A Loud Voice.

| August 31, 2012

Just had a casual Telco with Larry Bailey about this and that.

He has an insight you’d be foolish to ignore.

Briefly,  he believes that Ventura got what he deserved, and that The Book is wrong on many levels.

BUT, The SOS is working towards an event in DC mid October.

I’ve been asked to handle commo again. All of you GoE folks pay attention.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Larry Bailey

Ventura got what he deserved, Gene, Zero, but I don’t know anything about the rest of the book. Yep! Special Operations Speaks is going to have a rally in DC sometime in October. It will be the culmination of its efforts to ensure Barack Obama doesn’t steal a second term as our commander-in-chief. Be there and be square! (PLEASE!)


May or may not be able to sneak away during October, but will try to arrange it. Been having some symptoms perhaps related to “it’s been too long since we met at dawn on the Mall.”


What if you can’t go?


Zero, unless you guys move it to Chicago, I can only be there in spirit. Please pipe lots of pix back here.


CAPT Bailey, with absolutely no due respect, you are a lunatic birther. Please go away and enjoy your retirement. You don’t speak for me and many other service members.


Your SOS is so concerned about national security (read: hating the president), you’re supporting a candidate and VP pick that didn’t mention the war or terrorism one time in their convention speeches. Like Lindsey Graham said in a moment of truth, the GOP is running out of angry white guys.

Bill R.

Off topic: Anyone seen the 3 Sept edition of Air Force Times? I imagine it’s on the other ones too. Front page headline for article on page 6: SEAL’s Paintball Park Lets You Ice Bin Laden. Just above and to the right is Bin Laden in the crosshairs. To the left of that it says “Splat Goes Obama”. Somebody at military times screwed up!!!

AW1 Tim

Dear Anonymous,

If you’re gonna insist on drinking that Kool-Aid, then take small sips, NOT big gulps.


AW1 Tim: No Kool-Aid, just facts. Birtherism is a mental illness, and neither half of the GOP ticket mentioned war or terrorism.


So, you’re saying that since he doesn’t speak for you he shouldn’t speak at all? Yeah, well, that’s not how it works in this country.

Evidently you missed that part of the training program. The rest of us swore an oath to protect the speech of everyone, whether we agree with the opinion or not.

But thanks, anon, for clarifying just how important it is that as many as possible show up for this event. No amount of bullying will keep it from happening.


Liberalism is a mental illness.


No, JP, liberalism is what you get when whiny, spoiled, little brats find out that they don’t actually GET everything handed to them on a platter — they have to WORK for it, instead.


Wish I could go.


See, this is where you folks go off the rails. You think that free speech should come with zero consequences or responses. That’s not how it works. He’s free to spout nonsense, but my advice to the good Captain is to go away and stop making a fool of himself in retirement. He’s free not to take my advice, and I will keep saying he’s a lunatic birther. Also, you quickly turn on the anti-liberal stereotypes when you can’t counter what I wrote. Oh, so I want everything handed to me? I’ll remember that the next time I deploy and work around two of the worst officers/soldiers ever (both happened to be ultra conservatives, yet were themselves using the Army as their own government jobs plan). They made fun of me in the same way, but people saw through their cognitive dissonance, laziness, and competing ideas that they held simultaneously, much like the GOP now.


Strange, he’s part of SOS. Their mission statement:

Our goals are:

To emphasize the pressing need for the nation and its representatives to understand the value of our Constitution and actively support a return to its application in all phases of government;

To illuminate the failed operational security environment of the Administration and to provide the public with accurate information about these repeated releases of highly classified information;

To restore accountability in government and with it the trust in our government that We The People deserve and demand.

Don’t see anything in there regarding “birtherism”, Anon. But that’s typical of people of your ilk…throw out baseless claims of racism, discrimination, etc, when you have nothing else to blast someone on.


And FYI, I’m not into the birther bullshit. So unless you have solid evidence this guy is a birther, kindly STFU.


Will this do? http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/17/anti_obama_navy_seal_leader_i_m_a_birther Now read that and understand why I call him a lunatic birther.


Ah, well that certainly changes things.


“You think that free speech should come with zero consequences or responses.”

Anon-that is total bullshit! Respond however you like (and we’ll come back at you, at least until you inevitably become tiresome)-that’s part and parcel of free speech and I defy you to find anyone hear who thinks otherwise. I’m not sure what the voices in your head think the “consequences” to free speech are, but as long as they aren’t coming from the government then who cares? Private individuals or institutions can alter their association with you as they please in response to your speech and there is no Constitutional violation.

Projection is a terrible thing.

Oh, and pick a damn screen name!

Toothless Dawg

Captain Bailey,

I have a trip to CO later in October but otherwise I look forward to joining you again in DC.


FOAD, my advice to you is basically the same as you presented to Capt Bailey … go away and stop making a fool of ‘yourself’, Loser!


He doesn’t even have the balls to back up his assertions until his/her 5th-6th post and you expect them to have the balls to come out from behind the wall of anonymity?

Tell ya what, Anon–show us his college transcripts, including how/who paid for it, what SSN he used, etc.

Fair enough? I’m not even going to go into the birth deal (although I do believe he was born in Hawaii, but the interim period in Indonesia is quite curious, IMO.)


OWB, holla if you need my help?


I don’t care about the birther/non-birther crap. It’s water over the dam.

I do care about the disdainful and destructive behavior coming out of Washington, DC.


Oh, and here is Larry Bailey defending Ventura and incorrectly referring to him as a SEAL: http://socnet.com/showthread.php?p=418 Now he’s quick to throw him under the bus with the Chris Kyle thing, and appears to have changed his stance regarding UDT/SEAL clarification.

Larry Bailey has zero credibility, and anyone who buys into those wacky conspiracy theories needs to be ignored. You jokers are more concerned about looking at the president’s college transcripts than Romney’s tax returns, when the latter is way more pertinent considering the current tax debates and the possibility that Bain may have been involved in illegal tax .

PowerPoint Ranger

First off, what is it that you’re calling an “illegal tax” and how could such a thing be imposed by a private entity like Bain Capital? It’s pretty funny that you come here with cockamamie conspiracy implications about Bain and pretend to hold the moral high ground over a birther.

Second, you don’t seem to realize that most of the Bain related activities blamed on Romney (GST Steel layoffs, outsourcing, etc.) occurred after he left, and Obama bundler Jonathan Lavine was in charge of those decisions at Bain.

Third, how could anyone “counter” a bunch of disjointed rambling and why would anyone want to waste calories trying? I haven’t seen anyone here suggest any limits on your speech, despite the fact that this site is the privately owned entity of someone who can allow or block whatever speech he damn well pleases. This whole martyr routine really smacks of someone using this site as an outlet for past butthurt. Hence the dig at supposedly bad officers/soldiers who were also supposedly “ultraconservative”.


The word “shelter” was erased somehow. Illegal tax shelter. See here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2012/09/01/bain-investigation-private-equity-taxes_n_1849570.html Not sure how that’s a conspiracy theory when it’s actual news. I’m also not butthurt over two commissioned officers/pieces of crap in the Army, just not surprised that they are ultraconservative tea party types who are stealing money from the government as we speak (figuratively, not literally). And if you are the PowerPoint Ranger who draws comics, my opinion may not matter, but it’s not like you can act all high and mighty drawing (crudely, that is) stupid, unfunny, racist, and stereotypical cartoons.

2-17 AirCav

Anonymous: I’ve pored over each of your comments and, sans one item, you make yourself quite clear. That item? Does this mean that you won’t be voting for Romney/Ryan?


@30: Sorry, but I don’t vote. I play for whoever management (the American People) decides to hire as a coach. I don’t think active duty should get too involved in politics, but I do make some observations.


I have a friend who is a revenuer. That’s right, she’s a tax assassin. I asked her a very long time ago if it was possible for anyone to NOT file their taxes and get away with it. Her reply was “No. Not unless they want a nasty letter or an even nastier visit.” If you don’t understand that, it means you don’t want to draw that kind of attention to yourself. If there are any tax shelters that are disallowed by the IRS, you get a notice about it, as well as a tax bill.

Anyone who has built the kind of success Romney and other people like him have built can afford to hire a qualified tax accountant to do their tax returns.

If Romney’s tax returns were done wrong or involved tax evasion in any way by using a disallowed tax shelter, he’d have long since been notified by the IRS.

You need to pay attention to what goes on in the real world occasionally. UBS is in serious trouble with the IRS for guiding their biggest whale clients into accounts that allowed them to hide their income and avoid paying taxes on it. That was two years ago. They’re still in trouble over it. It was all over the news. What were you doing, staring at your thumbs?

You can’t get away with cheating on your taxes. They’ll come after you even if it’s five years later. Al Capone was arrested and convicted of tax evasion. That’s the only way the Feds could get him in the lockup.

PowerPoint Ranger


Good. Keep on not voting, and try to get more of your ilk to follow in your footsteps. As far as Bain Capital being part of the investigation into management fee waivers, you seem to willfully lack a lot of knowledge. Case in point, the fact that Romney hasn’t run Bain for over a decade. Not to mention the fact that the people who do run Bain now, and would have committed any improprieties had they occurred in this case, are huge Obama campaign bundlers. Instead you channel your own inner “birther” and insist that it all goes back to Romney somehow.

And no, I’m not the guy who draws the cartoons.


I just find it funny that you jokers raked the president over the coals for running in the same circles as Bill Ayers, yet you are quick to say that Romney’s obviously more tangible association with Bain is immaterial. Also, you cried (and some like Bailey still do) about the president’s birth certificate and college transcripts while downplaying Romney’s tax returns. It’s just funny to me that you all have taken a “move along, nothing to see here” approach to Romney, but jump on and analyze every single thing the president does or ever did.


And to Ex-PH2, if the investigation shows that what Bain did was legal, it may be unethical, predatory, and is certainly not presidential. That Romney continues to make money from Bain, alleged to have intentionally changed management fees into capital gains as a way of hanging onto millions of dollars that would have otherwise been taxed at a higher rate, speaks volumes.

PowerPoint Ranger


Wrong. I never gave 2/10ths of a shit about the birth certificate thing, and most of the regular commenters on this site felt the same way. Go back and look at Jonn’s posts on Orly Taitz and the assclowns who refused orders over the birther issue if you don’t want to hear it from me. I wouldn’t care about the college transcripts either, were it not for all of the personality cultists droning on and on about Obama’s “epic smarts”, his alleged/self-proclaimed transparency and use of other’s college transcripts to belittle them (ala Rick Perry). Neither Obama nor Romney is obligated in the least to release their private documents in both cases you reference, but only one of their campaigns is making the other’s an issue and it ain’t Romney’s folks.

As far as Bain goes, the fact that there’s nothing real for the Obama people to point towards at this juncture concerning Romney’s leadership of the company tells me that there isn’t much to see. Everything they (and you) bring up thus far points to the Obama bundlers and campaign supporters who run Bain now. You want to talk about “move along, nothing to see here”, you’re practicing it right now when you ignore the fact that Jonathan Lavine and company made pretty much all of the Bain decisions you want to dishonestly pin on Romney.

If you’re going to call everyone with Bain Capital investments evil, you have a long list to sort through:


2-17 AirCav

Factcheck (not a Bain subsidiary) clears up a number of accusations regarding Romney. It also debunks the theme of some obama campaign ads regarding him. But even if all of the lies, innuendo, and inaccuracies leveled at Romney were true, so what? We know what obama is now. We know what he’s about now. That’s more than enough to vote for Romney. But if one needed more than that not to vote for him, here it is: If obama is re-elected and cannot complete his term, Joe Biden would be in the White House. Ye gods!


Anonymous, since you don’t know the difference between earned income and ordinary income, here it is:

Capital gains, dividends, and interest are ordinary income, not eligible social security or Medicare taxes. They are note EARNED income. They are taxed at a different rate than earned income. The recipient does not pay FICA, he pays ordinary income tax.

Earned income, as in your paycheck, is eligible for social security and medicare taxes and FICA. The rate is different, considerably lower than ordinary income.

So converting management fees, which are earned income, to capital gains, which are ordinary income, does not create a tax advantage, no matter what your deductions are.

Everything is subject to federal income tax. The amounts are in the pages of the tax schedule booklet that you can pick up every year at the post office, or online if you prefer.