Tuesdays with Claymore

| May 29, 2012

Yes, it’s really Tuesday, although you thought it was Monday when you woke up;

Special Ed in Wisconsin

Respect the po-po

Trumping the birthers

Ohio’s disgusting Dems

Chris Hayes, oxygen thief

Even leftist shitbag attorneys hate Chris Hayes

Applauding Hayes

Stop Warrior Worship….but don’t ever say liberals aren’t patriots.

The un-American Right

Anti-war ranting

“Iowans are crazy fundies.”

No God on money

Make mine a triple cheeseburger

DUmbasses are religious

“Y’all ain’t from around here are ya?”

The media is all right wing

Liberal, leftist, traitor…it’s all the same, really.

The American Dream, Democrat Style

Misplaced picture

So they’re now quoting the Irish Times?

Praying to the god of Diversity.

The future’s so bright…

Killing the middle class as a winning strategy?

Here’s a lesson?

Veterans clearly don’t understand how much the left and Obama truly love them…you ungrateful bastards.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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The American Dream, Democrat Style – (A message to those who think that someday they will benefit from GOP upper tax rates.)

That one pisses me off. Holy crap. Makes me want to shed blood, because its everything that is wrong with the left. I grew up on a ranch in southern Idaho. Joined the Army to get out of that (nothing wrong with ranching just harder work than what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing). Took me almost fifteen years of work, before I started making “six figures” (which isn’t as impressive as it would have been 15 years ago thanks to inflation, etc). I worked (censored) hard to get where I am. Long hours without seeing the family, weeks spent in classes, training, and course work, because I knew it would be rewarded. And here I am today, hip deep in the blood sweat and tears I shed and basking in the glow of my sucess.

And morons at the DU, will never know what that’s like. (censoered)’ers. And because they are too lazy and shiftless to pay the prices I’ve paid, put forth the effort I’ve put forth, and sacrifice the short term for the long term, they want to convince everyone that what I did, can’t happen.

Just Plain Jason


You are a much better person than I am I don’t censor myself…

I also use the DU to feel sane and intelligent.


Re: Misplaced Picture

I am not American, nor in the military, but as a Canadian, I understand the premise (though not the complete background) of your Memorial Day, which is akin to our Remembrance Day at heart. What I have a hard time understanding is the mindset or thought processes (or lack thereof) of some/most/all of those that post over there. Case in point:

1. I guess I am not sure…
…why going to a cemetery is any more useful than going to a beach, casino, or mall.

At least this one wasn’t loaded with intellectual pretense.

Claymore: I don’t know how you do it.


I use DU much like I do an episode of Maury Povich or Jerry Springer, safe in the knowledge that no matter how screwed up my life gets, it’ll never be as fucked up as they are.


If I read the term “imperial/ism/istic” concerning our country one more time, I think I will PUKE.

If we ever truly went empire on their ignorant a**es, they would have a new definition of the term. One of which would be that their gaze would never come up from the sidewalk, ever again.

Just Plain Jason

I feel like Inigo Montoya, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

I like the discussions on Marx and how they just skirted around the HUGE elephants of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and every other two bit dictator who has committed genocide in the name of that schmuck.

Just Plain Jason

One last quote on imperialism and I will leave it alone…

Reg: But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, viniculture, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

PFJ Member: Brought peace?

Reg: Oh, peace? SHUT UP!


JPJ–DU reminds me of the Judean People’s Front crack suicide squad.

Just Plain Jason

Sparky…You give them too much credit…


I don’t know how you do it.

As others have noted, it’s somewhat cathartic. While I’m sure the numbers are relatively small at DU, any good marketing person will tell you that a single vocal individual actually represents about 100 similar opinions. Armed with that information, you can discern that a significant number of so-called “progressives” are lying sacks of equine excrement and are truly in line with their more vocal brethren. The fact that they cannot admit their true political tendencies (much like their beloved First Gay President©), makes it all the more laughable. DU is their mirror, their echo chamber and their undeniable conscience.

Just Plain Jason

It’s so laughably stupid. It’s funny when two groups cross and they begin to fight. Even better when someone comes up with a really old idea and they don’t realize it has failed miserably resulting in mass starvation, for example collectivizing the farms. Their are a lot of bandwagon jumpers I am not sure if they are really that stupid, I almost want to jump on and say are you guys for real? I think Stalin and Mao tried this also…oh wait you guys figured out the math they “didn’t” (they knew the math it doesn’t add up).