Not a white supremacist opens fire at WI mall

| October 21, 2012

According to Yahoo News, a guy who is not a white supremacist opened fire at a mall in Brookfield, Wisconsin and at least seven people have been hospitalized and the shooter remains on the loose;

According to police, the suspected shooter is a 6’1″ black male weighing approximately 200 pounds and last seen wearing a camouflage jacket, grey sweater, blue jeans and carrying a white and black backpack. He was driving a black 2003 Mazda Protege.

According to Fox6, the shooter’s is 45-year-old Radcliffe Haughton. Apparently, he’s not a veteran or that would have been included in the article.

The Brookfield Patch says that he was related to one of the stylists in the spa that he attacked near the mall. And, I guess there are some explosives involved because BATFE is on the scene.

Yet for some reason Yahoo felt a need to mention this in the article, too;

In August, Wade Michael Page, an Army veteran with white supremacist ties, opened fire at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., killing six and injuring three others before shooting himself.

Sure, it happened in Wisconsin, but that’s the only way these two are even remotely similar. And Page was also a high school grad, on unemployment insurance in the past, too, but I don’t see them include that in the paragraph, but the “Army veteran” thing makes the reason he shot a bunch of people much more easy to understand.

So, I wonder how they’ll explain Haughton’s shooting spree.

Category: Media

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Does he look like Obumba’s son, if he had one?


And in all fairness, he COULD be a white supremacist. Aren’t those the clowns who think that the “white” race is supreme? Couldn’t anyone of any race think that?

(Waiting to hear that my even saying that is racist.)

A.J. Arcady

The fact that the shooter was black is the ONLY aspect of this story that Romney supporters give a crap about. The victims are just political footballs like Chris Stevens has been for the past month. HE’S BLACK! HE’S BLACK! HE’S BLACK! THAT’s what’s important!!


Golly. I missed that Chris Stevens was black. Makes no never mind to me – he was the US Ambassador and he was left unattended to die.

Idiots. The shooter was a CRIMINAL! That’s all that matters to me. Send his ass to prison for being a CRIMINAL. Same for the Wade character – he was a CRIMINAL! Had he not shot himself (blessedly saving us the cost of his incarceration) I would have said the exact same thing.

Uhm – that means I am applying the same standard to both without regard to the skin color of either. Funny how that works in the real world. MLK, Jr spins in his grave when you clowns apply any other standard and call we who don’t names.

2-17 AirCav

@3. I get it. You’re one of those folks who think that you’ve cornered the market on empathy, is that it? You sit back all high and mighty and jump to conclusions without so much as a moment’s thought. Let me tell YOU something, buster or bustress, most of the people here have actually spent—aw, screw it.You feel good about yourself, morally superior and all that. Just go away. If you don’t prepare for an ass kicking. Oh, and have a nice day.


This is the latest news on this:

Police identified the suspect as Radcliffe Franklin Haughton, 45, of Brown Deer. Brookfield Police Chief Dan Tushaus said Haughton’s car had been found. ABC7’s Chuck Goudie is on the scene and is reporting that Haughton’s body has been found inside the spa.

Also, a link to his court records:

Police are now gathered outside his home with a bomb squad and remote controlled robot.


One addition to above:

An improvised explosive device was found at the spa, and a bomb squad was investigating, Tushaus said. Spokesmen for the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said their agencies also had agents participating in the investigation.


Apparently the suspect has been found dead.

PowerPoint Ranger


You’re the only one who mentioned politics, jackass. Just thought I’d point that out, since your capacity for self-awareness seems to be in the negative.



Chris Stevens was a serving Ambassador of the United States, and the first to be killed in the line of duty since 1979. That makes it an issue, as does the fumble fuck response from Obama and his Clown Posse.

The post by Jonn points out that, once again, the liberal “journalists” can’t resist throwing out the ‘crazed vet’ meme. It’s sad, it’s pathetic and it’s frustrating. If you had any intellectual integrity about yourself AT ALL, you’d be angry that the media has taken such a one sided turn, regardless of which way it is.

SFC Holland

I am betting that the very first thing the media did was look for prior service connections for this guy. Then casting out from there to see what other “sensationalist” ties they could make.


And when they couldn’t find that, they just threw some shit in there just to keep the meme alive.



You people really have to get some new material…the race card nonsense is SO 2008.


@ 3 …. Oh sh*t … he was BLACK, BLACK, BLACK. Sorry did not notice. I only noticed the fact that he walked into a shop, shot and killed several, wounded more, and like a coward took his life before he could face the piper. Color never crossed my mine. I think of the victims first. Happy Monday!

2-17 AirCav

I don’t understand this shooting. On 8 October, a Wisconsin judge issued a protective order at the request of shooter’s wife. The order prohibited him from owning a firearm and, of course, to stay away from his wife. So, what went wrong here?


Which reminds me – I have no idea at all (and do not care) about the ethnicity, age, gender, orientation, or religious preferance of the VICTIMS here! The people who measure their response based on any of those things really are racists, or some other kind of -ist. Not appropriate at all to the discussion.

Same with who killed our ambassador. (Which really didn’t have anything to do with this discussion either, but since you brought it up, Idiot #3, this becomes a teachable moment for you.) It matters not one whit to me if those who killed the ambassador and the other three brave Americans are Martians, Methodists, or Miamians. They are cowards and fools and need to be hunted down and killed. Actually, they should have been killed on site, but that option was denied by the cowards, or worse, who made the decision, and the policy which led to the decision, to leave US assets abroad unprotected.


Military connection established……he paid taxes and therefore supported the military. Let’s blame the military again.