Thanks, Mr. Jones

| September 3, 2012

We see a lot of harshness in the world today. At times it seems as if no one gives a damn about anything or anyone.

Then you hear about something that makes you realize that there are some out there who care – and who, in their own small way, are making a difference.

A few months ago, I brought up the issue of veterans burials. In that article I referenced the case of a veteran in Florida buried sans casket.

It seems that someone in Florida didn’t like that outcome. And rather than stand around waiting for the Federal or state government to do something, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Literally.

Tom Jones, of Land O’Lakes, Florida, is a woodworker. He decided to make a couple of prototype wooden urns for use in the burial of unclaimed and/or indigent veterans’ remains.

But he didn’t stop there. He showed the prototype to a woodworking club of which he’s a member. They’ve now made 17, and plan to continue.

Jones hopes woodworking clubs nationwide join in the endeavor. That would indeed be a good thing.

Not everything must or should be done by the government. Americans are a self-reliant people; we can and will take care of ourselves and others, given opportunity and motivation. Jones’ actions here prove that.

In case anyone wondered: yes, Jones is indeed a veteran.  But you’d probably guessed that.

Well done, Mr. Jones. Well done.


Category: Veterans Issues

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Laughing Wolf

Well done indeed! Thank you sir.

AW1 Tim

Concur. Myself, I’ve managed to scrape enough together to pay for a cremation and transport of the remains down to Norfolk, there to be given to the Navy for burial at sea.

The Navy has a website that has all the contact and basic info for burial at sea for those interested.