Desmond Tutu calls for International Criminal Court to try Bush and Blair for War Crimes.

| September 3, 2012

Well it looks like that our friend Tutu was worried that he did get enough face time for his comments about the TV show “Stars Earn Strips” that he going back to the Bush is a War Criminal meme.

He said a war crimes trial “should be and could be held on the basis a crime of aggression has been committed and the crime of aggression was starting the war.

“It’s now almost certain that the war was illegal because it breached the UN Charter provisions which say that all member of the United Nations must refrain from the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.”

Of course this is making it’s rounds around Facebook and all the comments you find on DU. Oh it seems our favorite fat man decided to comment as well.

I wanted to say something before the day ended about the call by Desmond Tutu that Bush and Blair be tried for war crimes. Finally someone of note and respect has said the unspeakable. There is no question that these two men should face a judge and jury for invading another country that wasn’t attacking of threatening them or their people. The two of them took their countries to war for a variety of reasons that had NOTHING to do with self-defense. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians lost their lives. These two men knew the evidence was being cooked for them because they asked for their advisers to give them some reason so they could declare war. Military contractors made millions. Billions. Criminal. Let’s ask the World Court to bring these two up on charges – make them answer for this disastrous debacle. No one – NO ONE – is above the law.

Oh according to a commenter it seems that Tutu know more about Iraq then any of us who have been there.

You’re not necessarily more equipped than Nobel Laurette Desmond Tutu to evalutate the international & historical significance of the US Aggression in Iraq merely because you’ve stood there.

Category: Society

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Bush has been friend of Africa, why the hate? Even many liberals like Bob Geldof are astonished by the generosity in relief aid he has pushed thru ( close to $20B dollars last estimate). Much of the money has gone to anti HIV/AIDS drugs. I know this sounds strange, but there are huge crowds and celebrations whenever the Bushs’ visits an African nation – he is welcomed as a hero. I don’t think much of Africa shares Desmond Tutu’s sentiments.

Tutu is a moonbat who loves hanging out with Hamas, bashing Israel, and trying to squeeze white South Africans for more taxes to spread around. Apparently Tutu didn’t think butchers like African dictators Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, and Charles Taylos were war criminals. Ditto to Saddam, Ghaddafi, and Assad.

Also, anybody ever notice Tutu giggles like a little school girl – totally wierd man.


Seriously? So are they going to drag Obama in front of the ICC for his bombings of Libya and thereby putting murderous Islamic-supremacist thugs in charge? Or the (relatively) quiet operations elsewhere in Africa? And what if the he sends troops, God forbid, to Syria as they’re all screaming for him to do?

Tutu is a nut, but that fits right in with the UN crowd.

B Woodman

Would this be the same Communist-spouting defrocked Bishop Desmond Tutu?


So I guess the late Jerry Falwell wasn’t all that far off after all when he called Tutu a “phony.”

Hack Stone

Just remember, all activity by the U.S. Military is evil, unless it a pet project of the Hollywood Militia (I’m talking to you, George Clooney).


No way is any administration going to turn a previous president over to some international tribunal (bad precedent, too many opportunities for future opponents to play politics). Tutu is just serving up some red meat to his lefty fans and sycophants and grabbing headlines.


Oh, just remember, he’s an old man and like Sun Myung Moon, some day he’s gonna croke. And then we won’t have to listen to his senile ravings any more.

2-17 AirCav

As stated, the Tutu-proposed prosecution would be effected through the International Criminal Court. The problem is that Obama has not yet gotten his way and the US remains a non member of the court. So, best of Luck with that, Desi.
Love, Lucy


Cannot believe I misspelled croak! Geez!! Sorry, folks.

So the UN charter basically prevents member nations from using force against any state? Does that put the 2016 conspiracy theorists out of work? But what if one of those states attacks the USA? Don’t we have recourse?

Just saying.

Doc Bailey

The UN breaks it’s own charter time and again. It’s kinda sad actually

2-17 AirCav

Nice to see you’re still kicking ’round, Doc. I was gone for months and, when I returned, I noticed your absence. I hope you are well.


Whatever you think of Tutu, the facts seem to point towards Bush, Cheney and their henchmen being guilty of starting a war of aggression. Accountability is a big word among conservatives – how about some accountability here?

2-17 AirCav

Where and by whom would you have them tried, Joe?


Not a legal scholar, but a number of leading jurists, including Vincent Bugliosi, have suggested a road map to prosecutions. It’s kinda late now, we tried the Nazis only a little more than a year after the war ended. Here it is almost ten years later and it looks like those murderers are going to skate.


Sadaam violated 17? UN Resolutions. There were WMD materials in Iraq, the UN voted to go into Iraq and we took more countries with us than the first time.

Tutu can talk all he wants but its not going to happen. If we ever decided to stop giving funding to the UN, it would go bankrupt in about 5 days.

And yes, how many of those African dictators did he hang out with? A couple of them were living the life in other countries for the remainder of their days, but he wants Bush and Blair to go to prison? That makes me Ell Ohh Ell.

Joe, the UN puts people from dictatorships in charge of things with no problem what so ever (Iraq was the UN Rep to the IOC if I recall? The country that used to beat athletes for losing.) Some of the sub organizations of the UN do great and wonderful things, but the leadership and general council are pretty much UNnecessary. (see what I did there?)


according to scripture tutu is putting himself under a curse by cursing israel repent tutu or burn baby burn