And don’t get between a mama bear and her cub, either

| August 20, 2012

ROS sends this feel good story about a 25-year-old mother who used an evil gun to plug an eviler criminal went he intruded upon her home after she warned him several times to leave;

Lewis says she gave the intruder several warnings before shooting, but he wouldn’t listen.

Police say Lewis will not be charged, since she was defending herself.

“It wasn’t like, oh can I pull the trigger? It was like when should I shoot? When will he be close enough that I know I won’t miss him? That’s one of the things that was going through my mind,” said Lewis.

Unfortunately, the evil doer, 25-year-old Michael Jacobs, is in stable condition, but facing charges of burglary, criminal mischief, as well as possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, because what’s a burglary without some weed.

Category: Guns

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Spencer Alan Reiter

She did a great job, hope someone gets her to the range so she can complete the mission next time and put that oxygen thief in the ground…

Old Tanker

She sounds like the type of gal who’s going to go to the range to practice!

Yat Yas 1833

She sounds like my kinda gal!:)

B Woodman

Bet’cha she won’t fail next time, don’cha’know.

Green Thumb

Good for her.


Good deal! Yet the MSM will sweep stories like this aside in order to convince the rest of the sheeple that guns are bad.


Hell, the only thin I can fault her with is giving the warning. As I see it, a sucking chest wound is a pretty good warning


This version of the story misses the part where she woke up her daughters and told them to get something to defend themselves. One got a knife, the other got an AXE. All three are my kind of girls!


@7. Not to play barracks lawyer, but the fact that she gave a warning stands her in good stead. She gave the intruder a chance to leave her home and defuse the situation. He did not, so she took the course of action to fire on him. Big thumb’s up to whoever trained her or wherever she got her training.

Green Thumb

She should have finished him and sent a message.

Then smoked his pot….


Good for her!!

B Woodman

#10 –
Then make him “disappear” in the back yard.
The best kind of warning message to all his friends and future idiots. The psychology of the unknown.


Mrs. Martha, and that grandma that went after the burglar with the barbecue fork and kitchen knife, are my idols.


Has anyone heard from The Dude or DUI Dave since this incident happened?

SFC Holland

@10 Brilliant! I am a huge fan of citizens exercising 2nd ammendment rights. I love it when criminals get theirs. We need more earners and contributors and less takers.


Good for her. Hopefully she at least shot his testicles off so he won’t spawn any fellow doucheasaurus rexes. The sole reason I have a red sighting laser on my pistol is to provide a final warning to any unwelcome miscreants breaking into my house. If I can help it I don’t want all the legal hassle that comes with shooting an intruder. I’d also probably lose my rental deposit if I got blood on the carpet, or a bullet hole in the wall.


Good for her. Like the girl in Oklahoma that was on with 911 operator. Gave several warnings then final warning before shooting. Nice feel good story.

Old Trooper

@16: Yep, that would be a good warning; looking down and see a nice red/green dot on your chest would definitely get the point across. The second hint would be that gaping .45 caliber hole left where the red/green dot used to be.

T Bone

Does anyone know anything about Jacobs; (e.g.ethnicity,immigrant,White man,rap sheet,had she met him at another time,homeless guy, etc…) ?


@Old Trooper, not on the chest. Always aim at the crotch. Much more threatening.