Your weekly update on Hasan’s beard

| October 19, 2012

Fox News reports that the appeals court in Fort Belvoir has decided that the court can forcibly shave murderous jihadist Nidal Hasan.

The court also ruled that Col. Gregory Gross, the trial judge, properly found that the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act does not give Hasan the right to have a beard while in uniform at trial. The court specifically upheld Gross’ previous ruling that Hasan did not prove his beard was an expression of a sincerely held religious belief. The appeals court said that even if Hasan did grow a beard for a sincere religious reason, compelling government interests justified Gross’ order requiring Hasan to comply with Army grooming standards.

The appeals court also upheld previous contempt of court findings against Hasan. Starting in June, he showed up to court for pretrial hearings with a beard six times, and was fined $1,000 for each instance.

Hasan’s attorneys have said they will appeal the ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, which means Hasan’s court-martial remains on hold.

Well, good on the appeals court, now if only the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces would refuse to hear the case so we can get on with this thing and start building the gallows.

Category: Terror War

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Why are we still talking about this? Shave the bastard and then hang him and be done with it. this whole “workplace violence” crap and debating about his beard is old and boring and has outlived it’s usefulness as this panty waste of my oxygen has.


Good to go. I think the reason that the appeals courts are taking the time with this is to fend off any kind ot appeal later assuming he is convicted. (I don’t know why he wouldn’t, but it is a possibility.)


Only if it is cut off with a chainsaw.


@3 yeah….not running….. like the old joke

” A guy goes in to a store and says, I want a saw that can cut a big tree down in minutes. The guy sells him a chain saw and he leaves.
The customer comes back the next day and says “Hey I was only able to cut down a small tree and it took an HOUR.”
The salesman takes the chainsaw from the customer and then fires it up and then customer yells at him “GOOD GOD, WHAT IS THAT NOISE?!?!?”
{;-D LOL


Straight razors are still available…and very sharp.

Or we could use a No-No. That sucker just burns the hair off your skin and it won’t grow back for three months.

Or tweezers…one frickin’ hair at a time.


@#3 – Mr. Sparkey, it’d be more fun just to light the beard on fire, with Hasan’s hands tied behind him of course. A little lighter fluid and a stick match should do the trick.

I’d buy a $100 ticket to watch – much more entertaining than a piss-any eating a bale of hay.

Miss Ladybug

Short blurb on this on WOAI this morning, the local news lady said something to the effect of there “was a long line of people waiting to do it with a weed-eater”…


There will be no law standing in his way preventing him from growing a beard between conviction and execution.


I hear bacon grease makes a nice aftershave…..


At this rate, the bastard will die of old age.

With a beard.


Someone else said this here before me, but I would stolen valor tha crap out of this pretending to be a MP so I can either hold him down or shave him when the time comes.

Al T.

Pay-per-view, please.

Dirt Dart


I feel on that- my hopes are for a quick courts-marshal and then a an express lane to the needle. Give him to Texas – they HAVE and Express Lane for the the Death Penalty.

But my pragmatism says he’ll be another Troy Davis and stick around and annoy the hell out of all of us.

Unless he off’s himself in confinement…


What scares me is this… if the court of appeals decides that Hasan can have the beard (which they probably won’t), then every Joe who claims they are a Muslim will try to grow a beard saying it is their religious right, and citing the case.

Scouts Out

That’s never going to happen. The only way Muslim soldiers will ever be allowed to grow beards is if the military reverses its prohibition on beards for everyone.

Scouts Out

Moreover,why is everyone here so eager to see this bastard shuffled off this mortal coil? I know on some level we all want this murderer to be drawn and quartered and then doused in gasoline and set ablaze, but I think he probably wants to die more than anything, because he thinks he’s a martyr, and he thinks he’ll be plowing his 72 virgins for eternity. Why speed that along? I say we let him rot for a life sentence. He’s paralyzed from at least the waist down, so he can’t rub one out, and he’s covered in his own excrement every single day. The guy is miserable, no reason to not draw that out for as long as possible.


When Nidal the Goatpumper makes it up to Uncle Sam’s Home for Wayward Youth in Leavenworth KS, they should find the most despicable murderer awaiting the needle. Lock them both in a cage throw a straight razor in with them and tell them “Whoever walks out gets a full pardon.”

Yat Yas 1833

Guys, frankly I’m a bit taken-aback by the tone of the comments posted!? Chain saws? Lighter fluid & matches? Weed eaters? NO! I just had to buy a new lawn mower, let me try it out on this goat rapers face, if the sumbitch lives? Then try him. (I’ll even pay for the gas for my mower!)


Jason, for just one second there, you almost had me going.

Just Plain Jason

Then my job is done…