Legislating smarts
Some people are too stupid to live and no amount of legislation will save them from themselves. Of course, you’ve all heard about Grandma Bloomberg trying to eradicate the scourge of super-sized soda pop drinks in his city, and I’m pretty sure that you agree with me that it’s a clear example of government over-stepping their boundaries. Well, some New Yorkers don’t think the campaigns against their obesity have gone far enough, according to the New York Times;
At parks, bodegas and fast-food restaurants across the Bronx, many residents had not heard of most of the previous anti-obesity efforts. “If I did, I don’t think I’d be this big right now,” said Faith Coleman-Njikeng, who, at 5-foot-2 and 200 pounds, has never been heavier. “They didn’t do a good job of publicizing them.”
Yeah, Big Faith needs someone to warn her that she’s hefty-sized, but in today’s PC society, there’s no one to shame her into a slimmer size, so legislate away, Grandma Bloomberg, some people can’t hear you roar.
For others, nothing had worked. Brett Toney, who is 5-foot-9 and 210 pounds, and his wife, who is also obese, have sworn off fried foods, attended health fairs, used a coupon for a farmers markets and walked in a park for exercise in the past year. He did not lose a single pound. She gained 20.
Yeah, if that attending health fairs, and using a coupon hasn’t worked, I don’t know what will. Sorry folks you should just give up, curl up into a gelatinous mass and wait for death. But I warn you, your mate will probably eat you.
So, since the residents of the Bronx are too stupid to not eat, the only answer is to legislate smarts for them;
Kelly D. Brownell, the director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, said that while education and incentives were popular with the public, those programs tended to reach relatively small numbers because of their limited funds. He said he supported the use of regulations like the city’s proposed ban on large sodas as a necessary step toward curbing obesity.
Any fat people out there who don’t know that drinking huge sugary drinks compound their weight problems? I didn’t think so. Apparently, the problem isn’t education, then.
I remember that we wrote about Michelle Obama preaching at a DFAC about obesity which strikes me as only looking for your lost car keys under the single working streetlight, whether that’s where you lost them or not.
Category: Liberals suck
and this has what to do with the military?
Praise the lord that we have people much smarter than us saving us from ourselves!!!
@1: Since when does everything have to be tied into the military?
Reading that conjured up an image I witnessed many times. For those of you who don’t know, Jonn’s sensitivities to individuals struggling with self-induced problems hasn’t came on in his later years; he has always been the kind hearted man who offered comfort and a caring word to these souls.
Every company or battalion run when some rotund individual would fall behind, the first voice of encouragement I would hear was Jonn’s.
“You fat F**k, you had better get back in that formation! If you f**king quit, I’m going to kill the mess SGT! Then what are going to do, you disgusting POS!”
Always did my heart good to hear such genuine concern from a senior non-commissioned officer. Oh the memories.
@1 Kind of tangential, but I think it has to do with the fact that the same people who are making bans on super size drinks are the same ones making policy on more important things in this country.
And that affects folks in the militry, too.
Also, doc, these are the same people that don’t think a soldier on the battlefield can recognize a bad guy shooting at them and make the proper call to take them out with a Switchblade drone. So; I guess that ties in what it has to do with the military.
“military.” Sorry. Brain ahead of fingers again.
gee, PintoNag, for a minute I was flashing back to “made her look a little like a milit’ry man”…
Chubby Chasers have to have their dream to chase.
Just BAN ALL FOOD, thus, no POSSIBILITY of food “harm” —
thus, no crime IN the streets — it’s pretty simple .
(*sarcasm* ?? — you decide)
No. 3 :
“Oh — The Humanity !! “
HM2 FMF-SW Ret #1: Oddly enough Jonn can say what he wants here, does that trouble you?
COB6 #3: And he is cute! It IS a burden that he is STILL struggling with.
@3: I am imagining just what you describe taking place. In fact, I have heard my former 1SG saying pretty much the same thing when someone would even think about falling behind (the man had a class 3 profile and didn’t even need to look out the window at anyone running if he didn’t want to, however, he never missed a run and would actually lead several of them. Tough SOB, that’s for sure).
Reminds me of what Fred Reed once said about whiners.
“I kid about it, but it really was philosophy. We learned that there are things you have to do. We learned that we could generally do them. We also learned, if we didn’t already know, that whimpering is humiliating. The Marine view of life, which would eradicate American politics in about three seconds if widely applied, was simple: Solve your problems, live with them, or have the grace to shut up about them.
Can you imagine what this would do to the talk-show racket?
Fat housewife to Oprah: “My?I just won’t?being so?heavy hurts my self-esteem.”
Oprah: “So stop sniveling and eat less. Next.”
This is no different a result, (or lack of) than education about AIDS. After 25 years, and billions of dollars, we still have an annual infection rate of 40,000+.
COB6…You are describing a scene from Ft. Jackson!! No kidding!! I was road guard and had to pull these twice my age bitches up to formation, every time. AND I am vertically challenged. If I had to hear that whining,32 yo female wuss say “I (huff) can’t (huff)do (cry, huff)it!!) one more day, I was gonna lose it. So the drill said it all for me after three days of trying to keep her in formation…Fat c*** was the choice word from the drill. I cringe at the thought of that roar!
Those people need something that is learned not innate. Some old fashioned self-control. Nobody forces those people to eat two freaking chik-fil-a sandwiches, fries, a milk shake. No. You choose it. The same way you can choose to exercise and stop your ignorance from killing you. The truth hurts, but WHOOP, der it is…
If they try this stuff where I live, I’m going to start up my own black (African-American?) market, selling illegal Twinkies and cup cakes. I’ll be rich beyond belief. They’ll call me Scarf-Face.
COB6, you know I couldn’t threaten to kill anyone. Remember our motor sergeant who convinced the Bn Motor Officer to move him out of our company in the FOB because he just thought I was going to kill him as soon as the war began? I couldn’t say that shit out loud or they’d have thrown me in irons.
I think people have got this all wrong.’
Bloomberg should be commended for ensuring that the metric system will never take hold in America, because it’s illegal to sell a half-liter soft drink in New York City.
#17: “Scarf-face” pure hilarious!
As a SNCO in the Marine Corps, I deal with a few that are dealing with “operational girth”. And I usually prescribe them a daily dose of “Put the fork down, fatty”…followed by a few rounds of “Get your fat ass on the mat and learn to grapple”.
Anyways, being fat is a choice, my wife admitted that about 6 years ago, and hasn’t had soda, desserts, or any refined sugar in that long…she also started Tae Bo. She lost 124 lbs in that first year, and has toned up and is on her 4th year as an instructor, earned her Personal Trainer certificate, and is down a total of 150ish lbs.
I am proud of her, but it came down to her choice.
Man NYC must be a great place to live. High taxes, $10 for a pack of smokes, can’t have more than 16 oz of Coke at a time…wow…I think I’ll be looking for an overpriced one bedroom apartment in a crime ridden neighborhood in the near future.
I don’t know who I’d rather see fall into the ocean first, the People’s Republik of Kalifornia or United Socialist Soviet Republik of New York. If I decide to go eat three Big Macs, ultra jumbo fries and a two gallon shake that’s my business! BUT I also believe that someone who chooses that life style should not be allowed to apply for public medical assistance. Same with these punks that have these “boom boom” stereos in their cars. When they’re 50 and deaf, don’t go to the county hospital for help.
@#22 holy shit that’s funny!
$10/pack, Jason?
Try $14. And $7 for a beer (domestic draft) during “Happy Hour.” Happy my ass.
That was as of last November. Only time I’ve ever walked out of a restaurant after being seated was then when we looked at the menu and saw a corned beef sandwich (no sides) for $23 plus tax/tip.
I forgot about that. I guess you were one scary dude. I know you scared the shit out of our CO but then I think I did too in his case.
No. 17 JD Wildridge:
I have NOT finished reading the remaining comments,
but yours is NOT only funny as Hell,
but you ought to DO it and TAKE “REVENGE.” !!
JD–Bloomy already has his panties in a wad because the Jihadis and the mob are smuggling cases of smokes from low-tax states, faking the tax stamps, and selling them in NY/NJ and elsewhere for a tidy profit.
I can see it now…”Psst…yo! I got Ding-Dongs, man!”
No. 20 DaveO, No. 27 DR_BRETT and No. 28 NH Sparky,
Thank you gentlemen. The main problem with following through with my plan will be logistics, but I think I can run a secure supply line up from some of the free states. To get them into NY I’ll disguise the snacks as salads and I think it’ll all work out. I’m willing to split the profits with anyone able to help me.