Marine stands guard for “honorary Marine”

| May 3, 2012

From RBB and our buddy Weasel Zippers, the story of 12-year-old Cody Green who won his third bout with cancer, but was losing to an infection brought on by the chemotherapy and the Marines who adopted him for awhile;

Cody had leukemia since he was 22 months old, but beat the disease three times. Although he was cancer-free, the chemotherapy lowered his immune system and Saturday afternoon, he died from a fungus that attacked his brain. Members of the Marines decided to step in and do something.

“They decided Cody, with the strength and honor and courage he showed through the whole thing, he should be a Marine,” said Cody’s father David Snowberger.

Cody was given Marine navigator wings and was made an honorary member of the United States Marine Corps. For one Marine, that wasn’t enough, so he did even more.

“The night before Cody passed, he stood guard at Cody’s door at the hospital all night long for eight hours straight,” said Snowberger.

Boy made honorary Marine before death:

Category: Marine Corps

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2-17 AirCav

@49. I can’t speak for the Marines but I will say this: There isn’t a soldier or Marine who would trade places with their Mom. The reason? Your job is more difficult than anyone’s.


[…] in July when he was on the run. He had pretended to to be the Marine who stood guard at the door of Cody Green who was dying of cancer. Then he was arrested for bilking the Veterans’ Affairs in […]


From an old US Army Sgt (Vietnam) to the new generation of warriors – Duty, Honor, Country and Pride, along with compassion and love, were all well served by the Marines. Semper Fi!

Bonnie Weiss

This Marine is the epitome of a ‘real man’. May God bless this Marine, all of his military brothers and sisters and especially Marine Cody Green. RIP little one.

Green Thumb


Well said.


[…] story of the Marine who stood guard outside the hospital room of the dying young cancer patient, Cody Green.  Of course, he inserted himself into the story, though he pretends to be a […]