Some training of Afghan nationals halted

| September 3, 2012

The Associated Press reports that NATO has halted some training of Afghanforces so that the Americans can do background checks on some of the new recruits;

There have been 34 insider attacks this year — at least 12 in August alone — that have killed 45 international troops, putting intense strain on the relationship between coalition forces and the Afghans they live and work with. The shootings also have thrown doubts onto one of the pillars of the U.S.-led coalition’s planned withdrawal by the end of 2014 — training Afghan forces so they can take the lead for security in the country.

“The training of the ALP recruits has been paused while we go through this revetting process to take a look at this process to see if there’s anything that we can improve,” Col. Harrell said. “It may take a month. It may take two months. We don’t know.”

So, lemme, recap. Two months ago, NATO allowed the US troops to face their desks towards the doors of their offices, a few weeks ago, they let the troops arm themselves (because they weren’t allowed to arm themselves in the war zone) and now they’re going to stop training potential terrorists. I hope the State Department approves of all of these radical changes in the strategy.

Category: Terror War

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Background Checks? What a novel idea – boy that sure inspires confidence in the ranks. Its nice to know the coalition is giving loaded weapons to a bunch of strangers -I mean they might be goat forkers or like young boys – this might be a stretch, but maybe even the Tahleeban.

So are U.S. forces leaving in 2014 or what? Fox News Special Report’s Bret Baier is reporting that Obama appears to be vacillating on the end of ’14 troop withdrawal mantra – contradicting himself on a few recent speeches. Stay tuned.


Sometimes the devil is in the details. I published the report on this the other day, from ISAF.

They have halted training on ONE THOUSAND Afghan LOCAL Police, in order to vett them. That leaves about 500,000 NATIONAL ANSF that remain unvetted.

This is a smokescreen to SHOW they’re doing something, without actually doing it.


How exactly do you do background checks on a Afghani? Other then checking them against Bats/Hide, I can’t imagine anything more then pencil whipping some paperwork.


@#3-they vet them using a goat line up- “Goat #1 please turn your head and say ‘Baaaaaah’.”


#3 the ln’s can get background checks from the MOI with their tazkara number but I’ve never seen one fail out of hundreds here…. Tazkara = greatest tracking system ever (sarcasm)