Witnesses submit that Kyle popped Ventura

| August 31, 2012

Earlier this year, we learned that Jimmy Janos, otherwise known as Jesse Ventura decided to cut out some of Chris Kyle’s profits from his book “American Sniper” by suing the REAL DEAL SEAL for the story about Kyle knocking down Janos is a brief barroom brawl for defamation of character. Well, it seems that Kyle has eye witnesses to the questioned punch according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. One of them was our buddy, Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee;

Debbie Lee, who lost her son, Navy SEAL Marc Lee, in Iraq, said the group was mournful and respectful. “It was not a belly-up-to-the-bar type of event,” she wrote.

One of her son’s SEAL teammates introduced her to Ventura, whom she found offensive. She said she heard him criticize the war and called President George Bush a jerk. Ventura could only talk about himself, she said. “He did not say he was sorry for my loss.”

Most of those swearing out declarations said they didn’t see Kyle hit Ventura, but claim they saw the commotion and the aftermath as Kyle took off and Ventura clambered up from the ground with blood on his face.

Jeremiah Dinnell, an active-duty SEAL, was the exception.

“I heard Ventura say that we shouldn’t be over in Iraq, doing what we were doing,” he said. “And then he said that the SEALs deserved to lose some guys because of what we were doing.

“That’s when Chris punched him. All of us wanted to. Chris was just the first one to pop him.”

I wonder how many witnesses Janos will provide who swear he didn’t hit the floor.

Category: Legal

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I heard Kyle on the radio when this came out. I also listened to Ventura. I have no problem believing Kyle.


Likely, Ventura will claim he was riddled thermite because that’s the only way to get stuff to hit the ground

2-17 AirCav

I am sorry for Debbie Lee’s unfathomable loss and that she had to suffer Ventura for even a moment.

Zero Ponsdorf

If Debbie says ANYTHING about ANYTHING the burden of proof lies elsewhere.


Wasn’t overburdened with respect for Jesse prior to this other than what I would give to any military vet just because that is what we do. It will be just about impossible to muster ANY amount of respect for him now that he has dishonored his own team and the mother of a fallen team member so disgracefully.

Yes, he is as entitled to his opinion as any of us is. To show such utter contempt for a grieving mother with a group assembled to offer her comfort? Beyond disgusting.

What did he expect when he went to such lengths to get slapped down? Most likely any of us would have reacted similarly.

Old Trooper

@5: Jimmy Janos wasn’t a SEAL, he was UDT. He calls himself a SEAL since UDT and SEALs were incorporated in 1983, but he never went through SEAL training (Richard Marcinko talks about how he had to go through SEAL training when he left UDT to become a SEAL and JJ never did that). Just wanted to clear that up.


Understood. Was aiming for nebulous enough language to cover that, but obviously didn’t quite get there. 😉

Thanks for the assist, OT.


[…] Loud Voice. August 31st, 2012 Just had a casual Telco with Larry Bailey about this and […]

Green Thumb

I am sorry for her loss. Her son gave his all.

However, between Ventura and the SEAL, it seems like an in-house, wall to wall issue.

Best left and handled internaly.

Al T.

God bless Debbie and Chris.



Why is there a Sierra Club ad here!!!!

Common Sense

What a disgusting ass. Who says anyone in the military deserves to die, let alone someone who was there himself? And to not console a grieving mother?

There’s a special place in hell for him.

My condolences to Debbie Lee and all of the other families who have lost someone in the wars. Their stories are just heart-wrenching.

I’ve read Chris Kyle’s book and thought him and his teammate honorable people. I’d believe him in a heart beat over such an ass.


I put JJ in the same camp as Eric Haney who insisted on late late night with Craig Ferguson that the Iraq war was illegal and military members should refuse to deploy. They should both have known better.


Whoa! I didn’t know the context of the fight: Debbie was being comforted and THAT was when Janos/Ventura got decked??!!

Sounds like he and Yon have a lot in common: too full of themselves for their own good. How sad.


I have it on exceedingly good authority that it went down exactly as Chris said it did. Of these two men, which one would you imagine would lie? the fake wrestler 9/11 conspiracy theorist who gave up his citizenship? or Chris best-sniper-on-the-planet Kyle?


As John Kerry has so consistently proved, military service does not bestow virtue on all who serve. Kerry is a self-serving asshole just as Jesse Ventura is. While Kerry was a blatantly obvious political ticket-puncher, Ventura seems to have awakened to the value of his military service somewhat later. That his mouth produces more than his scrotum has been forever proven by that single punch that took down Mr. Tough Guy professional wrestler.

Do you understand now, Jesse, or Jimmy, that a Navy watering hole is the real world when it comes to tough guys and not so-called professional wrestling rings? You open your big blustering mouth, some hard-ass sailor may just close it for you.

One of my memories is that of serving on a special assignment to the War College in Norfolk as a PR/security paratrooper non-com with a small group of fellow paratrooper NCO’s. One night, after going off duty, we somehow ended up in the Washington Bar in Norfolk, still in full uniform. The place was wall-to-wall with some of the most bad-ass looking sailors I ever saw in my life.

After some very tense moments and a second round of draft beers (couldn’t show fear, you know) we managed to make an uneventful exit with no bloodshed. Man, was I EVER glad to get out of that place.


Unbelievable. How much of a self-serving ass does one have to be to try and make a gathering for the fallen into something about themselves?

If Ventura’s comments about Servicemembers deserving to die are correct and not taken out of context, perhaps there’s a pew for him at the Westboro Baptist Church. What a douchebag.

Should the mother of the deceased SEAL happen to stumble across this blog, my condolences to you in your time of loss. While I never met your son or served with him, his sacrifice was not in vain. May he have clear skies, gentle breezes and soft landings. I’m not particularly religous, but I’m drawn to John 15:13. “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Rest in Peace, Warrior.


Whoa…I knew Ventura was self-serving but I never thought he’d reach that low. If he was never officially a SEAL, why hasn’t he been called out on it?

My condolences to the family and good on you Chris Kyle for putting him in his place!

Old Trooper

@18: From what I understand, the SEAL community accepted the UDT guys and basically “put up” with JJ when he shows up at SEAL gatherings. His claim that he never called himself a SEAL is a big fat lie, because I live in Minnesota and I have heard him say it, plus I have seen him wearing SEAL shirts/hats, etc.


His show Conspiracy Theory, in the intro he says he was a “Navy SEAL”


I wonder how well they’ll “put up” with him now


@17, when you’re that self-involved, you pick your time and place and go do your “thing”. If you’re lucky, you’ll walk out alive.

Buffoonery is not a good quality in anyone. We have Witlessgelding. Can we add JJ to that? He just gets more and more obnoxious as time goes by. There is no excuse for what he did.

My condolences to Debbie Lee.

Old Trooper

@20: I never really paid attention to his show intro, but it was entertaining when they would do the camera angle of his face and he had the “deer in the headlights” look about 20 times per episode.


I’m also reading Chris Kyle’s book. I also knew about the incident he describes (was on Opie and Anthony, IIRC.)

But hearing about it again makes my opinion of Chief Kyle go up that much more. Good on ya, bro!


I have my ten bucks on Chief Kyle. Jimmy Janos may kiss my skinny cav ass. So, you still living down in Old Mexihole, Jimmie? How’s that working out for ya? *jackass*…..


Ventura is a nut. However, I’m surprised that he didn’t go after the guy for assault and then go after the money made off of the book as you cannot profit from a crime. I guess his tough guy image would have taken a beating. hehe

2-17 AirCav

@26. Don’t be surprised. He was in a bind. Filing suit would mean admitting (under oath) that he was whacked, that he was injured, and that it hurt weally, weally bad. Then, of course, there would be those nasty witness accounts of what Ventura said and to whom. Finally, there would be his taped denials that he was decked. So, don’t give the nut any credit. He didn’t file suit because it would have revealed his worthless, empty soul to even more people.


the jury is in – ventura won. sounds like maybe he wasn’t the loudmouth after all. i won’t say anything negative about a deceased veteran, but most posts have had ALOT to say about a live one. now the jury has spoken. maybe that will be the final word. doubtful, too many loudmouths on here