Abdo gets life

| August 10, 2012

Naser Abdo, the ambitious fellow who plotted to bomb and then shoot up a restaurant in Killeen, Texas, outside the gates of Fort Hood has been sentenced to life in prison by a federal judge, according to the Associate Press.

Let’s recap, shall we; Abdo was AWOL from Fort Campbell after winning conscientious objector status from the Army, before child porn was found on his computer. His lawyer was James Branum, famous around these parts for defending countless deserters and AWOL soldiers at Fort Hood. After going AWOL himself, Abdo shows up in his lawyer’s stomping grounds, in the vicinity of “Under the Hood” an IVAW-sponsored coffee house where much of the local anti-war crowd gathered to plot the voicing of their displeasure with the wars. And where James Branum recruited clients for his law practice.

Abdo had no visible means of support, yet he was living in a motel in Killeen and he was able to buy guns, ammunition and components for his bombs, not to mention military clothing he needed to execute his plot and the things like food and stuff.

On the day Abdo was arrested, IVAW and James Branum went absolutely silent. Within a few weeks, Branum was out of the military lawyer thing and he’s gone back to Oklahoma to fail at practicing his trade there.

We had IVAW members and some of their former fans from the Killeen area emailing us asking about how they could get in touch with the FBI in the hours following Abdo’s arrest. I don’t know how any of that turned out, and we’ll probably never know. But we can guess what all of that drama was about.

Maybe someday Jason Abdo will tell us about it. I’d write his book for him.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Shitbags, Terror War, Usual Suspects

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Gee. Life in prison for a treasonous, terrorist bastard.

That’s . . . just . . . too . . . freaking . . . bad.


Time for him to start auditioning for a show like Prison Wives. I wonder who his Prison Husband will be, BTW?

2 x life, plus extra. Love it.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Right, planning to commit a mass murder is not like committing it to the law…too bad….Texas isn’t afraid of the death penalty when you actually follow through with your plans. But I default to believing a nut job like this when they tell me they want to kill me or anyone else they encounter. We should act accordingly to remove permanently from our society cancers like this and follow the Russian example, walk him downstairs from the courthouse into a tile room with a drain in the floor and put one in the soft spot behind his ear, let him drain out, and send the cleaning crew in later.

Green Thumb

LIfe, huh?

My taxes will have to pay for a rack and three square a day.

They could make this easier.


@#2, I’m pretty sure his hubby’s name will be Bubba. Aothough, there is a chance it might be LeRoy. Either way, I highly doubt he’ll ever have a problem with constipation again.


I’d completely forgotten about this guy


Amazing how the roaches scattered when the light shone upon them, though.

Yat Yas 1833

This just proves the character of the membership of ivaw, or lack thereof. They’ll talk the talk but won’t walk the walk.

Hart Viges

Abdo has fuck all to do with UTH or IVAW. Yet there you are speaking our name. Sad really….that you have to make connections where there are absolutly no connections to be made. You guys must really be hard up for stuff.


So you say. But at the time…go ahead. I love watching you get all dizzy and shit.

Hart Viges

Say and Know ol’Sparkey, now go fetch a bone that has some meat to it. Dizzy processing all these donations coming to IVAW with all this TAH Fan Mail. LOL