Just When You Think You Have Liberals Pegged . . .

| July 25, 2012

Sometimes you see something that makes you go, “Huh?” Not because it’s BS – but because it surprises you.

I certainly did recently. That happened when I read this article, where rapper/actor Ice-T comes out strongly in favor of individual gun ownership and the individual right for concealed carry.

Ice-T has an, um, “checkered” past, and he certainly made no bones about his political leanings 4 years ago.  However, he’s also proof that at least a few liberals “get it” when it comes to gun ownership, the Second Amendment, and Constitutional rights.  He also proves that not all liberals toe the “party line” on all issues.

I can’t exactly say I agree with Ice-T across the board here – I’d not have singled out the police as targets like he did in the article (IMO the right of firearms possession and carry is better justified as allowing defense of person in particular and liberty in general). But the article and accompanying video are certainly at least minor bits of sanity from the liberal side of the house regarding firearms ownership.  I guess even stopped clocks are right twice a day.

I can’t wait to see what our resident liberals have to say about this.  (smile)

Category: Guns

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Tom B.

I saw that as well and was surprised he directly said that American’s need to own guns to protect themselves from the cops. He should of elaborated and said from a government trying to install a Police State type of over sight. But to the likes of him, I’m sure it’s a much more personal feeling of literally protecting yourself from police who have suddenly been given excessive powers.


Welcome to libertarianism, Ice T.


“An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.”

Now I’m pro-police, but there are times where they certainly overstep their bounds, but there are legal remedies for such. One of the major reasonings behind the Second Amendment is that it protects people from tyrannical government. That reasoning is as sound now as it was then.

Oh, and fucktard liberals? Study your history. Colonists in many cases were REQUIRED to hold heavy weaponry (mortars, cannon, etc.,) because bringing them from central locations to the frontier areas in a rapid fashion was not practical.


This from the man that released the Cop Killer album and dressed like a cop on the cover of Rolling Stone.

John Robert Mallernee

I don’t want to say Ice T is right, but in this instance, it so happens that Ice T is right.

Indiana recognizes it, for they recently became the first state to enact legislation allowing private citizens to defend themselves against illegal home invasions by rogue police.

When the Third American Revolution begins (as it’s destined to do by our current circumstances), we will be shooting at police officers and soldiers, for that’s who represents the government, i.e., the tyrants in power.

It gets worse, MUCH worse.

Just as in 1775, and again in 1861, we will be killing our neighbors, our co-workers, our fellow church members, and even members of our own family.

Just what do you think our ancestors were doing back then?

The Second Amendment only exists for one reason, and that reason is to ensure that we, the people, possess the military style weapons necessary to wage a bloody armed revolt.

Yes, if we lose, we’re guilty of treason and murder.

But, if we win – – – ?

Soldiers and police need to decide just which side they’re going to be on when the shooting starts.


A little know fact is that Tracy Morrow, now know as Ice T, apparently served served in the Active Army for 4 years after high school.

Maybe that week of BRM at FT Dix or FT Jackson stuck with him.



Please go sit on your porch and wait for your black helicopter.


@5 So he believes in Free Speech, too. Just like the Nuge. And? Even speech some folks despise is protected.

He mentioned on Adam Carolla’s podcast in June that he went to Ranger School before going to the 25th ID @ Schofield. Someone can pick through grad photos to identify him, I’m sure.


Even some libs understand that the Bill of Rights is not a “Pick 2 from column A. Pick one from column B.” kind of document. It’s all or nothing.


Whoops, meant the comment to address @4 not @5.

Country Singer

1) I would like to thank you, Hondo, for properly utilizing the phrase “toe the line”…vice “tow”, which ranks right up there with “Marshall Law” on the list of Syntax and Spelling Minutiae That Drive Me Crazy.

2) I’ve noticed that the rappers that transitioned into more mainstream endeavors in the entertainment industry (meaning acting) seem to evolve into being more mainstream themselves. I’m not sure if that’s just a personal maturation process, if it indicates that the thug/gangsta persona was just that: a persona, and not who that person really was. Or perhaps it’s a combination of the two. Ice Cube and Queen Latifa are other examples.


John Robert Mallernee sounds like the exact kind of shithead who is hoping and praying for the chance to start “shooting at police officers and soldiers” and “killing our neighbors, our co-workers, our fellow church members, and even members of our own family.”

Pal, you need a serious re-adjustment to your world view.

I get a bit nauseated at the amount of folks who are chomping at the bit to start gunning down cops. Yeah, keep having your little “Third American Revolution” jerk off fantasies, picturing yourself standing on a pile of the bodies of those nasty jackbooted oppressors, thrusting your still smoking rifle in the air while you shout defiantly, “WOLVERINES!”

That shit bothers me. It also bothers me that in the hours since that fool has posted that trash here, only one guy has called him out on it. Thanks for speaking up, Ranger X.


I wanted to point out that Ice-T was apparently an 11Bravo at Tropic Lightning many moons ago so there is a glimmer of hope.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@12 maybe some other folks don’t implicitly trust the police….their experience perhaps differs from yours…consequently the idea that the police will continue to invade their personal liberties and escalate that into arresting those who express their dissent with the government is not such a far removed concept from reality as you feel. I don’t much care for the cops having the power under the Patriot Act to conduct warrantless taps and searches…and I am aware that the cops enforce a law today that could be voided tomorrow along with ignoring behavior today that could be illegal tomorrow, it’s what cops do they enforce the law, whether the law is right or not…thus they are the tools of the government to implement domestic policy enforcement imposed on the citizenry and would be the first targets in a hostile take over of the current government…

I don’t know Mr. Mallernee, he could be batsh1t crazy at this point…not for me to say based on a single post….

I do know this, the founders were the liberal radicals of their day, the conservatives were trying to work things out with the crown….

Good to keep some perspective as we drift away from the founders concept — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — the government fails to be legitimate in the eyes of the founders of this nation when it no longer has the consent of the majority to be governed to submit to the government…the right to bear arms gives the citizenry a forceful tool to offer dissent when the ballot box no longer works…


@Veritas Omnia Vincit So because of these hypothetical examples of potential ‘police abuses’:

“…the police will continue to invade their personal liberties and escalate that into arresting those who express their dissent with the government is not such a far removed concept from reality as you feel…”

And because you don’t approve of this:

“I don’t much care for the cops having the power under the Patriot Act to conduct warrantless taps and searches…”

That makes this idea fine and dandy:

“…they are the tools of the government to implement domestic policy enforcement imposed on the citizenry and would be the first targets in a hostile take over of the current government…”

That’s your position? You’re down with this idea of killing police officers because…of whatever it is you don’t like about the government? I just want to be clear on what you’re saying. Because in my mind, there’s a giant difference between saying, “I own weapons to defend myself and my family,” and saying, “I own weapons to kill cops when I don’t get my way.”

You can quote the Constitution and the founding fathers and this and that all day, but that’s really what it seems to me that you are saying…that you support the murder of police officers as a way to “offer dissent.”

John Robert Mallernee

Greetings to Ranger, Et Alii: One of the traits that the so-called “Liberals”, or “Progressives”, or “Marxists”, or whatever, all seem to have in common, is that they invariably resort to accusations and epithets whenever they are unable to refute an opposing view by expressing themselves logically. Yes, I reckon quite a few folks probably think I’m nuts. So what? I’m acutely aware that at my age, and with my rapidly deteriorating physical health, I won’t last two minutes when the revolt starts. Actually, I’m not sure it will be a revolt in the classic sense. Since there’s no real organization that I’m aware of, I suspect it will begin as more of a spontaneous general anarchy, possibly incorporating elements of racial genocide, which might eventually become a more organized conflict, with defined goals. I suspect the impending total collapse of our national economy will be the initiating factor, as normal government services will no longer be available, and citizens will be left to their own devices for sustainment. Remember, today, we are no longer a unified agrarian society, which is what made survival possible during the Great Depression, and in the previous two armed revolutions. As is typical of many Americans, I live alone, in a city, with my closest kinfolk located hundreds of miles away. Typical of federal installations, the administration of the Armed Forces Retirement Home where I reside has made no provisions for a total economic collapse. Just look around you and use your imagination. What’s going to happen when your money is worthless, no vehicles can operate, and store shelves are empty? How well do you know your neighbors? Would you be aware if a stranger wandered into your neighborhood? When all government services cease, where will you get clean drinking water? How will you dispose of garbage and human waste? Where will you get firewood, coal, or other fuel? Remember, you’re competing with everybody else for those precious resources, and all of you are on foot, which limits the distance you can travel and the load you can carry. You can expect that roving… Read more »


A simple reality of life is that individual citizens have various images of “the government.” Perhaps the face of government that most encounter is a police officer.

OK, older folks remember the postmaster, but most of us who do also remember the local deputy sheriff. So, whether we like it or not, “the police” is the face of the government for most of the population, for many the only face of government that they know, and for entirely too many that image is negative.

For me and mine, we are fairly likely to shoot first and ask questions later no matter who is coming through the door, what they are wearing, and I will have no interest in their gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.