Attack on Camp Bastion: The Destruction of VMA-211

| September 20, 2012

Stole the title from a better writer than I.

I noted the shift  here, but let John amplify:

Late on Friday, Sept. 14, 2012, a Taliban insurgent force of sappers attacked the NATO ISAF base, Camp Bastion, in Afghanistan, resulting in the worst loss of U.S. airpower in a single incident since the Vietnam War. Two Marines, including VMA-211’s commanding officer, were killed in the attack, and nine other personnel (eight military and one contractor, reportedly) were wounded. By the time the base was secured roughly five hours later, six U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) AV-8B+ Harrier “jump jets” had been destroyed, and two more “significantly” damaged. In addition, three refueling points were destroyed, and six “soft-skinned” aircraft hangers were damaged to some degree. As a result of this attack, the air strength of Marine Attack Squadron 211 (VMA-211 – “The Avengers”) presumably 10  aircraft, was almost completely destroyed.

I considered this event as a significant shift in focus by the Taliban. Sadly it is even worse than I thought.

One more like this and we will be discussing a paradigm shift.

And the withdrawal date is known…


Category: Geezer Alert!

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I seem to remember that Navy/Marines about year ago purchased 70+ decommissioned Harriers from the Brits. Quite a few had low mileage on them. With impending money crunch in DoD and continued problems with F-35B – the Corps is gonna feel the pain for a while.

The goat rapers also killed 2 Marines – jeezus when do we come to our senses and realize we have no friends there.

AW1 Tim

Ever since the CinC announced the planned withdrawal date, our casualties have been mounting.

In my opinion, every death since the announcement of that date should bring a charge of negligent homicide against the CinC and every member of the Joint Chiefs. It was an act of betrayal, amounting to the standard, IMHO, of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” provided by the Constitution as grounds for impeachment.

Impeach his sorry ass, and try him for negligent homicide for every death since that announcement.

Courts Martial every member of the Joint Chiefs for the same charges, since they refused to take a stand against the CinC action(s). They HAD to know what would happen, and they could have chosen to make their feelings known and, when ignored, resigned en mass. Rather, they took the coward’s way out and placed their own interests above those of the men whom they were tasked to lead.

Fuck ’em all.

Quincy P

emboldened by the increase of global hatred toward the u.s.


As an MI Soldier, I think the Taliban “Green-on-Blue” is a brilliant strategy. The lynchpin of our exit strategy has been totally derailed; a successful handover to a “well-trained” army and police force….with a second grade reading level.

Regardless, it was the only way out, and now we have not only suspended joint patrols, we have told the enemy we’re doing it. An incredibly simple Taliban strategy that has caused DoD to sit and “wring their hands”!

“We have met the enemy and he is us”……….Pogo Cartoon strip

Just an Old Dog

Where there any American Ground forces guarding the Base? Or did we let the Afghan National Army(aka Taliban II) guard our air assets. If there was A Marine Or Army Infantry unit guarding this then someone really screwed the pooch. On the other hand This operation wasn’t the work of a bunch of goat ropers. Whoever pulled this off had their shit wired. Im talking these guys are pretty hard corps to be able to pull that shit off.

Joe Williams

Instead of Harriers, have the Marines buy Warthog for replacement. They need carrier landing capable? I cannot think of a more awesome close air support craft. Joe


@ #5- Agreed Old Dog. Somebody definitely had their shit in a group before attacking. Why does this sound reminiscent of Vietnam? Hrmmmmm…..


Reports are saying that LTCOL Raible was out inspecting the flight line when the Taliban attacked. All he had was his 9mm and apparently took a few of them with him.


there are plenty of guards and posts on the base, probably with partnered posts also. very slack when your actually inside, if you can get inside. everyone had to carry their id cards etc(did they have a fake one)?

alot of troops dont even carry their weapons(british comes to mind) some dont carry ammo, even though i believe the rule still states that you must have one on your person, just not in your rifle. they went condition 3 before i left(march 2012) for the koran burnings.

once you get inside a big base like that i would say its rather easy to pick a target.. and plenty of them on bastion/lnk


Well, the bad guys was all killed but one, who was wounded and captured. I am very proud of us “airwingers” responding quickly to the threat.


Oh yeah, your title “the destruction of VMA 211” is wrong in every sense. they are currently flying and on the mission again. The Marines in that unit is very committed to the fight and very motivated.