Oh Good

| October 20, 2012

Our pal CJ posted this on FB. I hadn’t noted it before, but maybe you had.

If not: International monitors at US polling places draw criticism

United Nations-affiliated election monitors from Europe and central Asia will be at polling places around the U.S. looking for voter suppression activities by conservative groups, a concern raised by civil rights groups during a meeting this week. The intervention has drawn criticism from a prominent conservative-leaning group combating election fraud.

NB: I have NOT explored the details. YMMV

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Mike Kozlowski

I sincerely hope they pull this stunt in South Carolina. The result would be comedy gold.



There goes the last of our sovereignty. I wonder if they will notice the Black Panthers though.

B Woodman

I’d LOVE to see some foreign voting monitor douchbags (complete with blue helmets). They just might catch the DemoLibs in the act of trying to push some vote fraud.

2-17 AirCav

It’s an ugly lefty game. These clowns have no jurisdiction here and can only observe where they are permitted and then write up a report of their observations. Romney should be through half his first term by the time the reports are in. Nevertheless, it is outlandish that a group of foreigners will be in the USA to observe our elections other than for educational purposes. Thank you ACLU and NAACP, two of the groups who invited the UNers. By the way, Kansas State is busy kicking Mountaineer tail.

Yat Yas 1833

I can only hope and pray they try to pull this crap at PCH, Phoenix City Hall, where I’ll be working be working the polls. I still got four months before I go back to work so I can be a guest of Sheriff Joes for quite a while! 🙂 comrade omammy ain’t gonna be happy until we, the US, are wards of the UN! comrade banana ain’t gonna be happy until America is no longer free.

Guys, I never had to endure the hardships of combat just like many of you have never had the pleasure of experiencing the joys of grandparenthood. But let me tell you this, and I mean it with all my heart, I will spend my life in prison or die to give my “Reyna” (queen) or my “Canto” (encantado, enchanted one), my grandkids, their right to freedom and the American dream. Both of which were given to me by my uncles that served in the “Big One”. By my older cousins who continued the tradition of serving and to my nephews who are serving now.


Suppression…If you mean turning away dead people at the polling venues.

No fear of voter suppression in ’08, when Dems knew their guy was gonna trounce McCain – smell desperation?
Dick Morris reported 60% of the 48 U.N. monitors come from non-democratic nations.

BTW, Drudge posted a link today that Obama campaign needed to borrow $15M from Bank of America…


Fuck. That.


Send ’em to Chicago.

AW1 Tim

I can certainly understand the leftists asking the UN for help. Both groups are fully committed to thuggery, corruption and vote-stealing on a large scale. Hell, it’s a part of their genetic makeup.

Honestly, I can’t say I could keep my cool if I saw any UN rat-bastard attempting to monitor the poll results in my city.


Why is the UN here again? There aren’t any 12-year old prostitutes to rape here, are there?

Just Plain Jason

Missouri who the fuck? I guess they need to keep an eye on St. Louis…smh. They better be clearly identified, maybe I should do some more research and get my (premature) old man outrage going.


I concur with JP’s sentiment.

Old Trooper

Obama has worked to reduce American exceptionalism since before he took office and this is just another way to show the rest of the world that he thinks we are a 3rd world shithole. I guess when Black Panthers can openly intimidate voters at the polls in Philly, which was caught on video, without worry of being arrested or prosecuted by this administration it might appear that we have reached 3rd world status, but that has more to do with this administration and not the rest of the country.


This is chilling on many levels, as others have already stated.

My question is – just how are they planning to ID “conservative groups?” Will conservatives be required soon to wear some sort of ID tag a la the Star of David worn by Jews in Germany?


Well, just in case 🙂



Bucky Katt

Originally saw this over at Twitchy. They have the links to Fox News report.


I suggeest that if you’re worried about it, you do this:

Go to Staples or Office Max or any store that sells professional camera equipment. Get yourself a can of Dustoff. It’s used for cleaning photo equipment and computer peripherals like keyboards. Basically, when applied properly, it blows the debris out of your keyboard and USB ports.

Make up a new label on a self-adhesive label. Do it by hand in big bold letters if it won’t print out properly on your printer. It should say:


Take it with you to the polling place. If anyone gets in your way, threaten him/her/it with the BS repellent, especially if it’s a UN rep. “Back off or I’m using this! Now!”

What I see coming out of this entire crapgame is a serious pattern of vote fraud, so be warned. And remember that the Slacker-in-Chief has never known what it means to lose.

Dirt Dart

NAACP and ACLU should be disbanded and it leaders tried for subversion and treason. These are groups have no further need to exsist. Were americans- we work in our own system, we dont bring in the UN, or its lackys.