Of Sham Sheepdogs and Stolen Valor

| July 6, 2012

Some have served though most have not;
Taken all in all, they’re a sorry lot,
Who lie to find their missing needs,
Promote themselves on others’ deeds.

While cooks and clerks they may have been;
They dream themselves as fighting men.
And not content to be just grunts,
They expose themselves through foolish stunts.

While any combat should be enough;
They need to prove they’re really tough.
To get their glory, to seal the deal,
It’s Ranger, SF or Navy SEAL.

And even there, they’re not content
With claims of service false and bent;
To bolster lives of lack and pallor,
They make false claims to deeds of valor.

In uniforms so bright adorned,
With unearned honors all suborned,
They always give away their games
With lofty medals, shameless claims.

They always go a bridge too far,
Revealing who they really are;
Til we cut them at their sorry knees,
These phony warrior wannabees.

We sheepdogs know who is our foe:
The wolves who bring our flocks to woe;
But also shams as sheepdogs clothed,
Worth only scorn and to be loathed.

And while our highest court has ruled
These fakers’ right to keep us fooled;
All sheepdogs now must join the fight
And let these phonies feel our bite.

Category: Stolen Valor Act

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joe alcott

Kick ass! The SC decision is an abomination. I have never served, but think those who “embeiiish” and “misspeak” should have allrights and priveliges recinded. To serve ,itself, is an honor.

tavern knight

A duty AND AN HONOR TO SERVE. So true, Joe.


You’ve done it again, Poetrooper. Very nice.


Nicely done, PT!


Mister Poetrooper — Living UP to your name, as usual !!


Great words that never have rung so true. It particularly struck me as I just returned from my my retirement/out-processing brief where we received working copies of our DD-214s to review and correct. Despite my ORB being correct, there were several significant errors to include an extra Bronze Star, a Valorous Unit Award for two week period of time when I was not deployed as I was the rear det cdr because some AG soldier didn’t look to see that my UIC for the rear det was one letter different than the BDE, thus giving me another six months of overseas combat credit. THe briefer seemed pretty blase about the errors and really pissed me off by telling me that I would have to bring some documentation to have the errors removed. Pretty fucking hard to prove that something seven years ago didn’t happen. Anyway, my point is that it is very easy to see how people get DD 214s falsified when their record keeping is that bad. On the other hand, my ORB is entirely correct because the Army forces you to do that prior to boards. Maybe if they included the review and signature that the DD 214 was accurate and complete while a soldier was still on active duty (not headed out the door..invisible to his unit) there would be less of these posers out there.


And yes the BS was typical FG Officer attaboy for not fucking anything up too badly while deployed. Not for any particular achievement. Just to be clear.

Zero Ponsdorf

Dang Russ!

An incipient classic to be sure.



No. 6 Elric:
To “the briefer”:

It is IMPOSSIBLE, to prove, ANY negative
(except by an implied positive).


# Exactamundo!