Gordon Duff: America died when we got Fox News

| June 5, 2012

Yeah, that’s the problem. Apparently, Rupert Murdoch has a plan to dumb us all down. It worked in the UK, says Duff, now it’s going to work in the US as well. The guy who supported Ron Paul until he was no longer viable (we knew that from the beginning) and suddenly supported Obama, because Paul and Obama are so close on economic issues, right?

I pick on Fox News simply because they are the standard bearer for hatred, for ignorance, for conspiracy theory, for prejudice, for ignorance, a network of talking heads, run by gangsters, a platform for a pack of morons no child would or should abide.

An example, please.

Were I to tell you the truth, such as I know of it, believe what you will, I live in a nation addicted to one thing. We continually compare ourselves with Nazi Germany, the images of the Holocaust, oddly misquoted and mistranslated, carefully edited version of Hitler’s speeches, proving we are good still, and that, so many decades ago, we saved mankind from mass murder and slavery.

Our culture is built on this, the worship of the holocaust, the damnation of Hitler, then, out of that occasional moment of clarity we all have, I began to put things together.

Yeah, I don’t think you could even put two brain cells together, Gordon, at least not your own. Ask him for an example of how we “worship the Holocaust”, and he probably can’t. But apparently, the whole point is that the white supremacist, JT Ready was set up and his family murdered by cops. How Duff and his readers got there from here, I’ll never know. I guess Rupert Murdoch decided Ready should go.

But at least he’s enlightened us by telling us that Hitler wasn’t so bad after all, we “lost World War II” because apparently we should have been fighting the Jews, if I translate his idiocy properly. And JT Ready was just the latest victim of that war.

Category: General Whackos

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Not so long ago folks this delusional were institutionalized. For the good of themselves as well as the rest of society.


In some other societies, they still are–just long enough to arrange a double-tap to the back of the head.

And no, Gordo, it ain’t “Teh Jooooooooooossssss.”


Sounds like Gordo’s meds wore off a bit early again . . . .


I bet one of the hot Fox News ladies turned him down.


Stedfast&Loyal, I’m betting ALL of the Fox News ladies turned him down. (smile)


Wow… this guy is something. I can’t figure out what that something is, but he is it. I have an idea, though… and it rhymes with Douchbag.


Gordo’s leaps of logic equal those of our very own Insipid.


SF, when you consider that a whole bunch of leftists believe that only they have the right to express themselves freely, it explains a lot.

Yeah, I know. Hard to get one’s head around it, but having observed them whining publicly about “You can’t be here,” “You can’t say that,” “Only we have the right to be here,” and stuff like that, many of their delusions came into greater focus for me.

Imagine just how shocking it is to have one of them actually say that we don’t have a right to be on a street corner across from them demonstrating opposing views. The first time it happened I explained to them that the US Constitution that gave them the right to be there also gave me the same right. They continued to deny it. A police officer finally told them the same thing, and ordered them back to their corner. Too funny, and sad.

Doc Bailey

At this point can we even call it “logic”? We like saving the world but if you want to talk about whose dumbing down America I think we ought to look at mr “we are the people we’ve been waiting for”

Andy Kravetz

wow. The real problem is that people have lose the ability to agree to disagree. Whether FOX, MSNBC (just as bad) or CNN, or even talk radio, people feel the need to scream over the other side. And the age-old truism still holds true, if you use the Holocaust in your arguments about everyday events or compare people to the Nazia, you are silly.



Wait… Wait… What? What just happened? I was reading the article and I blacked out. I just tried again and I threw up on my phone. Sorry guys, I’m not usually a quitter but I concede. I feel like giving this a third try might leave me drooling on myself and breathing through my mouth for the rest of the day.


“…and suddenly supported Obama, because Paul and Obama are so close on economic issues, right?”

A lot of Paul supporters are either disillusioned Obama supporters, or ride the fence between the two.


Sounds like a classic case of projection to me. Everything that he falsely attributes to Fox, can be factually shown in MSNBC, CNN, HLN, and the three broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, & CBS.


Doc, my apologies for using the word “logic” in a sentence referring to Insipid and Gordo. My bad.