Sunday feel good story

| October 21, 2012

12-year-old Kendra St. Claire was in her family’s home while he mother, Debra, was at work. Suddenly someone started banging on the door and Kendra heard glass shatter. She called her mother, who told the teen to get Debra’s 40 caliber handgun, go to her mother’s closet and call 9-1-1.

The 911 tapes tell the story as it unfolded.

Kendra: “I’m at my house. I’m in my closet. And I ran away from (inaudible) someone’s trying to get into my house and I do not know who they are.” Dispatcher: “Ok I have a deputy en route, I want you to stay on the phone with me. Ok?” Kendra: “Ok. Please. I think they are in the house.”

Kendra had taken shelter in a closet, clutching her mother’s .40 caliber glock gun while she listened to the intruder make his way around her home.

Kendra: “Please help me. Please.” Dispatcher: “Alright, alright. I understand. Do you still have your mom’s gun there?” Kendra: “Yes I do. I have it in my hand.”

Her fear intensified to sheer terror, when she saw the knob of the closet door beginning to turn.

At that point, that for the first time in her life, Kendra fired a gun.

Police said the bullet traveled straight through the closet door and struck 32-year-old Stacey Jones in the shoulder, scaring him out of the house.

Poor, misguided Stacey was found later by the police a few blocks away. They took him to the hospital and he’s awaiting trial and bond has been set at a $1/4 mil.

Excellent shooting, Kendra. Thanks to Tman for the link.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guns

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Excellent indeed.

Since the individual lawfully defending themselves was very young, for once I’ll say that I’m actually glad the criminal perp survived. That means the youngster doesn’t have to deal with having killed someone.

Hopefully the perp has several priors and ends up incarcerated for a very long time.


I agree with Hondo. Probably the best outcome considering the circumstances. She’s probably shaken, but she didn’t have to be exsposed to results of what this asshat forced her to do in order to ensure her own saftey. Good on her.


Well done, Kendra. I’m sorry that you were put in that position, but you did well, girl.

Holden McGroyn

Regrettably, she did not blast his nutz off instead. That would protect the public from this piece of dreck spawning another generation of dreck pieces.


Good job girl! Sorry you had to go through that but way to maintain your composure

CI Roller Dude

That’s better shooting than most of the cops I worked with. Can we send her a shooting award?

Dirt Dart

This only re-inforces my stance on my girls- Reading, writing, Marksmanship and hand-to-hand. Lets put a scholarship to send her to a advanced hand gunners school in Mynock. Lord knows she earned it!

2-17 AirCav

The POS who broke into the family’s home received a slight wound. He is in jail, charged with burglary. He claims that he had been homeless for 10 days. However, a photo of him confirms that he NEVER missed a meal or a snack. The little girl is fine, applauded by the police and reagrded as something of a hero by her friends. She says that she heard what happened to other girls and wasn’t going to let that happen to her–so, when the knob started turning on the door of the closet in which she was hiding, she let loose with the cannon. Great story. Brave girl.


What Holden said…

Way to ruck up Little Lady!

SFC Holland

Reading over and over again, really happy she had enough foresight and/or training to ensure the gun was ready to fire. Safety off, round chambered, etc. Could have been ugly had it gone any other way. Good for you young lady.

B Woodman



Memo to anti-gunners: THIS is what happens when people refuse to become victims.

B Woodman

Give the young lady the Annie Oakley Award for First Time Shooting Under Stress.


Great control, kept relatively cool, and most importnatly … rounds on target! God Bless young women with guns everywhere and the United States of America!


Good outcome. But, as the article pointed out, it was the first time she fired a gun. So much could have gone wrong. Her mother should have taken her to an NRA approved gun safety/shooting course.


Arby, I suspect some folks in the neighborhood (eastern OK) will offer her time at the local range and/or at one of the women’s shooting clinics.

Old Trooper

I had heard some people over at DU were appalled that she used a gun. One commenter put them in their place by asking them if it would have been better if she was raped and murdered versus what happened? I guess the chatter went silent after that question.

This young lady did the best that could have been asked of anyone in a similar situation and she has been rightfully heralded by law enforcement for her actions.


Maybe she can give CQB lessons to the NYPD.


It’s horrible that she was in the position.

It’s regrettable that she’d never fired the pistol before.

It’s absolutely wonderful that she did so well. Imagine how, once the shock of the situation goes away, how empowering that’s going to feel. This girl learned at the age of 12, that if it does come to it, she can point a weapon at a bad guy and pull the trigger.

All in all, best outcome possible in the circumstances.