Hippie discriminates against Guardsman

| June 4, 2012

Daniel sends us this link to the Boston Herald‘s article about a veteran of Guantanamo, Iraq and Afghanistan who was discriminated against by a landlady who is a peace-activist based on his military service;

Sgt. Joel Morgan, 29, said the two-bedroom $1,220-a-month Savin Hill apartment that property owner Janice Roberts, 63, showed him in April was perfect. But he claims Roberts told him in an April 9 voicemail that renting to him would be a conflict, saying, “We are very adamant about our beliefs.”

“It just is not going to be comfortable for us without a doubt. It probably would be better for you to look for a place that is a little bit less politically active and controversial,” Roberts told Morgan, according to his complaint.

Well, I’m sure SGT Morgan wouldn’t be comfortable living next to Roberts, but that’s not the point is it? Roberts is a member of some idiot organization called “Garden of Enlightenment”, I can’t find it on the internet so I can’t comment on it’s goals, not knowing anything about it. But, suppose, just suppose that SGT Morgan was a member of some racial minority group and Ms. Roberts was a member of some racist group and made a relatively similar remark, but in regards to her beliefs and SGT Morgan’s particular racial group. The feds would be all over Roberts for discrimination. So what’s the difference here?

Morgan is taking her to court, but I don’t think that will solve the problem – Ms. Roberts bias which she probably wouldn’t tolerate in another instance, but applies to her own business – and she has no problem putting it into words with the intended victim of her bias.

Of course, being a conservative, I think Roberts has the right to rent to whomever she wants and to deny her apartment to whomever she wants, but the hypocrisy, in this case, is just too blatant to ignore.

Category: I hate hippies, Veterans Issues

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Yat Yas 1833

Ya know Hondo, I wish I had your way with words. I had to take business law classes as a business major and I was enthralled. Unfortunately my major was more technical so I never got to use the smooth words/thoughts. I wanted to respond to limp-d*ck’s inane arguments but wasn’t sure I could do it clearly and concisely. I will stand by my remark that he reminded me of Instupid the way his “logic” was all over the place and his deflection tactics are very similar. Good Job!

Eagle Keeper

Low-hanging fruit first:

Ann: Hondo, looks like EK skuttled off and hid when [yadda yadda yadda].

E.K.: Or I just decided to participate in other aspects of my life. But hey, feel free to speculate all you want about why you think I “really” didn’t come right back.

Redacted1775: So why is it, EK, that steaming turds like you always seem use your “honorable service” as an excuse to be a total shithead?

E.K.: Uhh, no. If you can think back that far (scroll up if you can’t), I merely replied about my service in reply to your wisecrack about my not having been in “the military” because I was in the AF. “Haw haw haw! I slay me!”

And I point out that my service was honorable because that is what several of you valiant Valor-Stealer Slayers have claimed is really important: Not how many wars you’ve been in, enemy you’ve killed or ribbons you’ve earned, but whether or not you did your job honorably.

I did. Deal with it, Sgt. Dork.

Well, lookee there — lunch is over. Back to work.

I hope to be back to discuss this further with Hondo. (“Whoopee,” I know.)

The rest of you feel free to “comment” as per your standard M.O. (“Limpdick … Grow a pair … Steaming pile.” Whatever.)


Come back if you like, EK. But bring a logical argument supported with fact the next time you do vice a childish temper tantrum because reality isn’t what you want it to be.


EK unfortunately for your delusions of grandeur your ‘response’ was nothing but baseless pejorative. Hondo provided these magical things called facts which you have yet to appropriately address. Until then you’re still relegated to being a puppy with your tail tucked.


“E.K.: Uhh, no. If you can think back that far (scroll up if you can’t), I merely replied about my service in reply to your wisecrack about my not having been in “the military” because I was in the AF. “Haw haw haw! I slay me!”

And I point out that my service was honorable because that is what several of you valiant Valor-Stealer Slayers have claimed is really important: Not how many wars you’ve been in, enemy you’ve killed or ribbons you’ve earned, but whether or not you did your job honorably.”

Bravo, golf clap, down curtain.

BUT, you still didn’t answer my question, making everything in your post nothing more than a magical load of horseshit. Not only do you come across as a total shithead, I’m wondering if you’re also off your meds. So go ahead and answer my question.