Media provides cover for White House on al Qaeda’s role in Benghazi

| October 20, 2012

The LA Times writes today that there’s “no evidence” of an al Qaeda involvement in the attack on the consulate in Benghazi on September 11th;

Republicans have zeroed in on possible Al Qaeda ties to the Sept. 11 attack that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, and have criticized the Obama administration for not saying early on that it was an act of terrorism. But after five weeks of investigation, U.S. intelligence agencies say they have found no evidence of Al Qaeda participation.

No evidence. Well, except for the fact that a Gitmo alum and al Qaeda member planned the attack, it was the White House that admitted that, by the way.

The White House also says that there doesn’t seem to be any planning involved and that it was a “flash mob with weapons”, according to David Ignatius in the Washington Post. I wish I could find the AAR from the State Department because from reading that, it sounded like they had a plan for every obstacle they encountered while they were looking for the ambassador.

From the Times, again;

Libyan officials say one of the key suspects is Ahmed Abu Khattala, leader of an Islamist militia called the Abu Obeida brigade. He has acknowledged being at the scene but denies leading the raid. Libyan officials say there are no orders to arrest him.

Oh, well, as long as he denies it, he must be telling the truth, huh? From Ignatius;

The analysts seem confident that al-Qaeda’s new leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, played no direct role in the Benghazi events, even though he called on Sept. 10 for revenge attacks against the United States. “He’s not a manager, he’s not a planner, he’s not an operator. He’s a theologian, and that doesn’t have much resonance now. He’s almost irrelevant, he’s so concerned about his security, so hunkered down,” said the senior official.

Another coincidence. Just like the coincidence of al Qaeda’s black banners making an appearance during the raid. I guess the mere mention of al Qaeda is like kryptonite to this administration. Kind of like the truth.

Category: Terror War

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So many, especially those like-minded with the current administration seem to have conveniently forgotten that we are engaged in a war on terrorism, not a war on Al Qaeda alone.

Doc Bailey

Color me shocked. Once we could count on our journalists to tell us the truths we needed to know. Now they are simply a part of the machine.

2-17 AirCav

Yes, exactly. Even if we play along and accept with straight faces that no one from al Qaeda planned, prompted, or participated in the attack, it does not follow that the attack and murders were not acts of terrorism. The administration has great regrets about all of this but none greater than that these foreseeable events occurred so close to the election.

Zero Ponsdorf

Must have been some random entity looking for a way to express their feelings.


Is it just me or is this the most partisan that the MSM has ever been?


“But after five weeks of investigation, U.S. intelligence agencies say they have found no evidence of Al Qaeda participation”. What five weeks? The Feebs were on the ground in Benghazi for a grand total of 4 hours, at an unsecured scene. A scene that had been unsecured for 3 weeks. And, Top Goz is right, terrorism is not the province of AQ, alone.


Was discussing article with hubby when he pointed out a GOOD fact … forget about who,why,etc..concerning the attack … Let’s concentrate on WHO removed the extra protection & WHO didn’t respond to the ambassador’s requests for replacements … this LA times article is nothing but “smoke & mirrors”

Bubblehead Ray

Foxnews had a scathing special on last night that showed the entire timeline of the attack, including an interview with the head of the security team that was pulled out the month before the attack. Whoever the attackers were makes no difference. This administration was criminally negligent, and all the talk about videos and Al Qaeda are just so much smokescreen.


I know I always show up to a flash mob with mortars, RPG’s and 12.7 machine guns. Totally believable story.

Yat Yas 1833

The same LA Times that’s published in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia? Yeah, I’m sure as hell gonna believe that. I think that snippet of vocal tape, recorded a couple of months ago before a press conference, proved the media’s bias against Gov. Romney or it’s bias for comrade omuslim beyond a shadow of a doubt. the MSM is no longer relevant.


The Fox video/broadcast on the timeline of events:

While I’ll agree with argument behind the argument that it doesn’t matter if it wasn’t al-Qaeda. It is still terrorism. It DOES matter that it WAS al-Qaeda, because the Admin has tried to claim that it has defeated al-Qaeda. It has attempted to claim that the grandfather of al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, is not an enemy to Freedom.

And it WAS al-Qaeda. But NO, al-Qaeda is NOT the only terrorist group in the world. It is NOT the only enemy we are fighting.

The biggest issue here is that the Admin attempted to tell us that this was just about a idiotic video, when they KNEW it was a terrorist attack. The issue here is that the media are not trying to cover his tracks, when they were collaborators in his attempt to tell us that lie. The issue here is that the Admin had forewarning, were apprised by Ambassador Stevens of the deteriorating situation, and the rash of OTHER terrorist attacks. The issue here is that this is the pinnacle of an Administration that is undermining American Security.

If anyone can watch that documented timeline and come to any other conclusion than that this was a completely avoidable attack, and that the Admin attempted to cover up the truth, they are truly blind to the world around them.


Benghazi is a BIG time cover up…….

Watch, listen and learn.

Stevens was working with the enemy (AQ et al) with Obama’s and Hillary’s consent and sending arms etc…through the Turks to Syria for the rebels and they turned on Stevens.

It will get worse……….