Rivera ordered to leave Canada

| September 2, 2012

We first wrote about Kimberly Rivera and her brood back in 2009. Her story goes like this; She met her husband, Mario, while they were working at WalMart. They fell in love and married. While living in her parents’ basement, they began procreating, Mario decided that wasn’t the life for him and so he convinced Kimberly that she should join the Army, and she got a fat signing bonus which they promptly spent on a leather couch.

Then their little dream world fell apart when *surprise* Kimberly was deployed to Iraq (I mean who thought that joining the Army in 2006 would result in being deployed to Iraq). So when she came home in the middle of her tour, Mario then convinced her to desert the Army (and the folks who were waiting for her to come back and do the job she got the fat signing bonus for) and they fled to Canada. The reason Mario talked her into deserting is because he couldn’t take care of the children he’d fathered with Kimberly by himself. I guess parenting was cutting into his video-game playing or something.

Anyway, now Canada has decided that their taxpayers have been supporting the magic baby-machine long enough and have ordered her to leave the Great White North before September 20th. And that makes Kimberly sad;

“I’m just overwhelmed. I don’t want to face reality. I respect Canada’s laws and I will still proceed with what it is that I have to do, but I’m trying to take it one step at a time so I don’t have meltdowns like earlier,” said Rivera, who stepped away during a press conference Friday when she became visibly upset.

Rivera’s lawyer, Alyssa Manning, said her client is considering appealing the deportation ruling.

“The 6 percent of (war) deserters who are punished through incarceration include service personnel who have been publicly outspoken about their criticisms of the Iraq war while AWOL. The government has failed to assess that risk that Kim faces and that needs to be considered,” said Manning.

The article goes on to explain how Kimberly became “disillusioned with the mission in Iraq”. Bullshit, her husband became disillusioned with the series of bad choices he had forced on his wife and wanted to make her abandon her commitment, while he has no real skin in the game. And now, Kimberly, not Mario, faces jail time.

Thanks to Green Thumb for the link.

ADDED: Our buddy, Aunty Brat, gives us the Canadian view.

Category: Shitbags

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Oh boohoo! Respects Canada’s laws but not the commitment she raised her right hand for? Twit!



I’ve never told you how much I love your ability to cut through the MSM BS and weave a truly entertaining yet insightful narrative. Like you did for this douchebag here.

Kudos, Sir.


So what pouge job was she doing when she became disillusioned with the “mission?”


“I don’t want to face reality.”

Well go fuck yourself you cow. I don’t want to face reality every damn day when I have to strap my leg on, or when I want to talk to my friends that are gone. Self-centered piece of shit. I hope this worthless pile of excrement gets the max and Child Services takes the kids. That is the only way those kids have any hope of a future.

All of these losers make me mad, but this one sent me out of my mind.


Man is the subject tag for this one accurate!

AW1 Tim

I have a solution for this problem. Might not be to everyone’s liking, but I’d offer this:

Kimberly and her children come back to these United States. She returns to the military and serves out the balance of her enlistment. She gets no promotions, and she repays the entire bonus she received. At the end of her enlistment, she receives an administrative discharge.

Her husband is stripped of his citizenship and denied entry to these United States.

Seems like a quick and easy solution to the problem all around.

YMMV, of course.


I predict when this all shakes out a chapter 10 for this hero, which means in her case an OTH in lieu of court martial. The only job she will ever get is a return duty to wal mart. In addition, she will have to repay the bonus. As for the rest of us, we get the honor of our taxpayer money going to feed ol’ Mario.

Bill R.

Not that this has changed my opinion but you have inadvertantly given me some info other articles haven’t. Other reports on her said she was being deployed again to Iraq. Your post states she was on midtour and had to return. Big difference although as I stated, it doesn’t change how I feel about her. She needs to pay the price.


So the McFatterson couple decided that the Mrs. could drop weight sooner and therefore get into the Army quicker. While that was happening, Mr. McFatterson did not do jack shit to further himself. There are about a zillion things that tub of goo could have done while his wife was doing PT; trade school comes to mind.

Fuck ’em both. I’m just sorry they’re dragging innocent children into their fucked-up situation. That’s highly preventable–in fact, I think Wally World’s employee discount applies to condoms.



Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from Possible Deployment


I’m hoping a GCM, a conviction, and a shortish (30 day) sentenced followed by a DD. But I’d guess JAGC is correct.

On the other hand, this happened during wartime – so maybe DoD will go after the little twit as an example and take the GCM/short sentence/DD path. If so, that’s IMO a good thing.


What are the % of problems in the military related to gender? Deployments, PT, profiiles etc… Just sayin…. Heat rounds awaiting!


#7 She probably should not count on a WalMart job either…best for her to go somewhere a lot smaller where they don’t do background checks.


Since Peter Jemley came back to nothing worse than an OTH, I pretty much lost all hope that they would hold people accountable to their obligations.

B Woodman

“I don’t want to face reality.”
Yep! She got the first part correct.

“I respect Canada’s laws . . . , but . . . ”
As for the second part, if she “respected” Canucks laws, she’d have also respected US laws — which she didn’t. Therefore . .


Well I am a Canuck, and it was not the Liberal Government in power at the time, it was the Conservative’s. I was in Derka Derka land 3 times, every time I was on what is called HLTA I returned back to my fire team. Not a camp rat, but however I never dipped off. I knew what I was joining into when I joined in 89. After what happened in 2001, I said to my Peers that well we are now at war. A NATO ally has been attacked. Long story short I do not like the fact that we have alot of deserters that live here in Canada from the American Forces. I sure hope that the Deserter feels very good about themself, since they have let their team down, and their friends and family down. But if your a coward then I guess that does not matter much. How do you cover up the colour Yellow? besides with a paint brush a new colour. These folk get on our nerves also here in Canada. I hope she get’s what is comming her way, Best thing would be to look at her team, family, friends and honestly explain…WTF. But again a coward will just turn and run.


Oh yea, what was her MOC/Trade that made her decide to go total AWOL?


@17 Dano: she was a truck driver. In the Marie Claire article, she mentions pulling guard duty and inspecting vehicles while in Iraq.


ahh, seen. Thanks Marine_7002


Wikipedia has a good one the deserter also:



From the National Post (link in #20… thanks for that): Rivera said she grew to oppose the Iraq war while she was taking part in it, and even stopped carrying her rifle with her.

“I got in trouble for not carrying my rifle, so then I just secretly stopped carrying my ammunition,” said Rivera.

WTF? (Pardon my language.) She might be a lovely young woman, but that is just plain retarded. She shouldn’t have been allowed in the military in the first place, and she definitely shouldn’t be allowed to stay in my country. I am rather curious to know if she has been receiving a monthly government stipend as someone who claimed refugee status.


Thanks Spockgirl. I too am curious as to how much this deserter is costing me as a tax payer. Also since she is a wanted fellon who is employing her? Soon she will be where she belongs, in prison. 5f for fail. No pension, No benefits etc.


Ughh this woman makes me sick,im having a hard time tryin to decide wich is worse, the phony full on retards that play dress up or this spineless cow


“I got in trouble for not carrying my rifle, so then I just secretly stopped carrying my ammunition,”

Translation: She got in trouble for forgeting to carry her rifle and never bothered with ammo because that 30 magazine was too heavy for her fat ass.

I never met her, but everyone who has been downrange has seen her or someone like her. Waddling around (mostly between the Dfac and the PX) and carrying her rifle by the barrel with the buttstock constantly bouncing off the ground (alternate method of carry is slinging it across the back with the sling so loose that the barrel catches on everything).

NR Pax

The even sadder lesson to take away from all of this is that if she’d just done her job and honored her obligation, she’d be out of the Army and free to bitch about her time there.


this Deserter when you see her speak or talk really gives the impression that she is oxygen starved in the brain. Everything she says or yaps about is totaly bollocks. She will soon be south of of the border and into welcome hands enjoying her time in a cell.


Two previous deserters that were returned to the US (who I wrote about at the time) were given a year in jail and a Dishonorable Discharge upon their return to the US.

I also would like to know with this one – if our tax dollars have been supporting her. I feel bad for the children – some of whom I presume are Canadian citizens. Will be interesting to see how that plays into her pleading of her case.

I really won’t ever understand enlisting when your country is at war and then bitching about deployment. That tells me all I need to know about her or ANY of the recent bunch of deserters.

Thanks for the link, Jonn..

Green Thumb


Roger that.


I know she is confused. She needs some help. I would kindly recommend that she leave Canada … by God they are good allies and neighbors. “Move your fat cowardly and sorry ass to North Korea”, said the Master Chief as he was too busy this week to drive up north to bury his boondocker straight up her overboard discharge pipe.