Koran burners and corpse urinaters to be punished

| August 27, 2012

Tman sends us a link to the Reuters story that the military is planning punishment for the groups of troops who were responsible for urinating on Taliban corpses as well as some NCOs and officers responsible for the famous Koran incinerations earlier this year;

The Marine Corps announced three Marines had pleaded guilty to charges over the video, including one for “urinating on the body of a deceased Taliban soldier.” Another wrongfully posed for a photo with human casualties and the third lied about the incident to investigators.

Also on Monday, the Army announced that six soldiers received administrative punishments over an incident in which copies of the Koran and other religious material were removed from a prison library and sent to an incinerator to be destroyed. Four of the individuals involved were officers and two of them were non-commissioned officers, a spokesman said.

Yeah, because those are the most important things the military can be concerned about right now.

Category: Military issues

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Just Plain Jason

I think it is bullshit that the guys who burned the Korans are being punished for doing what they were supposed to do. Gotta keep Karzai happy…too much bullshit.

Just Me

This for sure ahs to be BS… What is bo and holder up to… I failed to see where any officers were punished for teh burning? Did they not give the enlisted orders to destroy the stuff.

I say this is obamas way of cutting our military so his friends will have it easier when they decide to take over the USA. Think of it… What better way to thin the ranks then to discourage others from joining.


@2, what makes you think anyone will LET them take over the USA? Do you live in a closet or something?


@2, the article states that six Soldiers received administrative punishment – 4 officers and two non-coms. Where do you fail to see officers getting punished?

Common Sense

Our guys are punished for urinating on dead bodies, while the enemy who chops up bodies and hangs them from bridges are treated as heroes.

Yet again, our politicians and military bureaucracy have lost their will to fight in exchange for bowing down to the enemy.


@5 — No leadership in place.

SSG Medzyk

Yet, having a cock up the backside with a fellow troop is now morally, legally, militarily OK.

What fucked up priorities.


@7 – Are they supposed to get an award for behaving like unprofessional juveniles?


Two things:

1) They ought to be prosecuting all these sojers that are provoking peaceloving afghan security force personell into shooting them.


2) Shoot straight you bastards! Don’t make a mess of it.


“Yeah, because those are the most important things the military can be concerned about right now.”

Welcome to what’s important to the modern day SNCO in the good ole USMC.


True, we do have bigger issues to tackle, however it’s important to:

1: Not do anything STUPID.

2: If you have such a pressing need to be a fucking idiot to the point where you can’t stop yourself from doing something stupid, DON’T VIDEO TAPE IT. This isn’t Jackass for Christ sake, and the media doesn’t give a shit about what’s more important to us. All they care about is what will make a “good story”.

3: This is all inclusive, Junior Enlisted, NCOs, SNCOS, and Officers.

Ventilating those assholes would have sufficed.


The punishment for the Koran burning is another example of hanging Soldiers out to dry while bending over backwards for a corrupt POS like Karzai. These weren’t a bunch of guys that decided it would be cool to torch a Koran. These were Soldiers that were attempting to dispose of Korans that were unsuitable for further use. I can also imagine how the conversation to burn them went:

SGT: Sir, how do you want us to dispose of these Korans? We can’t just throw them in the dumpster.

Officer: Well we dispose of unservicable flags by burning, lets do that.

How much further are we going to bend over before someone says “Enough!”?


I can understand punishment for pissing on corpses and videotaping it. I think punishing Soldiers for disposing Korans that the Afgans themselves had already desecrated by writing in them is complete and utter bullshit. All that does is tell Soldiers that they will be thrown under the bus by this administration in a heartbeat for political expediency.