Marine phony facing 10 years

| July 30, 2012

Toothless Dawg sends us a link to Inside Nova which reports that 29-year-old James M. Johnson of Roxboro, N.C. pleaded guilty to impersonating a Marine on dating websites and tried to entice and coerce women into sending racy photos;

When the women refused, Johnson threatened to harm the women or their children or to post altered photographs of the women on pornographic websites, the news release said.

Johnson told [one] woman that he would “slit [her] throat and send his friends to kill [her],” court documents state.

Yeah, it’s a jungle out there. Mary sends us the names of a couple of Army guys every week from distressed women who met guys online. Of course, they’re all Rangers or Delta or something top secret.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Just keep up the good work, TAH.




As Chuck Barkley would say “people are turrible”.


From the source article: ‘he sometimes used the screen name “Cuddleman.”’

Enough said.


“cuddleman”?! Definitely an atypical Marine…


Do I smell a contender for next year’s stolen valor tournament?

Green Thumb

Time to break out the “Tidy Bowl”…

@4. Or “Tickle Monster”.


I was a 19D. does that mean I can tell chicks (or broads to use the more PC term) that I was Delta?

Green Thumb

@8. If you are part of the new “PC” Army…sure, why not?


Have we really come to this as a nation? Not that it justifies his skuzworthiness in the slightest, but if women are not having good luck meeting men face to face, why would they think they’d have a better experience in cyberspace?

How utterly disgusting.

B Woodman

Soooo. . . This “person” (and I use the term loosely) wants to pretend to be a Marine??
Well, I hope he meets a couple of the real thing soon, in a back room wall-to-wall counceling session.


Let them continue to be Delta, Ranger, SEAL. It makes it easier to spot them. If they were really slick they would just be a grunt or cav scout since that is more believable. Hopefully I didn’t give the scum any ideas.


Anybody who claims to be a former AFSOC guy (Combat Controller & Pararescue )will get a blank stare from general public. Just don’t have same name recognition or Hollywood cache as units mentioned above.