“Hundreds” of Afghans “fired” under new investigations

| September 5, 2012

The Associated Press reports that Mohammad Zahir Azimi, Afghanistan’s spokesman for the Defense Ministry says that hundreds of members of the Afghanistan National Army have been detained or removed from their duties due to the new investigative procedures to root out potential “insider” attackers.

Defense Ministry spokesman Mohammad Zahir Azimi did not provide any other details or an exact numbers. He said many of the soldiers affected had been pushed out because they had either incomplete or forged documents. He did not say whether any were connected to the Taliban or other insurgent groups.

Azimi added that the investigation began about six months ago but could provide no further details. He said more information would be released next week.

Azimi is probably the same guy who told media that the latest murderer accidentally fell on his rifle and killed a US soldier a few weeks back. I think it’s funny (funny strange, not funny ha-ha) that this is the first we’ve heard about these firings despite the fact that Azimi says it’s been going on for six months. You’d think they would have mentioned it sooner, given the publicity the murders have had over the last several months.

I’d also like to point out that now that US forces are allowed to arm themselves in the war zone, the attacks have virtually stopped. Such an easy solution, but no one thought about it until scores of Americans paid for the oversight with their lives.

Category: Terror War

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What a cohesive and trusting alliance. Supposed friends won’t attack, only because coalition troops can return fire. Looks like this is a making of a beautiful relationship.

Al T.

Wonder if this is a political purge disguised as an investigation.


These Aussie families will not think firing 100’s of Afghan infiltrators happened soon and effectively enough: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2012/09/rip-lcpl-stjepan-milosevic-spr-james-martin-pvt-robert-poate-lcpl-mervyn-mcdonald-pvt-nathanael-gala.html


[…] is the guy who said yesterday that their enhanced investigations of Afghans has been going on for six months. So they’re […]


It is “possible” that the investigations were only started 6 months ago and there were sleepers in the ANA for longer than that because they joined prior to starting to look back at their being involved with terrorist groups.

Not defending him, just saying its a thought. However, they might not have explained it that way because it would mean the “sleepers” was a long-term plan by said groups, indicating that this isn’t just “personal attacks” but a thought out conspiracy. But what do I know…

And the amount of ANA currently is a lot of investigating and will take a lot of time if they wanted to go back and investigate everyone who was in before they started the “joining investigations” for ANSF.