Family Research Council gun play

| August 15, 2012

Old Trooper sent us a link earlier, but I wasn’t able to get it open in time, but apparently there was a gunman at the Family Research Council in downtown Washington, DC today. The Washington Examiner reports;

A man walked into the lobby at about 10:45 a.m. and was confronted by the security guard as per the organization’s policy, D.C. police Chief Cathy Lanier said. The man opened fire, and the guard was hit in the arm before he and other security guards tackled the shooter,” Lanier said.

“As far as I’m concerned, the security officer here is a hero,” Lanier said. “The persona never made it past him.”

A suspect was taken into custody, and the man was uninjured, Lanier said.

I really don’t see how this could happen, I mean DC has the most stringent laws for having a handgun in one’s possession in the country and yet – viola – someone had a gun. And it’s doubtful that it was one of those right wing gun nuts on a rampage clinging to God;

The Family Research Council is a Christian advocacy group that advocates against abortion and same-sex marriage, among other issues.

Andthis is probably the last time you’ll see the Leftist press not speculating on the reasons for the attack;

There’s still no information indicating the shooting had anything to do with FRC or its politics.

But if had been Planned Parenthood or Speak Out, there’d be speculation from here to New England. I guess no one can believe that one of their Leftists would start shooting up some offices somewhere. And carrying a gun illegally in the bastion of gun control.

But CNN says differently;

A law enforcement official said the gunman, described as a man in his late 20s, made some remarks about the Family Research Council before opening fire.

I guess “remarks” aren’t indicative to his motive.

ADDED: OK, I’m going to stir the pot a little; Did the Southern Poverty Law Center influence the gunman at the Family Research Council;

Certainly, if Rush Limbaugh influenced Tim McVeigh, SPLC can be held culpable for for this douche. Has the Peace Corps checked their records to see if this guy was trained by them?

By the way, I’m watching the local news, which are the only people who are mentioning his name, and I think I’m hearing “Floyd Corkin” with these infantry ears.

Added again: Yup Floyd Corkin, 28, from Virginia.

Category: Guns

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Without more info, this is just a guess, but it’s possible it was a domestic situation that spilled over into workplace violence.


Funny when it was a shooting in College Station Texas about 45 minutes down the road from me there was tons of information flying around about a shooting at TX A&M. Even though it had nothing to do with the university itself.

AW1 Tim

The shooter was said to be a “large black male”, and Fox News reports:

Sources told Fox New that after guard took away his gun, the suspect said, “Don’t shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for.”

Apparently CNN didn’t “break” the story until nearly 2 hours AFTER it happened, and then only through their twitter feed.

Country Singer

He was carrying a Chik-Fil-A bag and posing as an intern to gain entry. Upon being subdued he is reported to have told the security guard, “Don’t shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for.”

Country Singer

Not a large black male, but looked like a 150lbs of chewed bubble gum.

AW1 Tim

Thanks! I was copying from a previous report. Appreciate the correction.


Country Singer

No problem, AW1.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@5 more like 250 lb sack of sh1t that dudes gut was spilling all over, he’s probably not seen his wiener in years.

He must have bought a gun from a right wing illegal gun runner because
all the good lefties don’t like or own weapons,
well at least that’s their story (right Mr. Rowan?)…./sarc

Country Singer

@8 That was my Full Metal Jacket reference, thought the guy looked like PVT Pyle.


#8, I’m sure plenty of other guys have seen his weiner, from the looks of him.


All the people I know on facebook who ranted about Chik-fil-a suddenly have nothing to say.

AW1 Tim

Boy, oh, boy. And I just listened to a violent rant from Michelle Williams, the head of the New Black Panther party on how the RNC hates black people.

So much for tolerance.

I sure hope the police are visible at the sidewalks where I vote this fall.

B Woodman

#13 – I don’t care if the po-po are visible or invisible when I go to vote, I’m packing. With an extra fully loaded magazine. Just in case, ya know. (Boy Scout motto).


It didn’t take long for someone over at DU to suggest a conspiracy, it’s just a bunch of right wingers trying to make liberals looks bad…

I quote:

“5. sadly, it would not surprise me to learn that this whole thing was a set-up so that the fundies

and reichwingers would have something to whine about with those violent, angry, crazy liberals.”

On subject, I’d like to buy that security guard a beer!