I told you I didn’t like the looks of this guy, JT Ready

| May 3, 2012

Several of you have sent me links to the recent antics of Jason T. Ready who has apparently murdered five people in Phoenix, AZ before shooting himself. The story from MyFoxPhoenix;

The 39-year-old known as “JT” outfitted himself with military fatigues, body armor and gas masks, and carrying assault rifles.

MyFoxPhoenix reports police responded to reports of shots fired Wednesday at the home of 47-year-old Lisa Mederos.

Mederos was reportedly the girlfriend of Jason “JT” Ready, a well-known reputed neo-Nazi who was running for Pinal County Sheriff. Ready had allegedly been living at the home for the past two years.

Police says the four others killed in Wednesday’s shootings in a home in Gilbert include 16-month-old Lily Lynn Mederos, 23-year-old Amber Nieve Mederos, 38-year-old Lisa Lynn Mederos and 24-year-old Jim Franklin Hiott.

Phoenix-area media report that Lisa Mederos was Ready’s girlfriend and Amber and Lily were her daughter and granddaughter.

Last year, I told you that I didn’t like the looks of this guy before we knew his name. We did get his records, but he checked out – he was a Marine and spent a brief time in a Marine recon unit;

He was an Oathkeeper, too. And in emails to TSO, he had the Ron Paul/OK line down pat. According to his record, he spent a few months in a Recon unit and got busted back to private and he was cashiered back to a LAV crewman before his discharge in 1995.

It’s horrible that he’s now suspected of this mass murder, but let’s hope the media does it’s research and notices that yes, he was a Marine, but there’s no combat experience or explanation for his rampage.

ADDED: I’ve tweeted the Fox Phoenix reporter and emailed the FNC producers, so let’s see what happens.

Category: General Whackos

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Jonn…don’t kid yourself. Despite the crystal-clear links to the Ronulans, Oathkeepers, Neo-Nazis, and the Occutards, he’ll be on the MSM newscasts as a disgruntled right-winger vet. And if they find one idiot neighbor who can pronounce Iraq or Afghanistan, well…

And $20 says Potok shows up in at least one of the nightly news stories.

Old Tanker

No way I would take that bet Sparky….


It’s a toss-up whether they’ll focus on him having been a Marine, or a Neo-Nazi.

My money is on the Neo-Nazi angle. More coverage to be had on militias, hate groups, etc.


Wasn’t he running as a Democrat?


My money would be on them using both the Marine and neo-Nazi angles conveniently forgetting the Dem connection, of course.

(These are the same people who equate occuturdism with the Tea Party while conveniently overlooking the messes the ‘turds/progs et al always leave in their wake,)


I fought with this retard for days, did you keep the emails?


Can you forward them to me? I forgot what I was even screwing with him about.


Whenever a bad thing is done, it seems the the damn media go out of thier way to announce the “former” or “ex” Marine status of the person-even when it has nothing at all to do with the crime. “Ex-Marine charged with hit and run” “48 Year Old Ex-Marine charged with armed robbery” (and he was a Marine at 18), etc.

I rarely see this with other services unless it’s the whole “crazy dangerous veteran” angle being played and it’s mentioned as a part of that.

And yeah, they probably will go out of thier way here too to insinuate the right-wing, white, Nazi/racist angle here too-and why not, purposeful insinuation worked with shooter in the Giffords shooting and more recently, the Trayvon Martin shooting.


I was in group exercise at the gym this morning, a woman I do not know said he must be ex-military. She claimed she used to work for the VA. I told her that PTSD does not make people evil murderers. The media hype is nonsense. It looks like this POS never saw any combat. He is part of the same group that a scumbag that was just convicted of murder and robbery and sentenced to the death penalty in AZ was involved in. I followed this because the the dirtbag on death row did a murder in my county in Washington in 1996. We have him charged with it, but we are hoping AZ just kills the rat bastard for us! The Oath Keeper thing, I told them to kiss my ass when I was still working. I told them that I had sworn oaths many times to defend the constitution, I was not going to swear one to their organization.


Of course the MSM is already making this out to be a former Marine, Neo Nazi type.

It’s too bad for them they can’t go for the PTSD schtick.

Or maybe they can, who knows nowadays, people who didn’t get baskin robbins ice cream at the DFAC are claiming PTSD nowadays, for crissakes.

Parachute Cutie

What everyone else said above but I have to add, “You tweeted? WOW”


So this is the same yahoo that mediawhored himself by wearing camo and carrying a rifle to the Occupy Phoenix? And before that by waddling along the border? Why can’t people like this just fade quietly into the background?


Same one George. The local news here in Tucson did an interview, complete with a stroll through the desert with him last year.



[…] and he probably can’t. But apparently, the whole point is that the white supremacist, JT Ready was set up and his family murdered by cops. How Duff and his readers got there from here, […]


I served with jt ready and he was weird to say the least…he doesnt like hispanucs because we use to party in tj mexico and 1 time he got caught taking a pistol into one of the nightclubs and spent a few months in a mexican prison. when he came back to our unit he was then charged with ua and what not . he def did mot mix well with my unit


Jonn, Hondo, and TSO … get your info down there to authorities. They will need it!

A profile needs to be built on this guy … soup to nuts!

Yeah … you so saw this coining!