Arch Hard Barry!
For those of you unfamiliar with military freefall lingo (actually any kind of skydiving), I’ll gladly explain.
A poor aircraft exit or failure to stabilize one’s body position during freefall will result in completely out of control spinning and toppling. This usually only happens to rookies and it not only makes one look pretty stupid, it can also get one’s rookie ass killed.
Sometimes after a solid exit and good stabilization a young jumper will lose the correct flight attitude during freefall and this uncontrolled spin and flip can happen.
If this happens, DO NOT PANICK! The remedy is fairly simple; arch hard. Gravity is smarter than you and the arch will eventually stabilize you and you can recover to a successful and safe jump.
The Obama campaign needs to seriously consider this advice.
The recent polling numbers have no doubt caused the campaign to lose its stability and based on a rash of gaffes, they are panicking.
Mark Hemingway from National Review has a review of just one day in the Obama spiral:
Joe Biden, intentionally or not, insinuates that Sarah Palin doesn’t care about special needs kids because of conservative objections to stem cell research (and the objections of Biden’s own religion, natch).
Biden asks a guy in a wheel chair to stand-up in front of a large crowd of people. An honest mistake and I actually feel bad for Biden on this one, but it’s not exactly the kind of campaign tableaux you’re aiming for.
Long time Obama associate and unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers releases a bizarre statement via cartoon saying “I don’t [think] violent resistance is NECESSARILY the answer.”
Barack Obama (again, intentionally or not) compares the opposing female vice-presidential candidate to a pig, at a time when she’s become a figure of public sympathy because of scores of vile, baseless attacks on Palin and her family by Obama supporters.
A few minutes ago, FoxNews reported a news story from Apparently, the Chair of the South Carolina Democrat Party decided to join the fray:
South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate ” whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”
Oh yeah, and back to the freefall analogy. Failure to recover from an out of control loss of stability can result in a very bad chain of events. Even with a high-end Automatic Deployment Device, a spinning jumper runs the risk of wrapping himself in his canopy.
As gravity is still in play, this will result in an impact with the ground at near terminal velocity.
Naturally, this will result in “deceleration trauma” and that is usually fatal.
Category: Politics
That’s great stuff. And what’s up that Fowler chick’s ass?
COB6 Wrote: You can’t fix stupid.
And, boys and girls, who is Carol Fowler’s husband??? Why, yes, that would be Don Fowler — the other week on the plane, laughing about the hurricane going to hit at the right time, remember him?
What a lovely husband and wife team they make.
Take your point… interesting analogy.
I won’t discuss the wisdom of jumping out of perfectly good aircraft. I can’t bring myself to use ‘wisdom’ and Obama in the same sentence.
Rats! I just did!
Looks like a cigarette roll to me. LOL The only thing Barry can try now is to do the best damn PLF ever.
Barry won’t have a problem. He is the ONE! He will levitate himself just before making contact; stepping down ever so lightly. Or not. This 2 months is one hell of a show if nothing else. There is ignorant, and then there is downright STUPID, n they sure are slinging a bunch of it. Lots of fodder for my design shop.
nuf sed
I’d say his moose was cooked.
Sorry for posting a comment on a non-airborne tag!
The best I’ve ever heard it described is to “Go into the Frog” position (for free fall). It worked for me! I never had instability problems during a drop. Although, to be honest, I never tried to “track” or do anything fancier.
As for the “person” who CANNOT BE NAMED,” he’s the ultimate LOSER. He may yet be elected to be President. If that day comes to pass, there will MASSIVE ammunition sales. Not from prospective assassins, although the dumb-ass liberal will certainly TRY to spin it that way; but rather from very, very concerned citizens who will build up their personal armories to fend-off the Orwellian Government that the Obamamessiah has promised to impose upon the American people.
As for the “world’s” opinion, or “vote,” F-Off! We, the American People, LEFT your worthless a$$es more than 200 years ago because WE figured out what LOSERS you were, THEN. We’ve had to come to YOUR LOSER’S RESCUE TWICE since then. It’s time for you Euro-Weenies to “Embrace the Suck,” as you bow to your Islamic Masters, and send your daughters into Islamic sexual slavery. We (United States Citizens) should NOT have to come SAVE your (European Union, or individual European countries) sorry-A$$e$ yet ONCE MORE! You have CHOSEN your Future. EAT IT! EXPERIENCE IT! SUFFER IT! Learn to enjoy the benefits of a 7th Century “culture.”
Oh, and Obama? Vote for him (Euro-slaves) as MUCH as you want too. We Americans DON’T CARE. The Islamics will teach you who your new master is. Some of you may ACTUALLY decide to fight back, but by then it will be Far, Far TOO LATE. Won’t it?