Micah Turner; the wanted man no one wants
The good folks at US News and World Reports send us a link to their latest article on Micah Turner. It seems that he’s so wanted that no one wants to touch him. According to the article, He’s tried to turn himself into the New York City police and to authorities at Fort Hamilton, but he’s still on the loose;
Alison Kohler, a spokeswoman for Fort Hamilton, confirmed to U.S. News that Turner had “made contact with our installation” and said that he was expected to arrive Tuesday for processing. It is unclear whether Turner will face charges for his absence, though he previously said he believed he would face felony charges.
Um, today is Tuesday, right? The article continues that he’s headed to Buffalo to link up with the filthy hippies up there. I know we have more than a few friends up there who can land a good throat punch for us.
Whoever said that he was an illustrator in a pschyops unit called it correctly. I guess that’s why he couldn’t stand to support the war against terror any longer – the things he colored haunt his dreams. And the memory of that time his crayon went outside the line still wakes him up in a cold sweat. Or something.
Turner told the assembled audience in New York Sunday that he was in Afghanistan the night al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, and remembered his fellow soldiers asking “Is the war over? Should we pack up?”
“But the word never came, and a lot of good men died that year,” said Turner. “There is no justification for this war. There is no reason our brothers and sisters should die in the sand… It is my duty to dissent.”
Yeah, thanks. We need a cartoonist to tell us how we should formulate foreign policy. The US News says that Turner was promoted to Sergeant last September, well after bin laden was killed, so I guess he didn’t mind the pay raise while he thought the war should have been over. The Army also says that they only have a record of one deployment, August 2009 to February 2010, despite Turner’s claim that he has four deployments. His deployment dates don’t coincide with the death of bin Laden (May 1, 2011) like he claims, either. Of course, he claims that Army records are screwed up, but we should believe the criminal on the lamb.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Shitbags
Of course we should believe him. He’s proven himself so trust-worthy so far. :p
How can I get a message to this guy. Have him come to 26 Federal Plaza tomorrow. I will hook him up!
Thank you.
Not to nit-pick or anything, but I think it’s supposed to be “lam,” not “lamb.” As in, ‘on the run.’
PN, the idea of ‘on the lamb’ instead of ‘on the lam’ — think about it for a second. The sheeple is with the sheep.
The last time I saw an Army guy on a “lamb or a sheep”, it was not pretty!
Oh, God, please save me from ghosties and beasties and bad puns and things that go bump in the night.
@6 It’s my experience that Jonn is usually about as subtle as a 9 lb hammer. I think it was a misspelling, but I could be wrong.
I can translate all his statements. “Look at me. Look at me! LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!!!”
I guess that’s why he couldn’t stand to support the war against terror any longer – the things he colored haunt his dreams.
Where’s Skippy when you need him?
“The things he colored haunt his dreams”. Yeah, the image of coloring a sandscape just keeps his lyin’ ass awake at night.
Haunt his dreams? Waht was he coloring? Gumby? Now that would haunt my dreams, too.
Geez Louise! What a dingleberry!
I will gladly trade him nightmares,even-steven. Joe PS PH2, I have ordered my Sheepdog Tee from RU. I really do hunt things that go bump in the night. Deer hunting during the Day and Mountain Lion hunting(600 yards from my HOUSE). Joe
@Joe, the difference between you and him is that you aren’t a spoiled little boy in a grown man’s body.
I hunt with a camera.
I love the irony of this a$$munches’ situation. His ‘brave’ protest against the war has become a moot point. So unimportant nobody wants to waste their time arresting!? Talk about becoming irrelevant!
Lemme guess–his PTSD will be triggered by the coloring books he’ll be putting in Happy Meals cause that’s the only job he’ll ever have for the rest of his life…
Dear Micah or whoever of his turd-tapping “buddies” is reading this–quit being a fucking drama queen and go back to your old unit, and quietly turn yourself into your chain of command there.
Oh, but that wouldn’t make the “statement” you wanted to make, now would it? Douchebags. GDIAF already.
http://www.facebook.com/SgtMicahTurnerAntiwar……this poser is just doing this to get famous. What a douche. Actor/Director listed as his occupation, should just read hippy sheep.
Anybody besides me notice on Turners FB page that he joined FB eleven hours ago? What an f’ng mArQQn. Go turn yourself in back at Bragg and get it over with, douche nozzle.
(Different Phil than #18)
His Class A jacket shows two hashes, but it also doesn’t have his stripes. No way to tell if this is just an old one of his; it does looks like it’s been at the bottom of a duffel bag for a while.
However, a blog written by a relative before all this broke also states he had four deployments. Meh, it’ll all come out in the end.