/7th Infantry (Cottonbalers) in Aschaffenburg, so Rocky has a special place in my heart.

And I still remember the words to the Division song “Dog Faced Soldier” and I probably sound like this singing it;

Unfortunately, the 3rd ID thinks less of me than I think of them. Folks in the 3rd ID tell me that their internet networks block TAH as “political extremists”. That makes me angry.

Category: Historical

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Sgt K

MARNE= My Ass Reaming Never Ends! 11 Charlie in HHC 1-69 Armor ’90-’91 Kitzburg. “Speed and Power”


I have fond memories of Kelly Hill as a member of 1-30 Infantry “Battle Boars”. Proud to wear the broken tv on my right shoulder.


Here’s the song in MP3:


Today’s lyrics can be found here:


The lyrics have changed a bit over time. The World War II version ended a bit differently:

“I’m Just A Dog Face Soldier
With A Rifle On My Shoulder
And I Eat a Kraut
For Breakfast E’V’RY Day

So Feed Me Ammunition
Keep Me In Third Division
Your Dog Face Soldier’s A-Okay!”

Obviously they were changed after Germany became an ally. (smile)

Parachute Cutie

You’re extreme alright. But certainly not in their context. For shame on them

Parachute Cutie

Oh, and ?Happy Birthday? you Dog Faced Soldiers!!!


[…] Happy Birthday 3rd I.D. Happy 95th, Dog Faced Soldiers […]

Adirondack Patriot

God Bless the 3rd ID. Its achievements in World War II were just as impressive, especially that little Murphy kid from Texas.

In fact, the Coast Guard had the pleasure of working with the 3rd ID in North Africa in fighting both the French and Germans.



HooYah Army and the 3rd ID. But, you boys can’t sing for sh*t!

Now the Navy … they can sing!

OK … you guys finish the rest!


@8, Thats because the Navy is more feminine, and we all know that women can be some good singers. 🙂


Yes, we are — we are very good singers.

Big Happy Birtday to barking mad dogfaces!


LOL! Is that the best you can do?


Can the guys in the Navy sing? Of course. Some people in a village somewhere wrote a song about that . . . . (smile)


Pithy … Hondo …


Happy Birthday! (And trust me on this – you do NOT want me to sing it.)


Folks in the 3rd ID tell me that their internet networks block TAH as “political extremists”. That makes me angry.

And when I get angry, Mister Bigglesworth gets upset, and when Mister Bigglesworth gets upset, PEOPLE DIE!!!!

Seriously, Hassan is allowed to serve after sending a shitload of e-mails to AlQ folks, but TAH is political extremism. You can’t make this shit up.


Rock of the Marne!

I was stationed down the street from 3ID at 67th Evac (in Wuerzburg) for a couple of years.


Although I’m not in 3ID, I get to hear that damned song every morning at 0630! 🙂


And don’t be mad at 3ID, 82D was blocking you too.


703RD MB, Kitzingen, On the hill. 81-83.


OK, Master Chef, I’ll see if I can get something from the Sea Chanters.

Adirondack Patriot

Okay. I’m feeling uncomfortable now.

Yat Yas 1833

Congrats 3ID on your 95th birthday!


Happy birthday, dog faces! Yo, 3rd ID Command! Loosen up your overly starched collars, tell Janet Incompeteno to go suck canal water. In short, grow a pair….


When did the 3rd ID’s birthday become a Navy celebration? Just saying….


Wurzburg, Aschaffenburg and Scweinfurt. Happy Birthday Dog Face soldiers.


@18 PFM:

You’re saying the 82nd is blocking TAH!!????


You folks have a Marne-ificent Thanksgiving!


Streetsweeper, now be fair.

I did post a link to a bunch of solders doing their version of the 3ID song.

I only posted the link to the Sea Chanters for MCPO NYC’s perusal.


Funny…I check your site almost every day from my office computer!