Sikh Temple shooting in WI

| August 5, 2012

Seven people are dead, including the gunman, at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, WI, which started at about 10:30 this morning and ended by the first officer on the scene, who was himself injured in the exchange of gun fire. From Fox News;

Greenfield Police Chief Bradley Wentlandt said four people were found dead inside the temple, while three, including the suspected shooter, were found dead outside. Police say they don’t think there is a second shooter involved.

I don’t know who would have anything against Sikhs, they’ve been persecuted their entire history, and they certainly don’t deserve to be attacked by any rational person in this country.

They’ve been good citizens here and they’re certainly deserving of the same sympathy as the citizens of Aurora, CO.

Category: Breaking News

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Go ahead and put your money on me, fucktard. All 34 cents. Taking candy from babies, shit like that.

And anger? Against whom? You? Nah, more like pity. That cold thing you describe is basically my smirk knowing dickwads like you won’t even be worth a pimple on my ass.

I got better things to do with my life that hate. Laugh at ya when you fuck up, mostly.


Must have been all the lethal leaflet production training he received that made him dangerous. And of course, conservative radio was whispering in his ear the whole time.

And somewhere, watermelons go sad and unbroken…

Gallagher Fan

Judging by your posts on this blog I’d have to call bullshit on that. You are a hateful little man. Do me a favor, when you do finally explode into a mass murdering rage make sure your blasting Patti Smyth’s The Warrior from a boombox.



RACIST!!! Sorry, just had to get that one in there.


…because the constant (false) accusation that these shooters are all hate-filled Tea Party fools shouldn’t ever fill anyone with righteous indignation.

Aren’t there some fruit-laden vines to troll out there?


Man. I knew I was walking the line with watermelon. Did Gallagher ever use cantaloupes? Then I could get around any possible mixups.


Again, GF…life’s too short to hate. Shun, loathe, ridicule, yeah, I can certainly say I would demonstrate those towards you. But hate? Kill anyone?

You, m’boy, are the very definition of the phrase, “Waste of ammo.”

Gallagher Fan

That’s a relief. I’m going to go ahead and let the people at the United Negro College Fund know that if you ever show up at their headquarters you won’t be shooting people while screaming about the lack of a United White College fund, as we all previously thought you would.

The Dude

@51 What agenda would that be sparky?


Hey Gallagher Fan, I ordered a large fries with my order. Stop screwing it up. And you really need to get out of your parents basement and see the world for yourself.


Seems to me that most of the major shootings in the last 2-3 years, someone has popped off their cocksucker (either politician or the media) and claimed way early on that the shooter/bomber/killer was a disgruntled “Tea Party” type.

Now mind you, exactly ZERO of these accusations have panned out, but should that let a dutiful little libtard MSM/Obama sycophant be stopped by such inconvenient facts? No sir, it hasn’t even seemed to slow them down so far!


Oh, and GF? It would certainly be a relief to members of my extended family (African-American, or as they prefer to be called, “black”) and some others as well (Hispanic) that I’m not going to “go postal” or anything like that.

I mean, what would I have done back a few years ago at those NAACP functions I attended had I just “snapped”? Yeah, glad I got ya here to warn the brothas…


@GF; You need to go back to your coloring books before your Mom remembers that she forgot to log out of her computer.

Now if you will excuse me I must return to oppressing minorities. Care to join me NHS?


Damn, and to think I left my good hood at the cleaners after weekly cross burnin’!

Yes, douchebags, that was sarcasm, in case you didn’t recognize it.