Zombie Ballduster rises

| June 4, 2012

POW Network sent us this screen shot of a Facebook page of someone claiming to be “Lt. Taylor Kent – Navy SEAL”. At first Mary thought that it was Ballduster McSoulpatch, but we already confirmed from the Houston Medical Examiner’s office that he had new job pushing up daisies from his remote location in Maleboge (think Dante’s eighth circle of Hell). I couldn’t find the Facebook page, maybe one of you can find it;

A moment’s Google confirmed that they’re not the same guy…just some other gay guy in Houston pretending to be something he’s not with a cute little ball-dusting growth on his chin for the customers;

So I thought I’d put this up for anyone else who thinks he might be McManus and save us both a flurry of emails. But we ought to put this new guy to rest, too.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Seems to be one of several profiles on facebook. Not certain, but seems like someone has an axe to grind with the person and is making some profiles up. On one of them, there is a photo of a fallen troop as a child that was ripped from the mothers profile.
There seems to be an abundance of this going around between “Jordan”, “Wilson”, and now this guys… I have heard rumors that they have been started by some either Active or Prior Service types to get their kicks watching folks go ballistic on their profiles.
I hoe that is not true… that would be pretty damned childish, and if true they ripped some dead Brothers picture and upsetting that fallen troops mom in the process…. Karma is a real bitch and I hope I am there to see them meet her.


The worst Zombies are the ballduster ones.
They’re out of the grave, and think they are fabulous.


We should close replies right now TSO wins the internet for the day.


So what do McSoulpatch zombies say instead of, “Braaaaiiiinnnnssss?”



Navy SEAL Huh? since when do they teach leaving the charging handle retracted with the Bolt in the open position on M4/m16’s?

CI Roller Dude

what retard would use an old A1 bipod on an M4? EMT? this shit if toofunny


I do find several Taylor Kent’s in Texas, #1 Taylor Kent in Houston, age is 57. Looking at the FB screen shot the terrain in the photos appears to me to be shot in or around Palo Duro Canyon, south of Amarillo. Maybe if CJ Grisham were to just happen to wander over this direction, he might recognize the scenery as well. If that is the case there a Taylor Kent age 40 (this man appears to be around that age)…


is it just me or does his name tap actually say “Falcon”? lol

Wrench Monkey

He’s not just Falcon. He’s CPT. Falcon!


Looks like it to me, Anonymous. And it looks like the initial in front of it might be “B”.

“Captain B. Falcon”. For this asshole, that’s quite apropos.


CPT Falcon??? That’s straight out of a bad 80’s movie.

Can’t poseurs put a little thought and creativity into their adventures as an assclown?

Doc Bailey

Holy dog shit batman! The guy is taking Stolen Valor to a whole new level, he’s steeling someone else’s stolen valor! That’s just in-fucking-credible!!!


There is stolen valor generally, then this sort of stolen personal valor. Would that increase the degree of feloneousness??


This LT Taylor Kent is suspected of being the person behind the LT Michael Wilson pages. As RB stated in post #1 the newest MAJOR Michael Wilson page is using a Gold Star mothers photo of her deceased son. He has made a very comment about it and then sat back and watched the fireworks start.



Guys check out 1SG(P) Steve Jordan’s misguided children on facebook. You’ll see some familiar faces, like the classified 1Lt Mike wilson. I think whoever it is looks for posers on facebook, then makes up phony profiles with their name and pics on it just to keep people riled up. Not a bad idea, keeps attention on the issue, but some people don’t realize it and go bashit fucking crazy on the profile.

Old Trooper

I think we need to exercise a little restraint and caution on this. Having read the comments about noticing the name tape saying B. Falcon; I think this is a ruse. I don’t think this is an actual profile, but as Redacted suspects, a phony profile…….I’m just sayin


I agree with the statement above; I believe that this was a troll page just to get a response. It was a stab at humor, albeit misguided, but just that. I would say to all that were inflamed by these “trolls” (Michael Wilson/Steve Jordan/Taylor Kent) to act with caution. It may also be some type of setup to get someone arrested. Just my feeling on the matter.


I got to admit some of this shit is funny!

Bruce Tibbetts

You are so fucking full of shit we could shove seeds up your ass and grow a fucking garden. You are a nothing and everytme you post your shit here on Fartbook you only prove a few things.. 1, you are not nor ever will be a real man that could ever stand on the wall against our enemies and defend our nation with honor cause you are a scared little coward who’s balls have not even dropped yet. and 2 You are so ashamed of being a limp dicked, panty dribbel, shitstained, turd nuggeted assrat living in your momma’s basement playing “sailor” that IF you ever come out into the lite, you may end up running into someone who EARNED the titles and Honors you sit on your useless dick sucking ass have claimed here, that in their mere presence, you would imediatly shit your thong undies and fall to the ground into the fetal position and cry like the little titty milk needing bitch you are.


What a steaming barrel of monkey dung.


Glad there’s an admin out there that agrees. 😀



You are not going to believe this!


OK, folks – didn’t have time earlier today to post this as a comment on the above link given by CUF, and can’t access that site from here. If someone could post the following there as a comment to set the record straight, I’d be much obliged:

Sorry to burst your bubble, fella – but that ain’t “Taylor Kent”. That’s the famous “General” Ballduster McSoulpatch (AKA Michael Patrick McManus). Jonn Lilyea busted him on TAH over 2 years ago.




And, to use the phrase made popular by Bones McCoy on Star Trek: “He’s dead, Jim.”


Pamla Sterner

What a vulgar little sociopath.


HELP. Im in Colorado where we said goodby to our infant granddaughter who passed away last week. NOW this guy is posting the memorial video my son, our dear Gia’s father, did in her memorial with comments that have cut to the hearts of my son and his wife. I can take the attacks on me but what he has just done to two you people who are in major grief without this is beyond despicable. What can be done. I didn’t want my son to see his most recent posts but he found them and you can not image the pain this has caused.
Can’t something be done?
Doug Sterner


PLEASE ALL…we’ve got to shut this guy done. Please report this to facebook. My son and daughter have been healing slowling after the death of their daught a week ago, and this has TOTALLY re-opened the pain.
Doug Sterner

Douglas A. Sterner

I’m Doug Sterner’s son and this coward has recently turned his attack toward my daughter who passed away a week ago in utero, she was Due only 2 weeks away. He has posted videos of her and even changed his profile picture on facebook to my daughter’s. I would like to see if any legal action can be pursued or any other way to get this faceless coward off the web and out of our already devastated lives. I can’t believe anyone would be so LOW. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you all very much. BTW My Daughter was born and died on the Army birthday 06/15/2012 RIP Gia Marielle Sterner always in our hearts

Doug Sterner

Looks like his FB Page has FINALLY been pulled.

Stern Duggard

Not for very long! Looks like daddy war hero Sterner raised a WHIGGER for a son.


[…] Lt. Taylor “Zombie Ballduster” Kent […]


[…] Navy says “Who?” July 8th, 2012 Taylor kent is in our tournament this time around, we first mentioned him when everyone thought he was Ballduster. He claimed to be a Navy SEAL, but the Navy says […]

Failuure Bent

The boy is a bed-wetter. We have a image of his DD214.


“Personality disorder.”

Fucking bed-wetter!

By the way he is a “Ballduster!”

Green Thumb



[…] first discussed Taylor Andrew Kent back in June when someone thought he was the deceased Ballduster McSoulpatch. Our buddy, Scotty, […]

Green Thumb

A officer under LTC BH Austin’s command, no doubt.