Are you kidding me?

| August 14, 2012

Day 1 on Mailahn/Diliberto:

Yeah, so this one might be close.

Category: Politics

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!! Dildoberto just needs to roll over and DIE!! GUNNY DRIVEWAY FDB!! RIGHT IN THE EAR!!!


Wow… I am voting for the dildo. Why? He is another in a long line of embellishers or outright phonies who has made a name for himself speaking of things he knows nothing about. Disgracing the Military, and his fellow Marines. Fuck him… another John kerry Wannabe, but at least kerry actually went to Vietnam. He may have written his own ticket out, but he did go.

SFC Holland

I am cheering for Dildo. And that’s probably the first and last time I will type that… I feel dirty…


“Dildo-man: since circa 2005, so phony you just can’t call him a prick.”

Inhaler v. Dildo-man. Sounds like something out of an adult version of Marvel Comics.


Yeah, but Driveway stole from children. And the family drama going on over here for months now is classic!!!


True, Nicki. But Ronad’s deck of cards seems to be short a few aces – and he’s apologized for being a military phony. He may still be a shithead in other respects, but he’s owned up to that much.

In contrast, Dildo-man is sticking to his bogus story, and is profiting from his lies. As was the case with Poe, that’s enough of a tiebreaker for me.


Meh, I just read a thread where Dildoberto seemed to be suffering from a bout of verbal diarrhea, lots of words without really saying anything. Amazing how much knowledge you can gain by ducking a deployment. What a douche hammer. Still, GUNNY DRIVEWAY FTW!!


Hondo, I know what you’re saying. I guess I view this contest a bit differently. To me, it’s more about the absurdity of the claims, so I voted Driveway.


Nicki… No question Ronad is just an absolutely absurd character, well worthy of his lofty “fecal four” position. But I guess I also view this differently. In my mind, I see it as completely absurd for a guy to create an organization bent on influencing big-picture policy and become its spokesperson, when the guy blatantly lies about all facets of his service, and the organization and spokesperson credentials are 100 percent based off his his lies. This is a theater of the absurd, but my view is that DiLiberto just took it to a bigger stage.


@7 True, but any positive impact of an apology preceeding continued lies kinda takes the lies to a whole ‘nother level.


JAGC, this one is tough, no doubt. I think my vote for Gonad is pretty much rooted in the fact that he’s much more entertaining than Flattened Pee Pee.


Besides, there’s really something SO appealing about a



It sounds like it’s meant to be.

Yat Yas 1833

Cock Inhaler is a run of the mill psychotic, sociopath, pervert! Big deal! Mailman, with his crocodile tears, is a complete…I don’t have a word low enough to describe him. A complete liar, a common thief, a disgusting pervert and the epitome of a total loser. THAT’S gotta be worth something.


Au contraire, Ms. Nicki. The battle royale with the most panache and appeal would be “Cock Inhaler vs. Dildo-Man”.


Cock Inhaler is a bag of drama so big, Atlas couldn’t carry it on his shoulders! Plus, the blood drinking? I think that outweighs the hogtying.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@16 Never underestimate a good hog tie, it’s fun for all…..

I do think that it was mentioned yesterday that the Satanist vs the Theologist would make an interesting final…and there is something to that.

The Mailman may be short a few bricks from a full load as Hondo suggests, a half wit liar who apologizes hovers between despicable and merely pathetic, but the Mailman also ripped off kids and even half wits know screwing over kids is a bad, bad thing….he is more the bottom feeder trying to find any host to latch onto and keep feeding.

The Mailman is the street thief and Diliberto is the con man, both will rob you if opportunity presents, but Diliberto will make you believe it’s your own fault because he’s such a great guy and you should listen to him because he is so brilliant and full of experience.

This was tough for me, I voted for the Mailman but I may split my vote moving forward to keep the greasy, smiling con man where he belongs under a bright, shiny spotlight of truth.


Hondo, you’d choose Dildo over Gonad? What has this world come to? 😉

*ducks and runs*

VOV – I don’t estimate a good hog tie, unless the actual tie-ee is a hog, in which case, I call “PARTY FOUL” on the grounds that bestiality is just plain wrong!

I think Driveway is just dumber than a box of hammers, and ergo deserves to advance just based on Teh Stoopid!

But that said, I’m torn. Really torn. There’s something about Dildo.


Nicki: for me, it’s just a question of which one of them is the is the bigger . . . . tool. And though it’s close, IMO Dildo-man takes the cAke in that respect.

And I do hope the pun in your last sentence above was intentional. (smile)



It’s kind of an icky pun, but yeah… totally intentional.


Best Sung out loud with vigor and excitement!

GUNNY DRIVEWAY ALL THE WAY, he will beat Diliberto any day!


@ Hondo … well done! Sammy has got to be rolling over in grave!