Romney promises to not hike Tricare fees

| September 3, 2012

Hondo sent a link to the Army Times article by some guy named Rick Maze who works for the cowardly, backstabbing senior editor, Tobias Naegale, in which they report that when Mitt Romney spoke to the American Legion last week, he promised that, if he’s elected president, he won’t hike Tricare fees for military retirees like the current administration plans;

The quest to raise beneficiary fees is a longtime Pentagon initiative that has spanned several administrations, but Romney said he won’t ask service members and retirees “to pay more for their health care to pay for Obamacare.”

There is no direct link between the Tricare fee increases sought by the Defense Department — and mostly rejected by Congress — and funding for the Affordable Care Act that is commonly called Obamacare, but the promise still drew loud cheers from the American Legion crowd.

Yeah, nice save for the Obama Administration, Rick, except that the guy, David Chu, who wanted to hike personnel fees and lower benefits in the Bush Administration was never as successful as the clowns in this administration. And the Clinton Administration was successful in kicking military retirees over 65 years of age out of Tricare and into Medicare.

And of course this 500% hike in Tricare fees isn’t part of the Obamacare health bill. This administration promised us that healthcare was going to be cheaper for regular citizens while raising costs for veterans, you know, because veterans haven’t done enough for this country already.

I probably don’t need to tell this crowd that last year,the president told the American Legion Convention that he wasn’t going to balance the budget on the backs of veterans, but we’re the only ones paying more for the services we earned, then any of the services the government offers to people who haven’t worked a day in their lives.

Romney also promised to get all veterans who qualified for the Post 9-11 Education Bill in-state tuition rates regardless of their qualification and it should be that way. Veterans served the whole nation, not just their home states. And if illegal aliens qualify for in-state tuition, why shouldn’t veterans?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, Veteran Health Care, Veterans Issues

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CI Roller Dude

If we don’t study history, we’re doomed to repeat it. Looking back through US military history, after every war we’ve had- they start cutting things– pay, health care, education etc…. “well this war’s over, we don’t need them troops now…” seems to be how it works.


Lucky for me, my house is paid off and financially independent. That retirement pay is just getting whittled away – how to tax retirees additionally without calling it a tax. The gov’t is desperate for revenue – its going to get worser and worser.

Common Sense

#1 – I have a box of letters from one of my husband’s ancestors who fought in the Civil War. Most of them are from him or his wife begging for a small increase in benefits. He was going blind and was quite disabled and I think the request was less than $5. Pretty pitiful for someone who helped save the Union.