An Unofficial Hasan Beard Update

| October 22, 2012

Far out of my lane so presented with little comment.

Stay of Proceedings Issued in Accused Fort Hood Shooter Case

The Army’s highest court, the Unites States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) has granted a stay of proceedings in the case against accused Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan.

Hopefully Jonn will dump this and do a proper post, but last I heard he was stuck in traffic and this pisses me off enough to risk his wrath.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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ex AF

Give him a spa treatment with electrolysis and a bikini wax. Shove his head in a mud bath for 3 minutes then hose him off. He’ll be as good as new.


And if this scumbag gets to keep his beard, I’m not shaving. Well, Jesus had a beard, so it must be a christian thing too…


I think it’s been brought up before, but is there any speculation this thing is being dragged out with hopes there will be a change in the WH after 6 Nov, so perhaps this case can be reclassified as terrorism, and get the exposure and judication it actually warrants?


USMCE8Ret12, not something I’d considered. It’s very possible.


@3,4 – Possible, but improbable. If the WH wanted this guy’s trial – yeah, trial – over and done with, they would have done so. I think the WH is dragging this out so it’ll pass mostly unnoticed after the election. They just don’t want to be the ones to convict this cat.

This is a national disgrace. Period. Bloody shameful.

Yat Yas 1833

Fellas, with no disrespect cast upon you guys, I think it should now United States Army, LLC.

As for our condom in chief, he’s trying to turn us into, the United States of America, a subsidiary of the united nations.

Either way, we lose.


I’m thinking the Army got marching orders not to have this trial till after the election so it doesn’t get any news coverage.

Just Plain Jason

Just wishful thinking on my part, I suppose. I guess I’m just grasping on a hope that this thing would be treated the way it should in the end.


The reality of the situation is this: nobody wants to be responsible for what will end up on camera (it will have to be videotaped) when Hasan is ordered to be shaved. No matter who he is and what he’s done, he will look helpless, frightened, and alone, surrounded by men who intend to have their way with him, and who WILL have to manhandle him to get it done. There’s no way to make it look business-like, there’s no way to make it palatable to weak American stomachs and tender nerves. And I gaurantee you that the videotape will go viral before the guards change shift — that’s the society we live in today, so the idea of keeping the videotape hidden is an impossibility. No judge or politician wants to have this tin can tied to their tail. That is why the nonsense with the beard, and indeed, the trial itself.

I stand by what I said earlier: this bastard’s going to die of old age before anyone lays a finger on him. And the sad part of all this is — he knows it. He’s playing us and our system like a violin.