Tuesdays with Claymore
I know you’ve been waiting for this particular foray by Claymore into the sludge that is the Democratic Underground;
News Flash! Guns cause mass murder!
“…I have a lot of black friends, so I’m an expert on racism.”
What are the values of the Democratic Party…beyond winning, that is.
I’ll take one of each, please.
DUmbass hopes Anonymous hacks the IRS for Romney’s taxes. Patriots.
Yup…that’s exactly the same. No difference whatsoever.
Insurance covering the pregnancy of a 26 year old “child”.
Not sure if just crazy or if yanking chain…hmmm.
Yeah, but try finding waffle fries on Mars.
DUmbasses are a bunch of tools.
Leftists afraid that Syria will be Obama’s Iraq.
“…then everyone applauded”: Lowes Salesman vs. Rascal Scooter Edition
Hey, just showing up is half the battle…ask President Obama!
Maybe TSO should look into this…ca-ching!!
How long before there’s a schism in the Catholic church, or at least the American branch of it?
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
Sweet Jesus. That place makes my head hurt. I can’t understand all of teh Stoopid.
Careful, too much DU will cause you to inflict extreme bodily harm on your PC.
I only got two articles in before my eyes glazed over. I think I’m too tired for the insanity. I almost want to see one of those dipsticks confronting Eastwood seeing that post though.
How Clay actually does this week in and week out and doesn’t feel the urgent need to shower in boiling Listerine, I’ll never know!
Oops I fergot, Thanks Claymore for braving that festering swamp (I know, it gives festering swamps a bad name) and @#2, Nope, I just need to head to the range.
It kills me how they go on and on about “A well regulated Militia” yet completely ignore the “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” part of the 2nd Amendment
Twist–I also post on a site which has an entire section devoted to their stupidity.
These people are basically the shit-flinging monkeys of the Internet.
But the really scary part about these idiots is that they vote.
DU is like the Tang of the internet…concentrated stupid which is mostly phony and artificially colored.
I don’t know how you read this crap regularly, but I do want to say thank you as reading mangled analogies is particularly entertaining for me….
One of the posters mentioned folks not being the “smartest knives in the drawer”….
maybe that’s similar to being a brick short of a picnic or something….
the posting on DU is just….amazing…I know we are a diverse culture of varying opinions…but I have been out of touch apparently with just how “diverse” some of these opinions might be…
thank you for some entertainment this fine morning…
Yikes, Claymore…there I was reading just what you waded through and I need decontaminating…UGH!! The stupid is too much.
I don’t see how you can wade through that cesspool (I hate to insult cesspools) that is DU. I’m new to TaH and only recently found out about DU. It makes me sick how they pat each other on their backs and say how much better they are than everyone else. That and the mental masterbation saying things like “I was debating my right wing friend and…….”
@ 7 Sparky, my friend, I must disagree. What is truly scary about these rump rangers is they actually believe their own propaganda! The site should be called “democRATic Fantasy World”!!!
I love how they don’t realize their own stupidity…taken directly from the Sikh’em:
“Mull this over, resident DU Gun Enthusiasts: What if, in reaction to the latest mass murder involving firearms, we start seeing Sikhs sporting pistols and assault-style weapons in plain view? What are subhuman types like Michele Bachman and Ted Nugent going to say about a bunch of olive-skinned, turban and veil wearing people—people who look a lot like Muslims, to the untrained eye—exercising their precious Second Amendment rights? How enthusiastic do you think the guys at the shooting range are going to be if something like that happens? Would these armed-and-ready Sikhs be risking life and limb by taking the sort of action that DU Gun Enthusiasts have been advocating for years?
Extra points for honest answers…….”
Do they not realize the stupidity and how fucked up they sound? What fucking morons, I don’t remember seeing any veiled sikhs.
Just Plain Jason…
Of course, they don’t. They are, after all, superior judges of their own smartness with use of big vocabulary words to boot. They are the subhuman types,not the Nugents or Bachmans of the world and they just don’t know it.
You know what is worse when you don’t live down to their expectations. They get pissed and try to start a fight.
DefendUSA, Just Plain Jason: it’s worse than that, actually. Many if not most of the DU denizens are typical “do as I say and not as I do” hypocrites straight from the Carl Rowan mold. They’re all for liberal ideals until they are personally inconvenienced by policies spawned by those ideals; then they claim that those policies shouldn’t apply to them.
Carl Rowan is indeed the perfect archetype for this type of hypocrite. For years, Rowan was a liberal, syndicated columnist featured in the Washington Post and Chicago Sun-Times; he was a staunch supporter of gun control. He lived in DC. His columns advocated both laws making all handguns illegal (except for police and military) as well as mandatory jail sentences for illegal firearms possession.
However, in 1988 Rowan shot a trespasser on his DC property – with an illegal handgun (DC had made virtually all private handgun possession illegal in 1976). Further: in spite of his previous support for gun control, Rowan then had the audacity to claim (1) he had a right to use “whatever means necessary to protect himself and his family”, and (2) tried to argue that the gun was owned by his son, a former FBI agent, and thus wasn’t covered by DC’s gun ban. The trial ended in a hung jury, and he wasn’t retried.
I know what you are saying Hondo, I have seen people over there suggest the exact same policies that Stalin had put in place…and people were for it. I was so dumbstruck that I wasn’t really sure if they were shitting me or they are actually that stupid?
What do an axe, chainsaw and woodchipper all have in common? They are “common murder weapons”. Seriously, there was a diagram and everything.
I did however learn a new word over there today. Reading along and … bam… they hit you with a rarely used and/or rather redundant… adjective. In this case I wasn’t familiar with the word, but other popular ones they like to throw in are nefarious and egregious, but those are usually the loquacious commenters.
#8. But wasn’t Tang tasty? Although I suppose… if you drank too much of it you would end up having to vomit.
I think they all forget that this country was protected by private firearms from the beginning. If they get their inconsiderate way and abolish the military, I wont protect them when we get invaded.
They will be protected by rainbows and unicorn farts…
RF22, my 2nd house over neighbor never missed a chance comment on my weapons. She changed her mind when a turd broke in while she and her 2 kids were asleep. She had the gall to ask me to teach her how to “shoot her gun” after she bought a Lady S & W!?
I just love how that entire community is all about tolerance of everything unless it’s not their views… If you disagree with ANYTHING you’re clearly a racist, homophobe, stupid, redneck, etc…
I’ve seen more hate from liberals than conservatives. Ever.