Skip Moschetti; the records

| September 13, 2012

Last month, we mentioned Skip Moschetti, who claimed to be the recipient of “Congressional Medal of Honor, for heroism and courage in the face of the enemy, as well as this nations 2nd, highest honor, The Distinguished Service Cross, the nations 3rd highest decoration, (3) The Silver Star, and an array of medals, including eight Purple Hearts, for injuries received in combat.” As usually happens when we jump the gun on these things, Skip took down those particular claims, but not before I applied the magic of screen shots;


And this is why he took it down;

And where did he see that combat where got all shot up? California?

Our tipster wrote;

For years he has claimed he works for the State Department, Lt. Colonel in the Army, CIA service, Special Forces etc…

In addition he claims to have received the Medal of Honor – but can’t show it to anyone because he has to keep his identity secret, Silver Star and 8 Purple Hearts. In addition he has made past claims to have saved Pres. Bush from an assassination attempt, single-handedly captured Saddam Hussein etc…

There’s that secret shit again. I suppose he saved President Bush and captured Saddam Hussein on the same day. Well, since he’s already removed his profile from the internet, I guess we had some impact on him. Let’s hope the records add to that dimension of his life.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Again, another twatwaffle that had a fine, upstanding service record. Why embellish? He actually was an officer too!


Bet this guys book shelf is lined with Tom Clancy novels.

AW1 Tim

Guy apparently did an important, if unglamorous job, but worked his way through the enlisted ranks to SSG, and then a commission, retiring as a Captain.

Man should be proud of who he is and what he did.

Now it’s blown all to hell, and for what?


That’s what people are trying to figure out, Tim…


Civilian with a healthy respect for the veteran community here.

I’ve been lurking TAH for several years and I’ve got to say it just cracks me up that these clowns think they can get away with this stuff. Seriously. Does a guy who claims the MOH really think that there are not people out there who might be curious and might do a little checking into that claim? Keep up the good work you all.


Yat Yas 1833

Not another one!?


In addition he claims to have received the Medal of Honor – but can’t show it to anyone because he has to keep his identity secret

I’m impressed. I don’t think Jack O’Neill or Samantha Carter ever got the MoH for their top-secret work.


but can’t show it to anyone because he has to keep his identity secret

But he can talk about it? Then it ain’t exactly secret, now is it?

NR Pax

Jonn, are you on a first name basis yet with the people who get your FOIA requests?


First name basis? Hell, you’d think they’re exchanging Christmas cards by now….

Green Thumb



I single-handedly emasculated Osama bin Laden, but I can’t tell anybody because it’s Super Secret Squirrel!


This stuff never ceases to amaze me. I worked with a gal in Landstuhl that claimed she worked for King Fahed(sp?)! She had great detailed information, etc…Also claimed the Army kept denying her a commission because she had a Masters but was an E-4. This woman was clearly off her goddamned rocker and almost managed to ruin the career of a stand-up NCO in our Unit. That MFR sure came in handy for me as I documented all her bullshit. Sigh. Some people just can’t get over the fact that it’s okay to be ordinary.


Once again the whole “bestowed by the President in the name of Congress” trips people up when naming the medal. Of course the plethora of other medals don’t help either.

I know it’s a rhetorical question, but why can’t these douche buckets be proud of what they have accomplished? Hell I’m just an ordinary grunt who somehow rose to the rank of SFC because somebody up at DA must have tripped and accidently clicked on my name during the board. You know what? I’m fine with that.


I often wonder why these folks do this sort of thing myself. Particularly since most life-long civilians only have a passing interest in veterans/AD servicemembers to begin with and have trouble understanding what actual service members do for his/her service.

@12. I once saved my Brigade Commander from using a porta-potty that had been rigged with an MRE bomb. Got a Certificate of Achievement with V Device for it.

Joe Williams

I wonder if the Feds will charge him. Claiming the MOH,DSC &SS are covered under a different law than the SV act? Also claiming to be SOF, CIA and State Dept ? Still a good wall to wall talk is badly needed. Takes what I would be very proud Military careen and thrash with his lies. Joe


@15. Certificate? Wow, you should have been in the National Guard. They would have awarded you an AAM. Heck, I think some Infantrymen get those for being able to tie their shoes in the morning.

As for this twatrocket, why would a flippin’ Captain need to embellish anything? I mean Captain may be the Specialist of the Officer ranks, but some on. Say that in a bar and at least one person will give you a free drink.

(By Specialist of the officer ranks, I mean that as long as you don’t royally screw the pooch, you will make at least this rank without really doing much more than necessary in your career field.)


Based on a quick search, it looks like his Facebook page also at one time claimed a MoH. Can’t check it, as Facebook login is required and I don’t do Facebook.

Would bet it’s changed now, though.

Ed M

@Flagwaver: Why hate on the National Guard? I served with the NJARNG and was deployed to Iraq in ’07. Worked as the QRF on the TIF, but the upper echelon thought that job was too good for the Guard and gave it to an active duty company. Within a month, those guys were tripping over themselves and couldn’t get the job done while we were moved to a compound and got praised for keeping the peace and no incidents for about a month. I’m not saying we’re better, but we are just as good.


He was born in 1955 the records you are referring to would make him 8 years old at the begining of his military career…anvbody think you might have the wrong guy here???


I always love how the medal/mission/career is so top secret he cant talk about it…but he will tell you this that or the other thing about it in a bar or other public place.

Know him...

You are posting his father’s information, not Skip’s.

Know him...

…. but I do not disagree with anything else said here.


he was a mega liar fraud long before the internet existed. now its much easier to catch him lying. i knew him well. he is, and always has been an absolute fraud. skip moschetti is not his real name. he is the worst person i have ever known. everything bad about him listed above is absolutely true. yes he is gay for young men. no he wasnt in ‘nam. he definately scams innocent people out of $$$$$$$. he is also a severe drug addict, most of his scars are self inflicted. not from being a tortured pow in vietnam. he cuts himself while on heroin. what he claimed to be bullet wounds look nothing like real bullet wounds. hope he dies. i am trying to think of his list of lies he told to me: has 4 blackbelts in different martial arts goes at night to places where muggers will target him and beats them half to death still goes back to vietnam to rescue pows, alone member of mensa has 16 million in the bank phd and practicing psychiatrist makes 20k a day in interest alone (yet he lived in a $600 a month apt) he would claim to give blow jobs to various friends and pro surfers in effort to seduce straight teen males into being gay with him. he would also tell the kids hes dying of cancer and they are in his will he really worked as a bouncer for a bit, hes big, 6’2 and 230, probably fatter now, but many have seen him puss out when someone came after him but he did enjoy bullying people who were too scared to fight back he really did have giant bricks of taped up drugs in his house at 1 point he should be 62 now he has scammed a few legit writers into writing articles about him he was a pill popper, i am sure it was opiates cuz he was known to do heroin he lied himself respectable in a time before the internet existed to catch his lies. adults knew he was full… Read more »

true stuff, khyo

Everything above is true. I knew him. He’s a scammer, a con artist, was heavily addicted to morphine, smoked week like crazy and was making up stories about “missions” all the time. Claimed to be dying of cancer from DDT exposure in Vietnam. Preyed on young boys in the san diego area.

true stuff, khyo

other lies i remember:
7th degree black belt
4 tours of duty in Vietnam
Actively involved in DEA missions in central and south america
Reported to his handler know only as “Bob”, a top level CIA official
shot 17 or 27 times, can’t remember
suffered form “combat flashbacks” from his tours in Vietnam
was a close personal friend of Greg Luganis
managed and partied with several pro surfers including kelly slater and matt archibald


Hi, I am a little thrown back by all of these i read the two stories that came up, I knew skip however i don’t know if it’s the same skip, but what I’m reading is everything my skip was telling me. So is basically everything he says bullshit? Because he also claims to be a doctor i won’t disclose some events he spoke with me about but I don’t know if any of this is true


Hi, I am a little thrown back by all of these i read the two stories that came up, I knew skip however i don’t know if it’s the same skip, but what I’m reading is everything my skip was telling me. So is basically everything he says bullshit? Because he also claims to be a doctor i won’t disclose some events he spoke with me about but I don’t know if any of this is true ive known him for two years and he used to work for the state troppers.

Know him...

LOL… doctor. He lives in his parent’s extra bedroom. His dad is like 80 and has to work fulltime to support himself, his wife…. and Skip.
Skip is a scam artist who appears to feed off of the elderly, sick, and the not too bright. If you follow some links here you will find other’s calling him a “couch surfer”, sponging free room. I hear in Hollywood.

When his family moved into the neighborhood, the board members here said his father claimed Skip was ex-CIA and they couldn’t have their name and listed on the front gate registry for his protection and theirs. LOL… but if you Google Skip’s name, his dad’s name, or his mother’s name, you find the correct address online.