Durbin – Dick Durbin; Secret Squirrel

| April 27, 2007

This morning I read a story by Sean Lengell in the Washington Times about how Dick Durbin kept silent on his knowledge of prewar intelligence. I’ll let you read his words;

The Senate’s No. 2 Democrat says he knew that the American public was being misled into the Iraq war but remained silent because he was sworn to secrecy as a member of the intelligence committee.
    “The information we had in the intelligence committee was not the same information being given to the American people. I couldn’t believe it,” Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Democrat, said Wednesday when talking on the Senate floor about the run-up to the Iraq war in 2002.
    “I was angry about it. [But] frankly, I couldn’t do much about it because, in the intelligence committee, we are sworn to secrecy. We can’t walk outside the door and say the statement made yesterday by the White House is in direct contradiction to classified information that is being given to this Congress.”

First of all, who believes any Democrat wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to prove this White House lies? Especially since there have been two elections since the invasion of Hussein’s Iraq? Does anyone honestly think that Dick Durbin, who called our troops guarding the thugs and criminals at Guantanamo SS Guards, would have kept his mouth shut longer than the time it took him to get a microphone?

Secondly, I have intelligence about Dick Durbin’s personal life that is contradictory to the information he allows to be public. Now, I can’t comment on it because I’ve been sworn to secrecy by the particular farm animals involved and I’m worried telling ya’all might damage our national security, so I’ll have to keep mum on it for now. 

I have trouble believing that Durbin has made public statements that are contrary to what I’ve been briefed, I can only hope that he’ll come forward with the truth soon so I can sleep at night again.

How’dya like that, Dick?

Curt at Flopping Aces has more on Durbin’s comments in relation to what other Democrats with the same intelligence briefings as Durbin.

Category: Historical, Politics, Terror War

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