No arrests in murder of veteran in DC

| July 30, 2012

I’m not really surprised since few murders in DC get solved, but the Albany Times Union reports the story of Clifton Park, NY resident, Patrick Casey, who left college to join the Army, went to Afghanistan, returned to finish college at George Washington University and ended his life in a pool of blood outside of a MacDonald’s in Georgetown;

U.S. Attorney Ronald Machen Jr., responded to the Caseys’ concerns in a May letter. He told them the office concluded there was insufficient evidence to pursue criminal charges because the government could not prove the person who punched Pat did not act in self-defense, or in defense of a third party. The matter could be re-opened if additional evidence materializes, Machen said.

Casey’s parents had to file a FOIA to get a copy of the surveillance camera footage of events leading up to their son’s death, got a heavily redacted copy from police and eventually got a clean copy. After determining that the video didn’t support the police’s contention that Casey may have attacked the people who eventually killed him, they discovered that there were several other tapes, one that might actually have images of his death.

[D.C. Police Capt. Michael Farish] also stated Sept. 30 that detectives had interviewed people on both sides of the confrontation, which the Caseys later found out from police wasn’t true. While investigators identified the three men in Casey’s opposing party within days, they did not interview two subjects until Oct. 1 [more than a week after the death], and the man who struck Pat Casey until a later date, Kucik told the Caseys in an email.

See, here’s the thing that angers me almost as much as the incompetence of the DC Metro police investigators; If roles had been reversed that night, and the Afghanistan veteran had pummeled a local to death, we’d be reading about terrible it is that we allow veterans to continue to roam among us without leashes and muzzles. We’d be hearing about how the military had trained him to kill and never shut off that switch. We’d be seeing the bereaved family of the victim screaming for justice every night on DC local news. But in this case we have to read about the events in the District from a distant newspaper with local connections to Casey.

Category: Veterans Issues

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sad to hear, hopefully the truth comes out


Unfortunately Jonn, you are right. My thoughts are with him and his family and I hope that the truth comes out.

I hate going up to that place on TAD. I feel like I’m taking my life into my own hands when I ride the metro, walk down the street or whatever. Nations capitol and your head is always on a swivel.

Just Plain Jason

Today I got to talking about Jose Guerena today with a friend and how very little new news has come out about that story. Now we have this one where a vet is killed and the police seem to be doing little to solve the murder. I don’t have anything against my brothers who wear blue, but come on we need some answers.

CI Roller Dude

It’s fucking ass clowns like the DC cops that sometimes make me want to pretend I wasn’t a cop for 32 years.
This is true—returning war vets are assumed to be crazy. When I returned from Iraq, one of the police admin pukes suggested that I should have a psyc eval before returing to work. I pointed out that was harassment and a violation of the law. He changed his mind.
I left that dept less than a year after I returned because of shit like that…and by the way, I did go through a psyc eval and they said I was fine. …wow.


I bet if Pat were black and the three were white, they would already be in jail.


#5 I agree. That B on W crimes are underreported by the media is no surprise here, and it won’t change until we start raising hell about it.


Fat, doughnut-eating, leftard, public-union DC police.


Any names of the suspects released?


I was a Maryland county police officer for 14 years (got injured & moved to Florida). My dealings with Metro DC police were always a horror show. The police officers I met were as dumb as a stump, and had the self respect of a small soap dish. I met one of their command staff and he told me that if I transferred over to them I could be a detective in 6 months, and be promoted in a year. CI Roller Dude has them down pat, the officers I met were an absolute disgrace. It doesn’t surprise me to see them act like a cat covering shit.


@Devtun, Mr. Cross was on WGN’s noon news today. A dentist has volunteered to replace Mr. Cross’s broken dentures. Whether he was a vet or not, he didn’t deserve what those wankers did to him. One of them is a juvenile. They are now named and sitting in jail.