Facebook censors Special Operations Speaks

| October 31, 2012

Sunday, we posted a video from Special Operations Speaks which criticized the Obama Administration for abandoning four Americans in the Benghazi consulate when they called for some support during the siege that cost them their lives. SOS also put the video on their Facebook page. It seems that the folks at Facebook didn’t like the video for some reason and removed it. When SOS put the video back, Facebook suspended their account for a day with some nebulous excuse about their terms of service.

From SOS’ press release on the subject;

“It looks like Obama’s liberal followers in Facebook HQ are terrified of how damaging the Benghazi scandal is for the President. We understand that Facebook can run their site however they’d like, but when they’re trying to quietly squelch opposition to what is a clear leadership failure that resulted in the tragic deaths of some of our nation’s heroes, they deserve the to be called out on it,” said Larry Bailey, CAPT (SEAL), USN (Ret).

“We are paying advertisers on Facebook. It is outrageous that Mark Zuckerburg, founder of Facebook, who worked to elect Obama in 2008, would sell out patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice – all to serve the political ambitions of the man who let them die.”

I’m still waiting for Facebook to justify this, of course, they don’t have to because it’s their business. But they cuddle with Chinese dictators and squelch free speech here in the States. That doesn’t sound like a good business plan to me.

Category: Liberals suck

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There shall be no criticism of the Messiah Maobama at Fascist Book – ever. The hoodie wearing dork Mark Zuckerberg is a cretin, he is a uber libertard who is squelching freedom of expression, snooping/collecting data on FB users, and making billions of bucks from benefits of western capitalism…how ironic.

Mark might want to pay attention to the day to day management and overall business model of his company…Fascist Book stock is now at less than 50% of it’s IPO – another Yahoo! type implosion in the making…

2-17 Air Cav

One of the first actions taken by Barack’s Benghazi BullShit Brigade was to approach FB and ask that the trailer to the unseen video be pulled. It was reported that the BBBB was just wondering whether the trailer’s posting violated any FB terms oif use. Now this. Wonderful.


When Suckerberg announced his IPO, I was more than a bit suspicious. Facebook gets serious revenues from commercial advertising by large corporations. Why would a company that has a good revenue stream need to start a public share offering? The IPO was overrated by several brokersage firms, including JPMorgan and Golden Slacks, at 99 times its PE. The downside of making a stock offer to the public is that you, Suckerburg, have to answer to investors. It may have made him an instant billionaire, but that doesn’t last long, and now people who bought FB are complaining.

Is FB caving to pressure from the administration? Of course it is.

It’s also easy enough to start a competitor, isn’t it?


If you click on the link and scroll down, someone posted that George Soros bought 33% of FB. Not quite. Soros bought 341,000 shares of FB in August for $10.1 million. Soros is a Bo supporter. Need I say more?

To get to the root of the matter, you have to dig deep. — OOMOS


I got fed up with facebook when they where allowing people to post graphic images of dead Soldiers even though it violated their terms of service.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Social media, the instant telegraphing of our most inane thoughts
(Bobby wants a half-cap, half-black mocha latte, Hey Bobby no one gives a sh1t)
to the world never to be edited or reviewed, unless the owners of the site don’t like you or your politics…rich douche bags are still douche bags, they just have more expensive way of expressing themselves.

Zuckerburg is a little narcissistic turd who made a fortune with other people’s ideas and money and then f$cked those people….that’s all you need to know about him. No need to help his business model out. Post on you tube, post on a myriad of other sites…


It took John Crudele of the NY Post over two months of writing about a Pedophile page on FB, and telling readers and calling Major Co’s. that advertise on FB to finally address it. They tagged it with a distasteful humor banner.

Make Mine Moxie

I’ll add this to my reasons for never getting a Facebook account.


Moxie if you had one though, you would be reading some hilarious post from dependants during a storm.


@9 Agreed. Same with me.


The are also pulling the Seals meme…the one about calling Obama. I read this morning they are shutting down a cartoon image of Bin Laden with AL-CIA-DA on his chest.

This doesn’t surprise me considering Google also has shares in FB and Google has outright stated they are cooperating with the government in shutting down sites they don’t like.


@12 Good reasong to stick with Bing.


@13, I don’t trust any of them anymore. I’m finding it difficult to get away from Google because they have their mitts in a lot of things. If you don’t like what they are doing on FB, I’d stay away from any Android powered cell phone as Google is overtaking that as well. Many of their apps have the ability to monitor who you’re calling and what you’re viewing on the internet, even if that’s not the basis of the app. They say it’s for smart-advertising but considering Google’s recent history, I think it’s safe to say, that’s not the only reason.


Thanks for the input gi_jane. I didn’t know about the Google/Facebook connection. I’ve already got a case of the hips at Android for the “Presidential level” MANDATORY alerts that have me turning Droid off during heavy rain here in Vegas – for Flash Floods.

Been using Facebook to keep track of family in various parts of the world, but I’m right on the verge of pulling the plug. This just might be the last straw. Like blanka, I shared, if it gets pulled, I’m out.


They need to put the video on YouTube and then link it to FB…problem solved right?


I do not have a Droid. I do not have a smart phone. I do not have a smart car. I will not buy any machine that talketh to me, because I will smite said machine, smite it hard, with a rubber mallet.

My phone, in fact, can only be used for making phone calls. Isn’t that what they’re for?

Make Mine Moxie

@Whitey, I’m just not convinced at this point that the benefits of FB outweigh the annoyances. I have considered making a profile under a fake name for the pure purpose of trolling, but it never seemed worth the amount of my time it would consume.


@15, I noticed in the last few weeks that Android has been very heavy in promoting Obama in the ads they flash on some of my apps. Now I shut off my wi-fi connection and put it into airplane mode to get the crap off my screen.

@16, YouTube is owned by Google. They are also good at censoring people there too.


The ads pay the bills for those app sites. I see stuff all the time on my monitor. If it has a soundtrack I put the audio on mute and do something else until the ad is done. The local TV stations do their own ads all the time. It’s annoying. I also get Bulls’ ads when I watch the news. I can at least turn the sound off and ignore them. And my mailbox in front of my house is awash in political junk mail, which is all going through the shredder. That’s all you have to do.


@20, preachin’ to the choir, sweetie. However, we went off the grid last year when it came to tv so I don’t have to put up with that at all, period. As for the internet? Firefox is wonderful when it comes to ad blocking. 😉



FB admitted that they “made a mistake”. Yeah Im not buying it was a mistake either but seeing as I have had my account banned for a few days over images (political images and things I found funny) Im fairly certain the problem wasnt with the image its self but with the folks who reported the image.

ex af

I think the choir here sucks. But never did like rap…


ex af: so, I take it you’re in favor of communications providers and/or the media blocking opinions with which they might disagree?


I love stuff like this.

“There’s no question about the inconvenience: SOS is a group that’s trying to influence political behavior through open communication, something that Facebook is in business to defend and promote, not to crush. That it did so with just more than a week left before the election poses more of a crisis than an inconvenience for SOS.” — WP article

Note that phrase: defend and promote. SOS was in complete compliance with FB’s user rules, but FB censored and blocked SOS. Sorry, Zuckerberger, you can’t have your cake and eat it, too, not in this case.

My sister and I don’t agree on which side of the fence to vote, but that doesn’t mean we don’t speak to each other.


Chris Hughes, the co-founder of FB, was the man in charge of Obama’s social media campaigning leading up to 2008.

Knowing all of this, I’m not buying the whole mistake excuse either. Especially not when you take the “offending” image down twice and then suspend the account. Sure, total mistake…

Oh, Microsoft also owns 1.6% of FB too…and guess who owns Bing? 😉