Today’s Palin scandal

| September 16, 2008

In yet another daily attempt to get something to stick on the wall, the Left has uncovered another scandal involving Sarah Palin’s time in the Alaska governorship. According to Michelle Malkin, Us Magazine is reporting that she used her money to install in the governor’s mansion a *gasp* tanning bed.

Why, pray tell, would someone need artificial means for tanning in that sunny, tropical paradise Alaska?

Somehow, the media has decided that Ms. Palin will not cooperate with investigators into what they’ve dubbed as “Troopergate”. From CNN;

Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin will not cooperate with a “tainted” legislative investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner, the McCain-Palin campaign announced Monday, accusing supporters of Democratic rival Barack Obama of manipulating the probe for political motivations.

Former Palin Press Secretary Meg Stapleton told reporters in Anchorage that the power probe has been “hijacked” by “Obama operatives” for the Democratic presidential nominee — namely, Alaska state Sen. Hollis French, the Democratic lawmaker managing the investigation and an Obama supporter. Hollis has denied working on behalf of the Obama campaign.

The other day, I posted a picture Flopping Aces‘ Mike’s America discovered showing Hollis French, the State Senator investigating the incident at an Obama campaign event. That doesn’t stop the Obama campaign from denying that which they haven’t been accused of;

The Obama campaign described Stapleton’s charge as “complete paranoia.” It has denied sending campaign staff to Alaska to work with the legislative committee’s investigation.

No one said that the Obama campaign sent campaign staff…they said Obama supporters (Hollis French) is using the investigation to benefit Obama. Can’t they read over there? Or are they just trying to fool us? ANd why hasn’t CNN found the same picture Mike’s America found?

Category: Politics

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