Voters in NC can’t help but vote for Obama

| October 24, 2012

ROS sends us a link to a Greensboro, NC local station which reports that voting machines wouldn’t let them vote for Romney;

On Monday, several voters complained that their electronic ballot machine cast the wrong vote. All the complaints were made by people who voted at the Bur-Mil Park polling location.

One of the voters, Sher Coromalis, says she cast her ballot for Governor Mitt Romney, but every time she entered her vote it defaulted to President Obama.

“I was so upset that this could happen,” said Coromalis.

Guilford County Board of Elections Director George Gilbert says the problem arises every election. It can be resolved after the machine is re-calibrated by poll workers.

“It’s not a conspiracy it’s just a machine that needs to be corrected,” Gilbert said.

Not so funny now, is it?

Category: 2012 election

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We still use paper ballots here in Gotham City.


Paper ballots here too.

Just A Grunt

North Carolina also has the market cornered on senior citizens voting also. While this is chalked up to a glitch in the voter registration information provided it is curious to note that Dems outpace GOP by a 2 – 1 margin.

Data is from the 2010 election also.


And they said how much more accurate electronic voting would be.


I fill out paper and then put it in the machine…guess I better make sure my voting official and I get that right!! Or else, I’m a gonna strap on the proverbials and get the COW out! Wonder if I can video it?


PLEASE do the video and post it! PLEASE, Defend, PLEASE!!!


I caught this on Drudge, and you can’t help but get paranoid. Machine’s need recalibrating by poll workers – yeah right. How about making sure the F*ckin machines work correctly from the start? Somebody was hoping voters wouldn’t be paying attention and making a ruckus…stench of Chicago is in the air…North Carolina looks to be strongly in Romney column, but damn, this kind of crap can make all the difference in Iowa and Ohio.

Don’t forget story from yesterday reported on Fox News and Drudge that in Florida, fake letters were sent to some registered Republicans apparently trying to disqualify them from voting in the state.

Old Tanker


Yah, in Florida they received letters telling them not to bother voting because their citizenship was in question. Then asked for S.S. #’s, drivers license #’s, etc… Someone actually claimed it had nothing to do with election fraud, it was just a scam to steal identities. Oddly, the letters went only to registered, white Republicans….


And I’m sure Debbie Wasserman-Schultz will be taking to the airwaves to denoince this in the strongest possible terms…

…yup…any minute now. Any second…



Considering Dem officials were joking they would have enough votes to win, several days after Election Day, and given the routine shrill charges of the GOP/reich-wing/Koch Bros stealing the election by hacking into the machines – seems there’s smoke.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Not hacked machines, but software written by companies getting their money from Progressive sources. Machines serviced by union members, who do as they are told. Ballots counted by lawyers paid for with taxpayer dollars, along with other sources. And any contention will be settled by Secretaries of State and judges who view our Constitution as kinda 18th Century – not in keeping with America’s needs today.

All perfectly legal, like burning your leaves in barrel.

Considering our military overseas have been disenfranchised by Panetta in support of the POTUS, I’m not surprised civil servants must take leave in order to vote.

Has anyone seen the blizzard of pink slips coming from Defense Contractors due this week?


So, they’re just now hearing about this Presidential election thingy coming up and haven’t had a chance to ensure the machines are working properly?


Maryland had a perfect, audited voting system, before the Florida mess. It went like this:

A voter would take a long paper ballot, and fill in an arrow pointing to the desired candidate with a heavy, black marker. The ballot would be fed into a scanner, where any problem would result in rejection of the ballot and revoting, or a count. Results were available statewide within about an hour of the polls closing.

Then, the state legislature decided they wanted to spend money ($900K) on touch-voting machines, which have proven far less secure. I know they are unauditable, because I have used them.

We have the technology to make voting clean, quick, and audit-able. And it’s even old, reliable, and cheap.

Just sayin’


I work for the Texas Dept of Public Safety and will be an election place monitor to observe if any irregularities occur.


“It’s not a conspiracy it’s just a machine that needs to be corrected.”

Anyone want to buy this bridge I own in Brooklyn?

2-17 Air Cav

“Guilford County Board of Elections Director George Gilbert says the problem arises every election.” Duh. To echo Devtun, if the problem occurs every election, ya think just maybe it could be anticipated and addressed before it arises? Idiots.


A video of me voting and checking or the strapping on of proverbial items? 🙂


I wonder now if this is really the reason Manbearpig was so adamant about getting those votes recounted way back when.

Now they’ll scream that Mitt stole the election because the ballots defaulted to Barry.


@Defend, your choice!!


Personally, I do not see this as an accident. This has happened before and they what… forgot about it? I don’t think so. They want the “promised one” to be reelected.


A number two pencil and a bubble sheet. Can’t really default to another candidate when there isn’t a program designed to do it but your brain.


Didn’t the same thing happen in Nevada where the machines where “helping” people vote for Harry Reid?


#21 : I hope not, but I’ll be watching this one like a hawk.


Everyone will be watching it like a hawk. However, if Obama is reelected, then they will say the program worked as intended (they wouldn’t be lying, though). If Romney wins, then they will say it wasn’t working correctly and will file lawsuit after lawsuit to “get it right.”


“It’s not a conspiracy it’s just a machine that needs to be corrected.”

Why do these kinds of errors ALWAYS favor the left? If it were simply a machine error, then the law of averages dictates that about half of these episodes would be making mistakes in the right’s favor. Has that ever happened in the history of electronic voting machines?


Well breaking news it seems that this has happened again in two other locations just down the road Jamestown and Pleasant Garden now Im getting a little worried about the Soros connection.


How about charges of vote fraud in the first two days after the election?


My absentee ballot was done with paper and a pen. To quote Sheriff Joe IRT the inmates living in tents, “If it’s good enough for our Soldiers overseas….”

Of course, the whole paper and pen thing doesn’t leave much room for error, which might lead to my absentee ballot being discounted. Well, at least the oval that I filled in might lead it to being discounted.


I’m only posting this item in this column because it happened today:

plus this one:

plus this:

I like to be thorough with reporting something. And while Cook County and Chicago have a well-deserved reputation for voting fraud, I think the attempt to put a stop to it is valid.


Apologies for all the ads attached, also.