White House: Benghazi was “self-evident” terrorist attack

| September 20, 2012

So after a week of denying that the attack on our consulate in Benghazi was a terrorist attack, but rather some impromptu demonstration against a poorly-made video that got out of hand, Baghdad Jay Carney admitted that it was self-evident that it was a terrorist attack, says Fox News;

The administration is still sticking by its claim that they don’t have evidence the assault was pre-planned. But Carney for the first time Thursday called it terrorism — while downplaying the fact that he was doing so.

“It is, I think, self evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack,” Carney said. “Our embassy was attacked violently and the result was four deaths of American officials. That is self evident.”

If it was so “self-evident” why have they been denying what was obvious to the whole rest of the planet right up until it became untenable? But the State Department won’t say the words;

“I don’t think we know enough. I don’t think we know enough,” [State Department spokeswoman Victoria] Nuland said. “And we’re going to continue to assess. She gave our preliminary assessment. We’re going to have a full investigation now, and then we’ll be in a better position to put labels on things, okay?”

Matt Olsen, director of the NCTC, put a label on it during a Senate hearing Wednesday.

“Yes, they were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy,” Olsen said.

And this is on the heels of Susan Rice’s blatant lie about the situation this last week on ABC News on Sunday;

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was not premeditated, directly contradicting top Libyan officials who say the attack was planned in advance.

And then they wonder why we don’t believe a thing that comes out of the crooked-ass mouths of this administration.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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WH was for the spontaneous attack story angle before they were against it – dude, this shite is getting weirder and weirder.


I think it’s self-evident that Carney is a choad-licking lackey and the BO administration doesn’t know enough to keep it’s lies straight.


Jay Carney the Minister of Misinformation – just classic, its self-evident Jay has breathed new life into the 5 o’clock follies. Poor Jay Carney, its gotta be hard trying to defend an empty chair like Maobama.


And yet, somehow they still get 47% of the vote…..

Sometimes I wonder how people manage not to just pass out randomly cuz they are obviously too stupid to remember how to breath….


“The administration is still sticking by its claim that they don’t have evidence the assault was pre-planned.”

Have you looked at any of the news footage? Until you can provide evidence that all those thugs and weapons magically appeared coincidentally in multiple countries around the globe, we sane folks out here are going with the “IT WAS PLANNED” theory.

Here’s a clue: it takes more than a couple of days to place the weapons caches, or hand them out to the thugs you want to have them, and to arrange the communications between the groups, or at least to let them know about when it will all occur.


Sorry, Jonn. IMO, it seems more like Tehran Jay Carney. Just sayin’ …


Yeah, evidence of a pre-planned assault would implicate Dumbobama for dereliction of duty by skipping all those national security briefs. I guess campaigning and going on David Letterman/Jay Leno take priority. This guy is so disengaged and disinterested in the mundane “job” of the Presidency – it should scare even liberals.

2-17 AirCav

Finally! But what is truly amazing is the number of media lackies that ran with the “approved” scenario and bogus provocation. As for Rice, she and Marty were played like a couple of old fiddles.


As is often the case, there is another way of looking at this. If it is true that this video, the one that was posted a year and a half or so ago, is responsible for the attacks, what do you think that they have been doing all this time instead of planning an attack, Jay? Does it really take them that long to work up a good, spontaneous eruption? And it just happens that so many, from different cultures, accidently hit the magic limit of their outrage on exactly the same day??

Yeah, right.


I think the Administration is running scared of election time.

In an unusual turn of events, the Dems could run strong on National Security because of whacking OBL and Gaddafi. Now, with the whole disaster in Benghazi, Cairo and Bastion, they’re suddently looking weak.

They know they can’t run on the economy, so take away national security what do they have? Unfortunately for them, the more they pull this crap, the more obvious the President has no clothes.

2-17 AirCav

OWB: There are a slew of videos depicting Mohammed and in less than flattering ways. No riots. No mobs. There are a number of such videos on YouTube (See “Draw Mohammed Contest”)and have been for a long time. No riots. No mobs. There are dozens and dozens of write-ups regarding Mohammed’s alleged pedophilia. No riots. No mobs. And as Jonn sarcastically pointed out on Day 1, it was just a coincidence that the attacks occurred on September 11. Most of us got it right away. Obama and company just pegged us for super stoopid sp played the video charade. I don’t blame him for thinking we would buy it: American stupidity put him in the White House.


I guess sippy’s fellating the administration is leaving a bad taste in his mouth. 24 hours since the story broke and he’s not here calling us racists and parroting the Obama line.




Probably because not even the Obama camp knows which line to parrot, because it keeps changing about every 10 minutes.


Can someone give Jay Carney a fucking blanket party…The guy is the biggest tool besides Obama himself. How he looks in the mirror and doesn’t see what I see is beyond reason–

You know what they say…what goes around comes around…I wonder if he dreams at night about the stupidity he spews in the day time…


@1 It’s almost like John Kerry is sitting in the Oval Office.


The National Counter-terrorism Center defines terrorism as, “Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents”, and it seems the State Department shares this definition, per Title 22 U.S.C. § 2656f(d)(2)”. The DoD defines it as “the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.” Where’s the confusion here?

2-17 AirCav

@15. At least that’s his job. Half the time, I truly think he can’t believe his own stupid utterances. Obama, on the other hand, thinks his job is to befuddle, deceive, and redefine America.


@ 18: Notice how closely that resembles the definition of terrorism? Yeah, figured you did.


I’m waiting for Insipid to go on a copy and paste frenzy about something Bush did in order to deflect this away from the current administration.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The big problem for Dems is that they haven’t been running on the economy because it sucks. They have been pointing out that Bush could not get OBL but Obama did…if the second round of September 11th attacks resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans was actually a planned terrorist attack as were the resulting attacks across the middle east it points out the weakness in foreign policy as well…

So if you can’t run on your domestic economy, and you can’t run on your foreign policy, and most people don’t really want your health care package….that doesn’t leave much to run on in November.

It is amusing to watch the Dems trying to convince themselves along with the rest of the nation that we are better off than we were four years ago when there is zero evidence to back that up, and now it’s clear our inept bumbling about the middle east as been perceived as a weak, aimless policy of apologizing and removing our presence.


Here’s a new story from the AP about Libya:


Posting same in the $70,000 video column

Bucky Katt

Blackfive has an article from Froggy regarding one of the “ex” SEAL’s killed at Benghazi. A “must” read. “Rid the world of these savages.”. Seems these guys provided more than a few dirt naps to those so-called “protestors”. Wish I could find a write up with all the details.


The Blackfive link is: http://www.blackfive.net/main/2012/09/rid-the-world-of-those-savages.html#comments

Really liking the “pigskin tuxedo” idea.


There is some speculation going on now that all the riots and eruptions of damage have more to do with the WH & lackeys boasting about “their” success in the death of OBL than anything else.

Makes sense to me.

Tie it in with Mossad’s assessment of Iran’s nuclear program — 5 to 6 months from a working bomb, and we know that their missilies work — and the clock is ticking.

I think my favorite scenes are the brief clips of men in PJs and caftans pounding dumpsters and car doors with long sticks, and kicking them. I guess that’s because dumpsters and car doors don’t bite back, right?

Bucky Katt

For those who wish. According to Hugh Hewitt a foundation has been set up for Ty Woods family, including his newborn son: http://www.hughhewitt.com/blog/g/0b3e851b-09d5-4bfa-88f9-ff40d495b87b