Jihadist avoids life sentence in Seattle plea agreement

| May 30, 2012

Kateser sends us a link from the Seattle Times which reports that convert to Islam and violent felon, Michael Dale McCright, who was known on the Internet as “Mikhail Jihad” pleaded guilty yesterday to charges that he tried to run two Marines off the road last year. By pleading out, Mikail Jihad avoided a life sentence under the “three strikes” law in Washington;

Marine Staff Sgt. Ryan Picklesimer described the driver as a “bearded white male wearing a tightfitting, white knit hat.” The driver slowed, apparently to look at the government plate on Picklesimer’s car, then came alongside and saw the sergeant in his uniform.

“Picklesimer reported, ‘His eyes widened and he appeared to become angry,’ ” and then swerved at the sergeant’s car, forcing Picklesimer to take evasive action to avoid being hit, the charges allege. The sergeant was able to get the car’s license number, and he gave it to police.

McCright, of Lynnwood, admitted last week in King County Superior Court that he had tried to run the car off the road

The Times reports that when McCright was arrested, he had the phone number of a local radical cleric in his phone. Obviously, he attacked the Marines because they were indeed Marines. With his extensive criminal record, the little turd should have been thrown in jail for the rest of his miserable life and what interests of the public are served by letting him plead out?

Category: Terror War

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B Woodman

Some one military in the local area should keep track of this turd while he’s in jail. And meet & greet him when he’s released. And then give him a little “counseling” (ahem!) to make sure he doesn’t do it again.

Old Trooper

I’m sure he won’t get more radicalized in the jug, or radicalize others (sarcasm).


Prosecutors are only going for 4 1/2 years? Here’s hoping the judge uses a bit of his discretion and throws a bit more time on that.


Disgusting. There is no plausible excuse for this prosecutor to make a plea deal. This would be an easy win for him.

And where is the DoJ?

CI Roller Dude

When a jihadist fails…when the die, they become one of the 72 virgins and get it in the end…..



Yat Yas 1833

Gentlemen, what’s all the fuss about? Remember, you’re talking about “The Democratic Republic of Washington”! They’re as whacked out as their comrades in the “Peoples Republik of Kalifornia”! I wonder if Canada would trade us British Columbia for Washington?!


Yat Yas 1833 Canada sure don’t want Washington. They would be loosing on that deal for sure LOL. Must say I didn’t realize Washington State had gotten that bad but I guess they have hu? WOW!